Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 15, 2014


I don't even know where to begin! This week was out of control! I'm telling ya! Out of control. So much happened. SO MANY MIRACLES. God is just so dang good. I can't hardly stand it. 

Okay favorite miracle of the week. Man, this is so hard! So many! Alright, backup to before I came to Great Falls.  Sister Finnell and her companion tracted into a house and started to talking to a guy, Karl, about Family History.  They said he seemed pretty promising, so we went back to follow up about his experience with Family History.  I met him and his wife and they are awesome. He was super funny and kind to both of us.  We got talking then he said, "okay, well I have a question for you then, how do I get one of your books?" Oh you mean the Book of Mormon Karl?  Oh here let me grab one of the 7 in my bag.  Hahaha we were able to share the Joseph Smith story and he really connected with his experience.  He then asked us when we could come over next to talk to him more about it.  Excuse me, what!?  Let me just repeat that once more ladies and gentlemen.  He ASKED US.  That's right. That never happens right off the bat. We set up a return appointment for Saturday and brought a member. It was perfect.  We taught the message of the restoration and he and his wife ate it up.  He is a bigger guy with a beard and tattoos all over his body, someone that as a human I would have normally thought would not have been interested.  But he was and is! He has two little kids, a girl that is 2 and a little baby boy.  The member we brought talked a lot about how the gospel has blessed her family and brought them closer together through Jesus Christ.  He was all about that. I love being able to share the First Vision with people.  It brings such an incredible spirit.  As I recited the First Vision I felt a flood of emotions of what that experience has done for me in my life.  I bore my testimony and my witness that I knew that Joseph Smith saw what he saw. He told me that he knew I believed it, he could feel it when I spoke.  We invited him to be baptized onOctober 11 and he sat there for a little just looking at us, then pulled out the calendar on his phone.  He said he would have to think about it a little more, but that he wouldn't say no.  The next morning he called us and said, "I can't come to church today, but plan on me next week. Also, I talked to my wife and we are both feeling good about October 11th." Not going to lie, in the middle of the hallways at church I did a happy dance. I was ecstatic.  It had turned out to be a bummer day because 2 other investigators that said they would come to church didn't.  But after that phone call with Karl, I didn't even care. I was on cloud nine.  The spirit was there in that home that night, there is no doubt in my mind.  Sunday evening we brought a ward missionary over with her kids to meet them. They hit it off immediately and she invited them over for dinner after church on Sunday.  MEMBERS ARE OUR GREATEST WEAPONS.  I am serious.  Members make all the difference to investigators and the lessons we have with them.  The members we brought were able to see where they were in need of help and assistance and jumped right in.  I was so impressed. 

Earlier in the week we got a call from some Sisters in another ward. They had met and talked with a  woman that was in our area and told us to go meet her.  We went over there and this tall blonde woman answered the door.  She had on a huge T-shirt and baggy pants and piercings all over her face and tattoos everywhere. Honestly she scared the crap out of me. She looked like she could kill me with just one look.  I asked if she was Jessica and she just looked at me and was like, " yeah, what's it to you huh?" AHHHHHHH!!! I AM SO SORRY!!   Don't worry, I kept my cool and told her who we were.  Immediately her expression changed and she was like, " Oh yeaaahhh!!! I met some of you the other day! Come on in!"  For the next 30-45 minutes we did not say a word.  She opened right up and told us all about how she found God.  It was awesome.  She went on and on and on about living this rough life and feeling like all she needed to do was believe in Jesus and she would be good. But she spoke about how she has been reading the Bible and found that the enemy was making her think that she was fine, but she really did need to do more for God if she wanted to be saved.  She mentioned some confusion about those who had never heard or learned about God before.  So we shared with her about the Spirit world and she told us that when we read that her "spirit leaped" inside of her.  She told us that she wanted us to come back and she wanted to hear more about what we had to say.  RIGHT ONNNNN!!! We are going  back tomorrow.

Some Elders called us as well and said they found someone that lived in our area that had met with missionaries before and was really considering baptism.  GET OUT OF HERE! It looks like all that finding for other people in Missoula is paying off now. haha, we called him up and scheduled an appointment with him.  Sadly his replacement at work never showed so he had to stay. But we are meeting with him tomorrow. From talking with him on the phone, he seems like he has been prepared. I am so pumped. I am honestly in love with this area! So many people! I never thought I would complain about too much work.  AND WE SHARE A WARD WITH ELDERS.  It is incredible. 

This ward really has been booming with baptisms within the past year.  The Gilletts are new members as of 2 years ago and he was just called to be the 1st counselor in the Bishopric.  Another woman who was baptized a little over a year ago is in the Relief Society Presidency.  Most of our ward council all served missions and are super missionary minded. I'm telling ya, this ward is incredible.  I am still learning who everyone is and getting acquainted with everyone, but it is so great.

Thursday we had Zone Conference and it was wonderful.  They basically imitated what we did at MLC with the breakout groups and discussions.  I did a musical number with a couple other missionaries and it went really well.  At the end of Zone Conference President stands at the door and shakes everyone's hands as they leave.  As I approached him he took my hand and said, "SIster Moline if I could hug you I would.  One day I will get to and you will know just how much I love you and appreciate you."  That comment meant the world to me. He came up to me earlier in the day and asked how I was doing adjusting to a new area and how the area was going.  It meant a lot to know that he cared.  He has over 280 missionaries to worry about and remember what is going on with them, and it meant a lot to know that he knew what was going on with me and cared to know.  I love President Mecham. 

I forgot to tell you a funny story from last week.  So Sister Finnell and I along with a ward missionary went to find a less active. We had talked with her before.  She was smoking outside her building so we just stayed outside and talked with her.  We shared some scriptures on faith and Christ's Gospel.  A man walked out of the apartment building and was emptying some trash.  He then approached us and said, "Are you bothering her?"  I told him no, and that she was a member of our congregation.  He then asked if we believed in the Bible, I said yes.  Then he said so what do you think of 1 Timothy 2?  I kinda looked at him weird and he was like, "well if you teach from the Bible you should know what 1 Timothy 2 says".  I have no idea what the heck 1 Timothy 2 says. He told us that we shouldn't talk to people outside of the kitchen. He told us that women are supposed to learn in silence with all submissiveness.  referencing 1 Timothy 2.  "You better get back to your kitchens, just sayin!" then he walked away. I sat there in total disbelief that this man just told me to go back to the kitchen.  Luckily Sister Finnell Is a lot more Christ like that me and wished him a good day.  If I would have opened my mouth I probably would have slayed him with my words.  hahahaha just kidding. 

It took a lot of humbling, but it made me think that there is always an underlying reason behind what people say and do.  And that there must have been some sort of experience that he had that caused him to be so bitter. But! Nothing can stop the work from progressing! Not even a man telling me to go back to my kitchen.... still cannot believe that was said.  hahahahaha

I cannot believe we are halfway through September.  It is absolutely insane.  But I want you all to know that the gospel has helped shape me into the person that I am today, from the thoughts I have, the decisions I make and the person I strive to become. I know through personal prayer, the scriptures and life experiences that this church is a church of God, that Joseph Smith saw what he saw.  I wasn't there, I have never met Joseph Smith, and I have never seen God.  But I know it happened.  I know, because God cannot lie and the Spirit has touched my heart and soul and born this truth to me. I love my Father in heaven with everything that I am. I am not a perfect person in any way, but it is through my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ that I can become perfect and one day be with my Heavenly Father again. I love my Savior, I love the role he plays in my life and I love this gospel.

I love you all so much! I hope you all have a wonderful week.  I hope you know that you are always in my prayers. 

This gospel is the good life. 

Love you!
Sister Molinsky

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