Monday, September 29, 2014

Jacey's Journey! We finished a cuff for an angel arm! Start to finish! WOOT! Love these ladies.

September 29, 2014
I am staying here in the Overlook ward with Sister Finnell.  Woohoo! I honestly didn't feel anything coming and would have been surprised if anything changed.  I am really happy to be staying here an d working in this ward.  This is such a good area.  
First things first! KARL AND BECCA! I love these two people so much.  They both came to church yesterday and stayed all 3 hours.  They brought both of their kids and they did really well for their first time. And when I say they I really mean Cammie their 2 year old. I sometimes forget they have another child because he is so quiet and calm compared to Cammie. She is cray cray to the max.  Karl and Becca are progressing really well.  I forgot if I mentioned this or not, but Karl was married before and the divorce hasn't been finalized yet.  So they can't get baptized until the divorce is finalized and they are married. So that might put a little damper on the baptism date. But cross your fingers and pray that it all works out.  Also, Karl gave us a call this week to tell us that he lost his job. WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO OUR INVESTIGATORS.  I feel awful.  We come in and we promise them all of these blessings then boom! They have a miscarriage, he is threatened to be kicked out, loses his job, breaks a finger, Cammie gets deathly ill.  Like what the heck! Satan, calm yourself down! I was thinking about that this morning and I came across Ether12:12 that reads "  For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them.  Wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith."  They just need to keep holding on.  Because God will not show himself until after the trial of their faith.  We just need to keep promising them blessings and building their faith.  We just need to trust that God knows. He has a plan. AND IT WILL ALL WORK OUT.  It always does.  and It always will. 
Meet the Mormons.  Get this.  They had a special viewing for missionaries.  Waddduupp! It is incredible. Anyone and everyone needs to see this film.  It was so good.  AH! I can't wait for all of you to see it.  My friend Kate Hargadon from BYU is in it :)  She traveled around Napal before she went to BYU and they feature a man from Napal in the movie.  They also feature a missionary mom and lets be real. I bawled through that whole thing.  It just brought me back to the beginning of my mission.  And getting ready to come out and everything. They also played a clip from Elder Holland talking about the movie and they showed a clip of test audiences not of our faith discussing the film.  The discussion was really neat.  Many people said that if missionaries were to come knocking on their door they would be a lot more open and willing to let missionaries in. One lady said that her husband died two years ago and she has taken her 14 year old son to every church but the Mormon church and she was so touched by the movie that she said she was planning on going to church that Sunday.  This has the potential to do a lot of good. I am excited and hope it gets to come to Montana. 

This week Sister Finnell and I had a lesson with a new investigator and we were trying to find a member to come with us.  I swear, we called a million different people to see if anyone could come. NO ONE.  After awhile of making calls and racking our brains for someone to bring, I finally was like, okay obviously Heavenly Father has someone very specific in mind.  And poof! A semi less active lady we are working with came to mind.  We called her up and she was so excited to come. Her testimony is amazing. She has gone through so much in her life, its the social aspect of church that is difficult for her.  She came with us to the lesson and the investigator didn't show. lame.  But we decided to drag her to another potential investigators house and BOOM! There was a connection.  They both hit it off really well. And get this.  It was Penny, The less active's, birthday! She said, " Well I don't see a better way to celebrate my birthday than to serve my Heavenly Father." Shut up. You are not real, Penny. Who are you?  A blessing of the Lord, that is what you are.

 The woman we met with is Brenda.  She is 54 and the sweetest lady of all time.  It was so sad, she got jumped this past week by 5 chicks and got beat up pretty bad.  Her face was all black and blue, and she has a couple broken ribs.  But, she said that she had been praying for guidance and direction because she has never been baptized and she really feels like that is something she needs to do.  She also has been through so much in her life.  A mission has just shown me that my life is a piece of cake.  The things that I thought were hard in my life are nothing compared to the lives of those I have met.  People whose lives have been full of abuse, rape, addictions, death, you name it, they have been through it.  And here I am complaining that I don't have enough money to get my hair cut.  Geez.  I have so much to be thankful for. I have no reason to ever complain or whine about my life. Because my life is great.  I have been so blessed.  
Later in the week we brought the Elders over to give Brenda a blessing.  She is so cute and sweet to us. She always calls Sister Finnell and I her, "baby girls"  or says, " thank you my girl, my baby girl." hahah I love it.   We came over and she immediately took us down stairs to where her step son passed away and asked us to bless the room. The poor woman just cried and cried as she told us of the turmoil she went through with his passing.  She got on her knees and took our hands. I kind of looked at the Elders like, what are we supposed to do....hahaha but I was like, okay Brenda, if you want to make up your own ordinance, we will do it for you. We will hold hands around your sons room and pray. hahahahahaha so we prayed for her as she just cried and cried and cried.  She kept saying that she knew we were from God.  After the prayer we sat in silence for a little as she cried when the phone rang.  It was her doctor and no lie this is what was said, " Hello?  Hello, I am sorry I am here with my Mormon people and we are praying in my dead son's room.  Yes, I am here with my MORMON PEOPLE and we are praying in my dead son's room.  So you will have to forgive me because I am emotional." Oh Brenda. I love you. She later asked what she should do when she met the Bishop at church.  We told her she could just shake his hand.  And she said, " I am going to hug him.  Just you wait. I am going to hug the Bishop! Everyone is going to be like, whoa there Crazy Brenda! You are hugging the Bishop! but I am going to.  Just watch."  hahahaha I LOVE THIS WOMAN! She is so wonderful and so ready for the gospel. She is so open and prepared to hear what the Lord has in store for her.

Can we please just talk about how wonderful the Women's Broadcast was?  It was awesome. I know people say this all the time, but I sat there in disbelief as these amazing speakers spoke to all of us, because I felt like they were addressing my every concern and every doubt and question that I had.  I had to look around me every once in awhile and make sure that I wasn't crazy or something.  That meeting that night was a manifestation to me that the Lord knows us.  He truly knows the thoughts and feelings in our heart and mind. He knows our worries and concerns and He. Is. There.  He loves us and is there for us.  He reaches out to  us in small and simple ways to tell us he cares. I know he does.  No matter how many times the adversary tells me He doesn't, and that I am just one out of millions and billions of people.  The Lord has shown me time and time again that I matter to Him.  And I know that I do.  I love Him.  
The Elders and Sister Finnell and I sang for ward conference yesterday.  Swindled.  The ward has been swindled.  Hahaha.  Tears were shed, hugs were given.  Success. 
This gospel is so goooooood! The Book of Mormon is the word of God. Do we realize that?  We hold in our hands the literal words of God.  HELLO! People! Wake up and read the book! I was reading the other day and came across Mosiah 16:9  " He is the light and the life of the world. Yea, a light that is endless that can never be darkened."  Darkness can never over rule light.  But light will always over rule the darkness. Jesus Christ is light.  He is perfect light that casts away the darkness ALWAYS.  He will always cast away the darkness.  Whatever darkness may be apart of our life,  if we allow Jesus in our hearts, there can be no darkness. The light over rules the darkness. There will be no room for it. Hand it over. Let Him take it.  I love my Savior. I love the Book of Mormon. I love this gospel.  Nothing can take away the feelings I have felt  and the things I know to be true.  This gospel is happiness.  It is peace.  It is comfort and assurance.  What an amazing opportunity I have to bring that to the lives of so many that have lost hope. My life rocks. 

I love you all and miss you! Have fun watching conference! We are watching it together! :)

Sister Montana Moline

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 15, 2014


I don't even know where to begin! This week was out of control! I'm telling ya! Out of control. So much happened. SO MANY MIRACLES. God is just so dang good. I can't hardly stand it. 

Okay favorite miracle of the week. Man, this is so hard! So many! Alright, backup to before I came to Great Falls.  Sister Finnell and her companion tracted into a house and started to talking to a guy, Karl, about Family History.  They said he seemed pretty promising, so we went back to follow up about his experience with Family History.  I met him and his wife and they are awesome. He was super funny and kind to both of us.  We got talking then he said, "okay, well I have a question for you then, how do I get one of your books?" Oh you mean the Book of Mormon Karl?  Oh here let me grab one of the 7 in my bag.  Hahaha we were able to share the Joseph Smith story and he really connected with his experience.  He then asked us when we could come over next to talk to him more about it.  Excuse me, what!?  Let me just repeat that once more ladies and gentlemen.  He ASKED US.  That's right. That never happens right off the bat. We set up a return appointment for Saturday and brought a member. It was perfect.  We taught the message of the restoration and he and his wife ate it up.  He is a bigger guy with a beard and tattoos all over his body, someone that as a human I would have normally thought would not have been interested.  But he was and is! He has two little kids, a girl that is 2 and a little baby boy.  The member we brought talked a lot about how the gospel has blessed her family and brought them closer together through Jesus Christ.  He was all about that. I love being able to share the First Vision with people.  It brings such an incredible spirit.  As I recited the First Vision I felt a flood of emotions of what that experience has done for me in my life.  I bore my testimony and my witness that I knew that Joseph Smith saw what he saw. He told me that he knew I believed it, he could feel it when I spoke.  We invited him to be baptized onOctober 11 and he sat there for a little just looking at us, then pulled out the calendar on his phone.  He said he would have to think about it a little more, but that he wouldn't say no.  The next morning he called us and said, "I can't come to church today, but plan on me next week. Also, I talked to my wife and we are both feeling good about October 11th." Not going to lie, in the middle of the hallways at church I did a happy dance. I was ecstatic.  It had turned out to be a bummer day because 2 other investigators that said they would come to church didn't.  But after that phone call with Karl, I didn't even care. I was on cloud nine.  The spirit was there in that home that night, there is no doubt in my mind.  Sunday evening we brought a ward missionary over with her kids to meet them. They hit it off immediately and she invited them over for dinner after church on Sunday.  MEMBERS ARE OUR GREATEST WEAPONS.  I am serious.  Members make all the difference to investigators and the lessons we have with them.  The members we brought were able to see where they were in need of help and assistance and jumped right in.  I was so impressed. 

Earlier in the week we got a call from some Sisters in another ward. They had met and talked with a  woman that was in our area and told us to go meet her.  We went over there and this tall blonde woman answered the door.  She had on a huge T-shirt and baggy pants and piercings all over her face and tattoos everywhere. Honestly she scared the crap out of me. She looked like she could kill me with just one look.  I asked if she was Jessica and she just looked at me and was like, " yeah, what's it to you huh?" AHHHHHHH!!! I AM SO SORRY!!   Don't worry, I kept my cool and told her who we were.  Immediately her expression changed and she was like, " Oh yeaaahhh!!! I met some of you the other day! Come on in!"  For the next 30-45 minutes we did not say a word.  She opened right up and told us all about how she found God.  It was awesome.  She went on and on and on about living this rough life and feeling like all she needed to do was believe in Jesus and she would be good. But she spoke about how she has been reading the Bible and found that the enemy was making her think that she was fine, but she really did need to do more for God if she wanted to be saved.  She mentioned some confusion about those who had never heard or learned about God before.  So we shared with her about the Spirit world and she told us that when we read that her "spirit leaped" inside of her.  She told us that she wanted us to come back and she wanted to hear more about what we had to say.  RIGHT ONNNNN!!! We are going  back tomorrow.

Some Elders called us as well and said they found someone that lived in our area that had met with missionaries before and was really considering baptism.  GET OUT OF HERE! It looks like all that finding for other people in Missoula is paying off now. haha, we called him up and scheduled an appointment with him.  Sadly his replacement at work never showed so he had to stay. But we are meeting with him tomorrow. From talking with him on the phone, he seems like he has been prepared. I am so pumped. I am honestly in love with this area! So many people! I never thought I would complain about too much work.  AND WE SHARE A WARD WITH ELDERS.  It is incredible. 

This ward really has been booming with baptisms within the past year.  The Gilletts are new members as of 2 years ago and he was just called to be the 1st counselor in the Bishopric.  Another woman who was baptized a little over a year ago is in the Relief Society Presidency.  Most of our ward council all served missions and are super missionary minded. I'm telling ya, this ward is incredible.  I am still learning who everyone is and getting acquainted with everyone, but it is so great.

Thursday we had Zone Conference and it was wonderful.  They basically imitated what we did at MLC with the breakout groups and discussions.  I did a musical number with a couple other missionaries and it went really well.  At the end of Zone Conference President stands at the door and shakes everyone's hands as they leave.  As I approached him he took my hand and said, "SIster Moline if I could hug you I would.  One day I will get to and you will know just how much I love you and appreciate you."  That comment meant the world to me. He came up to me earlier in the day and asked how I was doing adjusting to a new area and how the area was going.  It meant a lot to know that he cared.  He has over 280 missionaries to worry about and remember what is going on with them, and it meant a lot to know that he knew what was going on with me and cared to know.  I love President Mecham. 

I forgot to tell you a funny story from last week.  So Sister Finnell and I along with a ward missionary went to find a less active. We had talked with her before.  She was smoking outside her building so we just stayed outside and talked with her.  We shared some scriptures on faith and Christ's Gospel.  A man walked out of the apartment building and was emptying some trash.  He then approached us and said, "Are you bothering her?"  I told him no, and that she was a member of our congregation.  He then asked if we believed in the Bible, I said yes.  Then he said so what do you think of 1 Timothy 2?  I kinda looked at him weird and he was like, "well if you teach from the Bible you should know what 1 Timothy 2 says".  I have no idea what the heck 1 Timothy 2 says. He told us that we shouldn't talk to people outside of the kitchen. He told us that women are supposed to learn in silence with all submissiveness.  referencing 1 Timothy 2.  "You better get back to your kitchens, just sayin!" then he walked away. I sat there in total disbelief that this man just told me to go back to the kitchen.  Luckily Sister Finnell Is a lot more Christ like that me and wished him a good day.  If I would have opened my mouth I probably would have slayed him with my words.  hahahaha just kidding. 

It took a lot of humbling, but it made me think that there is always an underlying reason behind what people say and do.  And that there must have been some sort of experience that he had that caused him to be so bitter. But! Nothing can stop the work from progressing! Not even a man telling me to go back to my kitchen.... still cannot believe that was said.  hahahahaha

I cannot believe we are halfway through September.  It is absolutely insane.  But I want you all to know that the gospel has helped shape me into the person that I am today, from the thoughts I have, the decisions I make and the person I strive to become. I know through personal prayer, the scriptures and life experiences that this church is a church of God, that Joseph Smith saw what he saw.  I wasn't there, I have never met Joseph Smith, and I have never seen God.  But I know it happened.  I know, because God cannot lie and the Spirit has touched my heart and soul and born this truth to me. I love my Father in heaven with everything that I am. I am not a perfect person in any way, but it is through my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ that I can become perfect and one day be with my Heavenly Father again. I love my Savior, I love the role he plays in my life and I love this gospel.

I love you all so much! I hope you all have a wonderful week.  I hope you know that you are always in my prayers. 

This gospel is the good life. 

Love you!
Sister Molinsky

Monday, September 8, 2014

Everyone, everyone, I have an announcement to make.... I HAVE HIT MY YEAR MARK.  Wadddduuupppp!! It is so fantastic! I feel like when people ask me how long I have been out, they will think I am this well seasoned missionary that knows what is going on. Hahaha, but it is pretty bitter sweet to think about.  My time is running out and it makes me really sad to think I only have a small amount of time to do everything that the Lord has for me to do.  The beginning of my mission already feels like a dream and that it never even happened.  I never want to forget the experiences I have had, and the people I have met here.  I hope and pray that I become all that the Lord wants of me here and that when I leave my mission he will be pleased with me. 
This week was fantastic.  I am feeling a lot of weight in this area. It is completely different from Missoula. Completely.  We actually have work for two sets of missionaries and we actually have been teaching people consistently. It's a miracle.  This stake right before I got here dissolved all the wards, made all new ward boundaries, called all new bishops and released everyone from their callings. So everyone in our ward is just barely receiving their callings.  Our Relief Society President rocks.  She is a return missionary and is honestly the kind of return missionary I want to be.  She is all about missionary work, finding the lost and rescuing the less actives.  Apparently our ward has about 200 Sisters. Only about 35 came this Sunday to relief society.  Can you believe that?  She is feeling a lot of weight on her shoulders to find all of these people.  She told us that there are so many sisters that are on her lists that no one has ever heard of or seen before in their lives.  Think of how many sisters that is! That don't have visiting teachers, home teachers, no one from the church to give them a call or to help uplift and strengthen them! The stake president has told our ward that we have the potential to fill the over flow to the half court line. And I totally believe him. With how many people that are actually in this ward. That totally can happen.  It creates a lot of work for me and Sister Finnell to do.  There are so many people in this ward it is stressful to even know where to begin.  Sister Finnell got to this area about 2 weeks before me, so we both are figuring out people and the area still.  I get a little stressed out thinking about all we need to do.   But it will come with time. 
This week we got to go to the temple as a zone. I LOVE THE TEMPLE.  I really hope I am never a member that takes the temple for granted.  I was talking to a couple in our ward that lived in Utah. They said they lived in an area with 8 temples surrounding them and they never went. But now that the nearest temple to them is 4 hours away, they look forward to going any chance that they get.  In the temple we got to hear from President Mecham, Sister Mecham and the Mission President.  It was just what I needed to hear. Especially with hitting my year mark and feeling like I am running out of time to do everything I need to do.  They spoke to us a lot about making and keeping covenants and their purposes.  The temple just helps put everything into perspective. I am so thankful for that opportunity to be able to shut everything out and to be there with the Spirit and learn the things God wants me to know. 
In the celestial room President came up to me and he has a way of just peering into your soul.  He just looked at me and I started crying. I am a mess.  Haha, but through him and the entire temple trip I was able to receive a lot of guidance and answers from God. I am so thankful that I have a God that is willing to give me direction and answer my prayers. I an so thankful that He has given me the opportunity to learn of His plan for me.  I pray that I will never forget the feelings I have felt in the temple.  It truly is the closest place you can get to heaven on earth. God is so good. He is so good.  
ANGELA! Angela is an investigator that we have.  She called the Sisters before I got here and asked them what she needed to do to be baptized......what?  hahahaha she is AWESOME! We went over there the other day to teach her the Restoration.  She had a Restoration pamphlet, a Gospel of Jesus Christ pamphlet and a Plan of Salvation pamphlet. We sat down and she was like, "well I thought we could read through these pamphlets. I already read them, but I wanted to read through them again with you." So we taught her all three lessons in one sitting. She reminded me of Rhonda with how prepared she is.  She would read from the pamphlet and say, "wow.  that is just so beautiful.  Isn't that just beautiful girls?"  haha when we read about baptism she said, " oh i just cannot wait!"  hahaha She is supposed to be baptized at the end of this month but there are a few bumps in the road we have to figure out.  Her brother in California is a member and keeps telling her that she needs to read the entire Book of Mormon before she gets baptized and she should wait until December. NO MAN! NO! Andddd she just got surgery on her arm and she doesn't think she will be able to submerse her arm in water for awhile...... BUT! she will be baptized. It will happen.  Cross your fingers and pray everyone!
We also found a 19 year old girl that was baptized last year and is completely in active.  UGH! WHHHYYY.  We hit it off right when we met and got talking.  She has had some pretty nasty interactions with members since she was baptized which caused her to stop going. It broke my heart. I have run into so many less active members that are less active because of others actions.  Not that their actions determine our activity in the church, but it has a great effect.  Meeting these people has helped me see what kind of member I want to be.  The kind of Christian I want to be.  I never ever want anyone to feel the way some of these people have felt.  It has helped me see that people are not the reason behind church.  We go to worship God, to partake of the sacrament and better align our will to His.  Nothing saddens me more than when I meet someone that doesn't feel wanted or loved at church. We had a really good talk though and she agreed to meet with us again and retake the lessons.  I am excited for her. :)
Also, I think I forgot to send you my address last week:  3200 7th St. South Great Falls, MT 59405
We also had a rockin lesson with a new investigator, John.  He is awesome.  He was in the Navy and suffers from PTSD from his experiences over seas. But he is awesome.  He has had some crazy spiritual experiences in his life and was really interested in the Book of Mormon.  We taught him the Restoration and he had a lot of questions, but didn't question Jospeh Smith's experience at all. Usually that is one of the harder things for people to except.  But he ate it right up. He agreed to be baptized but church will be a challenge for him because he has a hard time in a large group of people. And he mentioned getting baptized would be really hard for him. Having someone touching him and putting him under water would probably not go so well. But we have a plan! Fear not John! There are so many people in Great Falls! i am diggin all the work here and I am excited to find all those that are lost and all those that are seeking.  I hope I get to finish my mission here....except I hear that this winter is going to be rough. AH!
I love this work.  I LOVE my mission.  God is so keenly aware of our needs and our desires.  I have come to find out that God does not expect me to be perfect, but he expects my desires to be perfect. I can't give him perfection but I can give him my will and all of my desires. This gospel changes lives.  I have seen it change my life and my outlook on life. I am so grateful for this experience that God has blessed me with.  I love Him and I love my Savior Jesus Christ.
Until next week!

The Molinator!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 3, 2014
First I feel the need to apologize after being reprimanded by my Father for not emailing you last week.  Forgive me. I am a punk, I know. BUT! I am alive and I am doing well in Great Falls! 
The reason I couldn't email last week was because a recent convert here in Great Falls was going to the temple to do baptisms for the dead for the first time.  We are allowed to go to the temple with recent converts or reactivated members, but we have to sacrifice a preparation day for it.  I was really bummed to not get to hear from all of you, but it was worth it.  The woman we went with got baptized 2 months ago and is on fire.  She was so excited to go to the temple that she woke up at 4 to get ready to leave by 7am.  We drove 4 hours to Billings did baptisms and drove 4 hours back. It was a long day, but so good.  She is moving to Billings and was asking us how often she can go and said she wants to go every week if she can.  :)  It was awesome. I also got to see some members from my ward in Bozeman in the temple. It was a tender mercy.   
Last week was insane! So much traveling and so many amazing experiences.  We had Mission Leadership Council this week but instead of a day event it was a two day event. We left last Monday afternoon to drive to Billings and got there in the evening, spent the night and the next two days were jam packed with meetings, discussions, direction and council. It honestly was one of the spiritual weeks of my life.
As a mission we are all preparing to go the temple this transfer. My zone gets the opportunity to go tomorrow! I am so excited! I cannot even explain how pumped I am about it.  It has been 1 year since I have been to the temple! We have been focusing as a mission to purify and sanctify ourselves for this temple trip. They have stressed sending home things that are distracting or not in line with our calling as missionaries. So mom, I am sending home a box today with some shirts and things with logos and some books people have given me throughout my mission.  This is all in hopes to better align our will with God's will and to allow the Spirit to not just be our companion, but to be a part of each of us.  
This mission did this process about a year ago.  But the purifying process took much longer. Last year when they began a purification, sanctification, and edification process the baptisms in this mission doubled and the numbers here have only increased since.   Since summer has been here, our mission has taken a hit.  Our baptismal percentage has dropped dramatically as well as our finding percentage.  So we are starting the process over again to refocus and to re commit ourselves to our callings.  
I want to share a very spiritual event that took place this week.  I don't feel like I could ever explain teh feelings and the thoughts that I had or even be able to explain the experience to do it justice.  We had meetings all day, discussing what this mission needed to get back to where we were.  It was such an honor to be in a room full of amazing, talented and dedicated servants of the Lord.  We all discussed going back to the basics, reemphasizing Preach My Gospel, and using the pamphlets. Getting back to the basics. 

After all the meetings we had as leadership in the mission we had dinner and came back together to be addressed by President Mecham.  He is such an amazing person. I am so grateful I have the opportunity to serve underneath him.  He spoke to us in the chapel and shared his testimony with us.  He said as of right now we were not living up to the Lord's expectations but that after this meeting he was expecting us to change this mission and to go above and beyond where we were previous.  What a weight.  He told us a story about when he was on his mission. President Monson (Elder Monson at that time) came to visit the stake.  A dearly beloved man in the stake was deathly ill with I think it was cancer. And he was knocking at deaths door.  President Monson had the choice to either go give this man a blessing, or to address the stake.  He chose to address the stake first, which to most people would have seemed insane.  But as he addressed the stake he told them that the blessing he was going to give this man would not be contingent on his faith, but on theirs.  He said, I have the faith to heal this man, but do you.  He asked the congregation if they had the faith to raise the dead, to heal the sick, do they have faith in miracles. And if they did, to stand. Immediately everyone in the room I was in, stood.  I don't think President was expecting that because he was telling a story.  But once he spoke those words this group of missionaries stood on their feet because they had faith in miracles.  As we stood my eyes filled with tears.  The feeling in the room completely changed. It was something I have never felt before.  I felt unworthy to be in this room with such incredible people.  When President Mecham was telling the story, I thought to myself, "I don't know if I could have stood."  But once everyone around me stood up I felt their faith and it lifted me to my feet.  President Mecham's eyes filled with tears as we stood before him.  He then turned the rest of the meeting into a testimony meeting.  It was THE most powerful testimony meeting I have ever been a part of.  All differences, that we had, were gone. We were united in our faith and in our desire to serve God with all of our heart, might mind and strength.  I had an unexplainable love for all those missionaries that stood and testified of their love for the Savior.  The feeling that night is something that can never be explained, or proven.  It was just felt, and I felt it and they felt it and we all knew it.   
I believe in miracles. 
My companion and I had an amazing discussion that night and made goals for the Sisters and our area. I will forever cherish that night for the rest of my life.  
Speaking of my companion! Her name is Sister Finnell and she is from San Diego California! She went to BYU the same time that I did.  She was companions with Sister Bonn and Sister Greenfield right before me. Ohmygosh. She is the same person as Sister Greenfield. They are so alike, it is insane.  But I am very thankful to be here in Great Falls with her. We share ward with the zone leaders and there is so much work here.  Our area is huge and we are constantly teaching. It is so nice to teach! I LOVE IT! I love finding and teaching people.  She is fearless and has one of the most powerful testimonies. I am very grateful for her.  
Great Falls is really windy, which can be bad when you are in a skirt all day long.  Hahaha, but I like it. There are no mountains.  It looks like Texas with how flat it is. But the weather is a lot nicer.  We are officially ending summer. It is getting colder and colder here. NO! hahaaha
I better get going.  Thank you all for you love and support. I love the Montana Billings Mission.  I know that my Savior lives. I love Him.  One of my favorite verses right now is in 2 Nephi 33:6 "I glory in plainness, I glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus for He hath redeemed my soul from hell."  This gospel is my everything.  I have never found so much happiness nor felt so excited for life.  The gospel truly is the good news.  I am thankful for the Spirit that has born witness to me time and time again that there is a God, that He has a plan, and that He loves me.  Being a missionary has taught me that I can do hard things, through Jesus Christ.  He is my leader and my friend and He will never leave us comfortless. 
Until next week! 

Love you!

Sister Moline