Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 27, 1014


I am in love with my life! Seriously, I am the happiest person.  I don't know why either.  We don't have anyone on date and no one got baptized and the work is still pretty slow.  But I am so happy! I was thinking about that this week and it really all came down to the gospel.  This gospel is the good life! No matter what may be going on in our lives the gospel brings us happiness.  I felt that especially as I got to partake of the sacrament and reflect on my Savior's Atonement.  I don't think words can really describe the peace and kind of joy that  I feel each and everyday knowing what I know.  And that I get to share that with people! Tracting is no longer a pain or a burden, but something that I look forward to. Because I am giving someone the chance to say yes to the gospel of Jesus Christ. To say yes to the light and happiness the gospel brings! I am living the good life. I am living the goood life for sure.  

A lady recently moved into our ward with her 10 year old daughter.  They lived in this ward about 5 years ago and moved back about a month ago.  Her daughter Shelby is 10 and hasn't been baptized because of her Dad who is not a member.  Both her and her mom were really close to the missionaries in Florida so they invited us over.  Sister Steck and I taught about the Plan of Salvation and we were talking about the Pre-earth life when Shelby was like, " That is SO COOL! So Taylor Swift and I are Sisters!"  hahahah later on in the lesson we talked about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and she looks at us and says, " The people who killed Jesus must have been boys.  Boys are just awful."  I lost it and gave her high five.  Hahahaha

I wanted to share some experiences I had tracting this week that really made an impact on me.  First was a man and his wife and we got onto the topic of faith and what that means personally to each of them.  The husband made the remark that having faith is to see with spiritual eyes.  Sister Steck and I got talking later about that and how in my life no matter what is going on, I know that everything will be okay.  That God is in control and that everything will turn out the way that he intends it to.  Having that outlook gives me so much strength, to know that no matter what is happening that I can trust in God and it will all be okay.  It made me think about those that do not have a belief in God.  How do they know or feel like everything will turn out and be okay?  What a scary thought not knowing how things will turn out.  It made me really appreciate and love my relationship with God. 

The other tracting experience I had was with Jim and Paul. Two separate experiences but very similar. Both Jim and Paul are pastors here in town.  We had a really good conversation with both of them.  The way they both spoke of Jesus Christ was so powerful to me.  They had this deep love and admiration for their Savior.  God was their everything and they were not afraid to show it and say it.  It motivated me to be more vocal  about my love for God and Jesus Christ.  They really are my everything! I need to say it, I need to show it.  It all comes back to you can't just talk the talk, but walk the walk. But am I even talking it?  Obviously I am as a missionary. But still, I could be even more vocal about my love for God.  Growing up in Texas I remember people talking to me and always saying that they were so blessed and talking about God's grace all the time. It was apart of their everyday language.  And although I feel that way and I know it, I want to say it and show it to everyone around me.  Meeting with both of these men was another testimony to me that everyone has the light of Christ. You could see it in these men. They truly loved God. But they were missing so much! How much more they could know! I used to always think that if someone wasn't LDS and they were a part of another church, good for them! They still had God in their life and were being taught truth.  But on my mission I have realized that other churches keep people from knowing of the fullness of the gospel.  Like these two men, they were so in love with their relationship with God that they weren't even open to learning about the fullness of the restored gospel. The Spirit testifies of truth and these men have felt that truth be taught and have felt that love of God, but if they only knew how much more they could have, how much greater their relationship with God could be.  It is in these kinds of moments that I am thankful for the organization of the church and the sacred doctrine that we have and hold.  

BRADIN! OH! Bradin.  We are starting to make a little headway with him.  Bradin is the return missionary that no longer believes in God.  He is by far the nicest man I have ever met. Always willing to have us in his home and willing to discuss the gospel with us. He always does the reading we leave him and always has something to say about it.  This week we met with him and he mentioned a few times that he had been thinking about our visits a lot recently.  He said he went on a run and thought about some of our conversations we had previously and about the scriptures he read.  He then told us not to be afraid to bear our testimonies.  He said, "Although I am a non believer I want you to bear your testimonies and feel comfortable doing so."   We asked him what his favorite scripture was and he told us that it was Ether 12:27 and next to that scripture he had written Alma 7:12 which talks about the Atonement.  He sat there for a moment and thought about both of those scriptures.  He was able to draw a parallel to his favorite Philosopher and some of the things he had read about overcoming weaknesses and becoming something greater.  We spoke to him that each of us have the capability to become something great because we all have God in us.  He is apart of us.  We then talked to him about how he recognizes truth.  And for the first time he said he recognizes it as not only logic, but feeling.  We went on to talk about how God is a God of logic but he manifests himself through feelings as well. I am explaining this terribly.  But it was a really good meeting that we had with him. Sometimes I wonder if I am making a difference in some of these people's lives but I know that what we say and bear testimony of gets people thinking and wondering.  Even if in the moment they don't show it.  

A man told me and some sisters I was with about a study done about lying.  He said that a professor had these students take a test to see how many would cheat.  The test was set up in a way that made cheating a very easy possibility.  At the end of the test 7 out of 10 students had cheated. They then had another group of students take the same test but at the beginning they asked each of the students to reflect on the 10 commandments.  At the end of this test none of the students had cheated. No wonder the Lord asks us to do the simple things daily.  When we read from the scriptures and pray each day we welcome the companionship of the Holy Ghost into our life to prohibit us from making mistakes. I am so grateful for that incredible gift that the Lord has blessed us with.  

P.s.  there is going to be nude bicycle ride here in Missoula on August 17th. You can definitely count me in! 

hahahahahah jokes. It's kinda a big deal. People are freaking out.  

Anyway, I love you all so much! Sorry this email is so scattered and crazy.  

Love you all!

Sure love ya, Moline's rock Missionaries rule! 

Sister Molineeeeeeee  

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