Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28, 2013
TRANSFERS....drum roll please..... BOZEMAN! Sister Greenfield and I are staying in Bozeman together! WOOOO! I am SO HAPPY! UGH! SO HAPPY! One companionship of Elders is getting replaced with another set of Sisters.  So Sister Greenfield and I will not be the only ones.  And guess who is coming.....just guess, out of all the missionaries that are serving in the Montana Billings mission.  Sister Glenn my MTC companion.  Hahah she is being transferred here and is training a new missionary.  No surprises there. I am interested to see how she is doing and how training will go.  This is just another instance that Heavenly Father KNOWS his children.  There is no way in heck I would be able to train right now. Nope, not at all, no thank you.  I will gladly stick with my chicken loving, scientific, skinny companion over here.  
Thanks Dad for the pictures! I love the new addition to the scarecrows! And Saryn you are boss! I love the v-ball pictures! Good luck in Nebraska Chicka!  I am so bummed that this is the end of v-ball for you.  But I am so happy you have had this experience.  Remember when you didn't want to do it at all and cried?  Yep, me too.  Oh what a pansy you once were.  I am so glad mom talked some sense into you.  haha kidding.  
Before I forget here is Helen Jensen's address for Ryan.  Spring Meadows 3175 Graf St. #107 Bozeman, MT 59715.  We saw her again this week and it was as wonderful as ever.  Love that lady. 

BIG NEWS! THE IPADS ARE IN! We had a training with our whole zone on Tuesday and were given the beloved Ipads.  It is crazy awesome.  Each missionary gets their own that they take with them throughout the rest of their mission.  What I love about it is that our planners and area book are on it. So wherever we go our Ipad syncs with SLC and we get the area book for the area we are in.  Right now it is just the transferring the physical information from the area book to the Ipad.  But it is awesome because right when you get out of a lesson you get on your Ipad, update what you taught all that jazz, and it automatically updates your numbers and everything for you.  So it is much more organized and efficient.  There are still some kinks that need to be worked out, but once we get the hang of it, it will be awesome.  We also have the gospel library app so we have access to all of the conference talks, videos the whole shabang.  WONDERFUL! I love it.  Sister Greenfield hates it.  hahaha She is just so used to doing things the way she has.  The scripture they shared with us at training was D&C 88:73 it says, I will hasten my work in its time.  The work is hastening and the Lord has made that plenty clear.  The Montana Billings mission is one of 30 missions they are testing this out on.  Crazy Crazy!  
I got a letter this week from Elder Nine aka Johnathon Nine and his companion....JOSH NORTON! Josh is from Houston area ish and I know him from Teen Conferences and HEB camps.  They apparently were talking and found out that they both knew me, Kelsey Edwards and a million other people  That was so much fun to hear from both of them.  
Wonderful news of the week! Cara and her roommate Keeta came to church this week.  We went over there on Thursday and ended up teaching the first lesson and bore our testimonies of Joseph Smith and our prophet today.  It was a powerful lesson.  The spirit was totally there.  We were able to share a video of different apostles and President Monson bearing their testimonies of Christ.  It is so cool to be able to bear my testimony and then have an apostle of the Lord back my testimony up.  Keeta is WONDERFUL! She has so much potential.  I am so excited to see what this next transfer brings for her! It has been so incredible to see Cara's whole demeanor change as we have been meeting with her and reading scriptures with her daily.  I love being able to see her desire and happiness grow with each step that she takes.  So fulfilling.  
I don't remember if I have told you about the Arujo's or not.  The husband is from Brazil and his wife lived in Brazil for 2ish years studying the Cello.  They were reffered to us because Sister Greenfield knows Portuguese.  She pulled the, “I am going to Brazil can I practice my lessons on you in Portuguese thing?” and so she has taught him the first two lessons.  It is so cool to see her open up and just speak in Portuguese.  She tells me how she normally has such difficulty understanding others, but whenever she teaches it’s like he's not even speaking another language.  HOW COOL! She was able to get a BOM in his hands and was able to get him to read a chapter in Alma and another chapter to prepare for the 3rd lesson. 

Also! Super fun fact! I came home one night and in front of my door was a big bag with a card addressed to me and TONS of candy and snacks.  I was so perplexed as to who this was from and kinda freaked out and when I opened it, it was from one of Jason's Uncles, Uncle Brandon!  We would go over to their house a lot in Utah and OH HOW I LOVE THAT FAMILY.  Uncle Brandon happened to be in Bozeman for a business trip and got my address from Jason.  SUCH AN AWESOME SURPRISE! 
Dad, I see first student buses driving all around town and think of you! 
Also I have been thinking about cool things about Montana.....nothing thus far is very different BUT! there is this wonderful place called the pickle barrel that everyone eats at.  It is native to Bozeman and is DELICIOUS! It kinda reminds me of J Dawgs in Provo.  Kinda has that same feel to it. But it is sandwiches and glorious pickles that you eat from a barrel.  haha So maybe I will send you a Pickle Barrel shirt....or a moose head, I don't know yet haha

I cannot believe Daniel is already home. WOW.  Time seriously does fly.  That story you shared Dad was so cool.  Make me more motivated.  Missionary work is incredible. AH! So Wonderful!  
I was talking with Sister Greenfield today and it is really humbling to think about all the people that are praying for us, whether it be our families, friends, but people in our home wards and people in our ward now that have told us they have been praying for us by name and how in every temple prayer how missionaries are prayed for every.single.time.  We are not alone in the work.  It is so comforting to me to know I have so many people backing me up and praying for the work to progress.  This work is real, and it is beautiful.  How blessed we are to have the fulness of the gospel restored on the earth again with Christ at the head.  I love you all so much! Thank you for your prayers! 
Today it is supposed to snow like crazy.  Bring it on Montana, you aint got nothin on me! 

Sure love ya, Moline's Rock, and MISSIONARIES RULE!

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