Tuesday, March 18, 2014


OH HELLLLLOOOOOOO!!!  Just so are informed and aware, I am now a legal human being so you can take what I say to heart. I aint no child no more! hahahaha My birthday was great! It was very busy and kinda stressful with how much we had to do, but it was good. I got home on Satruday night and I had two packages just waiting to be opened but I held back and waited till Sunday morning, but Sister Session couldn't stand it, so she looked at them before we went to bed. Hahaha I do really like her. I was weary at first, but we get along well and have the same work ethic and ways of getting things done which is so nice.  But I got a plethora of mail for my Birthday so it was wonderful! I don't know the members in this ward very well yet, but somehow the word got out and our dinner that night surprised me with a cake and decorations. It was really sweet of them. I will send pictures.  I loved the weird lemon bar things and the snickerdoodles and all the delicious fooooods! Thank you! And I have a few things I will be getting with that money! Thank you:) I am excited. Sister Session's birthday is on Wednesday so we are going Birthday shopping :) WOOT WOOT! Sister Session llooves shopping almost as much as me hahaha. We are meant to be companions.

One of the best presents I could have gotten on my birthday was that James, one of our investigators, came to church for the 2nd week in a row and agreed to be baptized on April 5th! We weren't aware that was general conference weekend, so we might have to change it.  AH! I am so excited. I went on exchanges with some sisters in Stevensville (Sister Greenfield, my trainer....awko taco, and Sister Storrs) so we weren't able to do all that we wanted to this week, but the Saturday and Sunday I was here we rocked it and taught a lot. That was something I was worried about with this new calling was not being able to focus on our area as much. Especially with 6 sets of sisters that we are supposed to go on exchanges with each transfer. That's an exchange a week.  BUT! It was amazing to see how even when we were unable to work in our own are that the Lord blessed us for fulfilling our callings.  I came back on Saturday and put James on date, he came to church and attended a baptism that day.  He looked at me and Sister Session after that baptism and said he couldn't wait to make this convenant with God and to be cleansed to Christ. AH! I love him.  I kinda wrote about him a few weeks ago.  So James is Gracie, MPD lady's husband.  He is the sweetest man I have ever met.  Just so gentle and kind.  He has had a terrible, traumatic life.  He was raised in a home where his parents were dealers and died of overdose, he was pushed out of a window that caused him lifelong brain damage.  The poor man has had no stability in his life or known how.  He has turned to drugs and alcohol his entire life but has come to see the negative effects it has on him.  We gave him a Book of Mormon and he has read it every night. He told us the other night that reading the Book of Mormon has given him the courage to do the right thing, and to stand up for himself.  Graice and some of his friends invited him to come out with them, and he told us that he knew that drugs and alcohol were going to be there. And he said that he wants to be baptized and he knew if he went, he wouldn't be able to.  Our lessons with him have rocked! He feels the spirit and wants to change.  He prayed the other day and I wanted to cry.  His prayers are so personal and like he is having a conversation with a good friend.  He pours out his heart to God and you know that He is listening. AH! Just wonderful.  It was a challenge for him to go to church, but he wouldn't let anything get in the way.  I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!  He is awesome.  James is awesome.

Okay so awkward week.  I went on exchanges with Stevensville with Sister Greenfield and her companion Sister Storrs.......I was really nervous about going because Sister Greenfield was my trainer and now I am coming to stay with them to see how they are doing and make sure they are doing what they are supposed to.  She wasted no time in telling me that she thought it was all weird and embarrassing.  I did my best not to make it weird and I honestly had a great time working with her again.  I interviewed her and she cried as she told me that I have been her only companion where she feels like she could be herself.  She has had many different companions and she explained to me that she has felt like she has had to change for every companion because they don't get her and don't like her.  It just broke my heart to hear her say that she doesn't feel loved and accepted. She has also been out 11 months and still has no sign of her visa. She has grown to love Montana but she wonders what she is doing wrong to not be able to go to Brazil. AH! I did the best I could to console her. And Sister Greenfield is not someone that wants to be told how wonderful she is and be hugged.  She just thinks that talk is crap talk, I know this from our companionship, and I learned that quickly.  So I was pretty blunt and bold with her, but she responded well. By the end of the exchange she told me she was really happy that I was the one who came. I got the feeling that it was not by accident that I am her Sister Training Leader. She has trouble opening up to people, but we already have that trust built and established.  I really enjoyed going though, because I got to see them teach and use the Spirit. IT WAS AWESOME. Both sisters have no idea how inspired they are.  I sat in on a few lessons and just observed and I was so impressed. I was like, I need to be taking notes. Sister Greenfield is so good at teaching the person, and addressing their needs.  Ah! It was wonderful.  There are some truly incredible people in this mission,  Sister Greenfield definitely being one of them. I love her. 

The place they are serving is the most adorable place on this planet earth.  I could not get over how adorable it was.  It was a tiny town where everyone has goats, and horses and cows.....LOTS OF COWS! And I even passed by a llama farm and died.  The people live in the woods and chop their own wood and make everything homemade.  The nearest Wal Mart was like an hour away.  We had ice cream at this awesome little diner, and ate at a family owned café.  Everyone knows everyone and it is totally normal to just start talking to people walking around. I was obsessed.  We even went to visit a Less Active man that breeds hundreds of rabbits and eats them! HE EATS THEM! AH! CRAZY! And we were walking to another Less Active and he just had a huge Elk pelt laying in his front yard like no big deal.  ALSO there is a place near Stevensville called Pinesdale.  It is a polygamist colony and if Sisters step foot in that town they are immediately sent home! An older couple in their ward moved out of Pinesdale and joined the church. They had to be interviewed by an apostle to get permission to be baptized. They have the strongest faith and testimony in the world. IT was incredible to talk to the two of them and hear a little of their conversion story. They basically believe in all that we do, the Book of Mormon, temples, Joseph Smith, but they still practice polygamy. I was so intrigued by all of this.  I can see why we aren't allowed to go, cuase I would have been there is a heart beat. Haha Interesting stuff. 

That same girl that had issues last week, ran away from her companion again......if it were up to me I would shoot the girl. Just kidding.....It is so exhausting though. And her poor companion can't work and is getting so tired of all of this.  Crazy girl drama.....its outta control. 

It sounds like this last week was awesome! I am so happy you sent all of those pictures! I loveeeeed them! I am praying for Grandma and fasted twice this week and she was included both times. I love you all!

Well my family! I best be going. I can't think of anything else that happened this week.  I love you all so much!  

Peace out girl scout!


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