Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9, 2013
Let me tell you something have baby winters! Winters for children! This entire week it hasn't gotten above -3! NEGATIVE THREE! The majority of the week it was -13 - 18.  Yeah.  Don't be complaining to me about the cold hokay?  Hahaha just kidding...but really. It is SUPER freaking cold.  Luckily I am staying warm.  A member gave us some fleece jackets to wear under our coats and wool socks to wear.  Members are wonderful.  
okay transfer news....drumroll pleaseeeeeee  BOZEMAN! WOOT WOOT! I am stickin around! Sister Greenfield is being transferred to Stevensville on Wednesday.  I am actually super sad about it.  We have become really good friends and are able to just work off of each other in our lessons.  My new companion is NEW. I will be training a Sister Jackson from California.  I got a call from one of the AP'son Wednesday and he interviewed me. So I knew then that I would probably end up training this transfer. OHman.  I don't know how I feel about it.  I am pretty scared and nervous about it all.  I feel like I don't know enough to be able to train.  I depend a lot on Sister Greenfield in our lessons to answer questions and refer to the scriptures if I can't.  I was feeling pretty anxious last night when I went to bed and something President always says is to pray for a confirmation about where you are being transferred.  So I did and I just was filled with peace that this is where the Lord needs me and Sister Jackson is who I need to be with. Although I am freaked out of my mind about it I know that this is right and I can do all things with the Lord.  He knows my concerns and he knows this area and he will back me up. I am scared, but it will be an adventure and I know I will learn a lot.  I just hope as new as I am that I can be what she needs at the beginning of her mission.  Oh jeez.  They are actually also taking the other Elders out and putting in two Sisters so now my district is all Sisters and the zone leaders.  Hahaha awesssoommmeee! ALSO I have to drive in the snow.....yep, no thanks ladies and gentlemen.  THat is not a good idea.  The Texan driving in Montana winter...nope not a good idea.  Haha
First off funny story! So we were eating dinner at the Allen's house last night.  Another favorite family of the ward.  They have 4 little girls and Sister Allen comes out with us all the time.  Anyway we were eating and Sister Allen was telling me about how they all watched a movie called Minor Details last night as a family and the girls were obsessed with it.  And I was like, Minor Details?! The movie Kelsey Edwards is in!! So I bragged about how my good friend was in that movie.  hahah so funny.  Also one of their little girls in the middle of dinner stood up on her chair and yelled, "raise your hand if you love glitter and Jesus!"  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH YES! Fantastic.  Kids are the best.  
RHONDA! Okay listen up. Rhonda's hold up for the past while was her husband Ted.  He wasn't interested and she didn't want to follow through with getting baptized if he wouldn't go with her.  She has since then come over that and is moving forward.  The other night we went over and had dinner over there with Ted and Rhonda and taught the Plan of Salvation.  Ted sat in on the lesson and was so involved.  He was asking so many questions and commenting on the things we taught.  He made the comment that wherever Rhonda ends up in the next life, that he wants to be with her.  We went back over later in the week and taught Ted the First lesson and it was awesome.  He said, " So why is it that Mormons are so happy all the time?  I know a lot of Mormons and I have met a lot of them and all of them seem to be so happy, they have this look about them."  I have always heard stories of people saying that and always thought that that was cool, but it was really neat to be able to hear someone actually say that.  We talked about how we know the answers to some of life's greatest questions of where we came from, what our purpose is on earth and where do we go after we die.  Ted seemed to really enjoy the lesson and agreed to read the Book of Mormon with Rhonda.  Something interesting about Ted is that he is really into genealogy, he loves family history, and he told us that recently he has been feeling this extra help in his work and life and Sister Greenfield made the comment to me later that it must be his family on the other side pushing him to hear the gospel and to be baptized.  Because if he is baptized, think of all the people on the other side that will be able to be baptized as well. Interesting. Interesting.
We met again with Sarah the 15 year old this week.  We talked to her about talking to her mom and being straight up with her mom about meeting with us.  And her friend Amy in our ward told us after church that Sarah talked to her mom and her mom said that she has noticed a difference in Sarah since she started to meet with us and that she is fine with her meeting with us but she can't get baptized till she is 18.  Sarah told us in our lesson even that when she meets with us that it feels right and she feels good but when she talks to her Mom about religion or goes to her church it doesn't feel that way.  Sarah also said that she feels different, she sees herself differently and her relationship with God is improving.  THose are the moments that make all of this worth it.   Although her mom said she can't get baptized till she is 18, it is a miracle that she is still allowing her to visit with us. Annnnnd who is to say that miracles can't happen.  
Sadly NO ONE came to church.  STAB IN THE HEART! Danny said he would come, a less active family said they would come, Rhonda said she would come and so did Cara.  BOO. BUT! Cara's car wouldn't start so she had an excuse.  Actually earlier this week we went help Cara Jump start her car in -15 degrees. Let me tell you.  I have never been so freezing in my life! Holy moly! AH! And! Yesterday morning I got up to take a shower and we had NO hot water. Zip zero NOTHING.  Luckily Cara loves us and let us use her shower and made us banana pancakes.  Man, I love people that love us. 
I think I told you that I have been reading a lot about the Atonement and trying to learn more about my Savior so that I can better testify of Him in lessons and truly KNOW and BELIEVE what I am teaching. Last night we watched the Christmas Devotional and it was one of those moments where I just knew, I knew that Jesus Christ came to the earth as the Son of God.   I knew that he performed the Atonement and that he performed it for me so that I can have the chance to live with my Heavenly Father again.  Because of Him I have the potential to make it back, because of Him I can be free from the vile feelings of the world. I am so grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ and for His selfless gift of the Atonement.  I love this gospel.  If there is one thing that I know, I know that this gospel and this church is true.  I know it and I believe with all of my heart.  I love it.  I can't even tell you how amazing it is to have it just click with people.  We aren't telling them things they have never heard before, we are just reminding them of what they already knew.  This message is a message that brings happiness and joy into our lives if only we as members truly knew what we have.  I am nervous about this next transfer but I know Heavenly Father has a plan for the people here in Bozeman and he needs me here with Sister Jackson to make it work.  I love my Savior and I love my Father.  I am truly grateful for the knowledge that I have of them and the roles they play in our lives.  
I love you all and I miss you! I look forward to talking to you on Christmas!

Love you lots
Sure love ya, Moline's Rock, Missionaries Rule!
Sista Freezy Moleezy

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