Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 10, 2014


But before I get into the good stuff let us please address the fact that it is 16 degrees outside right now.  A snow storm came in full force last night and I wept as I pulled out my suitcase of winter clothes.  I am so not even ready for this.  Hahaha, oh Montana.  And Great Falls is one stinken windy city.  Not the best for those of us who have to wear skirts. Ha  I am still in disbelief that summer is over.  I still feel like it should be summer. But alas, we are passed summer and fall and now approaching the 400 months of winter.  Gotta love Montana.  
I feel like I say this every week, but I am amazed at the love our Father Heaven has for his children. And as of late, I am amazed at how well he knows me and hears my pleading prayers.  The past couple days we had evenings full of appointments.  But last minute they would cancel or not even show and everyone that told us they would be at church this week didn't come.  I was feeling pretty lame, I  was getting really frustrated and down on myself, wondering what I was doing wrong, and why no one wanted to see us or talk to us, blah blah blah and the list goes on.  And one thing after another happened and it sounds so sillly looking back, but I know that it was God telling me to keep my chin up and move forward.  One of which was talking to Dawn.  There is a woman we are working with in the ward by the name of Dawn and since our other appointments canceled we thought about calling her up and seeing her.  We saw a number in our phone under "Dawn" so we called it.  Turns out it was not the Dawn we were looking for, but that it was someone that missionaries had taught a couple months back.  She said, " You are the Sisters!? Well Sisters I have been reading my Book of Mormon like I have promised!"  Shut up woman, who are you!?  She had moved so we got her address and she invited us over this Tuesday. Out. Of. Control.  She is not in our ward boundaries anymore, but still.  What the heck. Another one was a family I had been trying to contact for months.  Just so happens that this night they chose to be home and let us right in.  We got to meet the whole family and they invited us back to have a Bible study with them last night.  Then, yesterday at church Brother Bailey came up to me and gave me an envelope with a poem inside.  It was just what I needed at just the moment I needed it.  It is called "He's Been There Before" By Elder Troy Whittle who at the time was serving in the Houston Texas Mission.  If you can look it up. Do it.  
This email wouldn't be complete without talking about my favorite person on this planet earth. Brother Larry Albert.  If there was any reason I was supposed to come to Great Falls, it was so that I could learn from this man.  He never ceases to amaze me with his humility and desire to know God. He was the one who came searching so he makes meeting with us, reading the scriptures, the gospel principles manual, and church a priority.  He works nights starting at 10pm and still no matter how tired comes to meet with us.  He eats up what we ask him to read and does what we ask him to do.  It is amazing what happens when people actually choose to listen to the Spirit and act.  I met this man from the beginning and I have seen amazing strides in his understanding of the gospel, his faith, and outlook on life.  He is a new and changed man because of what he is allowing into his life.  
So I read this in the Book of Mormon a couple days ago, and try and follow me on this.  Maybe I am totally off.  But it seemed really cool to me.  So in the gospel we talk about the baptism of water being the literal baptism and immersion into water and the baptism of fire being the receiving of the Holy Ghost.  I was reading in Helaman 5 about Nephi and Lehi and how they were preaching the word when they were thrown into prison. It goes on to talk about how the guards came in to kill the two of them but they were encircled about by fire.  In verse 23 it says, "Nephi and Lehi were encircled about as if by fire, even insomuch that they durst not lay their hands upon them for fear lest they would be burned.  Nevertheless, Nephi and Lehi were not burned and they were as standing in the midst of fire and were not burned.  And when they saw this....their hearts did take courage."  It made me think about how as members of the church we have received the gift of the Holy Ghost, we have received that baptism of fire. And the Holy Ghost acts as a protector and although we may not be able to see it, I do believe that we are encircled about by fire everyday.  To protect us and defend us in our daily lives.  And if we really understood the protection that was on our side, we would do as Nephi and Lehi did and our hearts would take courage knowing that the Spirit of God was with us encircling us.  Maybe I am way off. But it really hit me at that moment that we are being protected.  We are being surrounded and that our hearts can and should take courage for the difficulties we face because the Lord is with us. He is on our side, protecting us and leading us in the right way.  

I went on exchanges to Shelby this week. Shelby is surrounded by a whole lot of nothing.  It is a lonely and ugly drive out there and you just keep driving and keep driving until you almost hit Canada.  By the time I left the exchange I was so thankful to be serving in Great Falls.  In the city! Hahaha Shelby is a cute little town with a small branch.  Everyone knows everyone so it is really easy to talk to people and people are really kind.  But man was it small.  Too small.  Haha I was on exchanges with Sister Memmott.  She is such a dedicated and consecrated missionary.  I really enjoyed  being able to learn from her.  
Oh! I almost forgot! Transfer news came and Sister Black and I are staying! Woot Woot! My zone leader Elder Buntrock is leaving. He told me how old he was yesterday and I felt really old.  But Saryn! He is adorable and wonderful! You should love him.  He comes home from his mission in June and I told him I had a flaming hot sister  that could show him the ropes at BYU when he got home. Hahaha I am going to make this happen....I am so excited :)  But guess who is coming in to be my zone leader and share the ward with me.....that's right, the only other zone leader I have had my entire mission. Elder Holland. He seriously has followed me my entire mission.  6 months in Bozeman, then he came a transfer after me in Missoula for 6 months and now he is coming to Great Falls.  I obviously am not learning what I am supposed to learn from him.  Third time is the charm right?  
Well my familia! I am sorry this is short! My mind and brain are fried.  We did a lot of finding contacted a lot less actives in the ward. Pray for me and pray for miracles. I am ready to blow up Great Falls.  Let's make this happen! 
Really quick, I was reading my patriarchal blessing the morning and I wanted to share a part of it to you.  It says, " The Lord knows you.  He knows you well.  He knew you in the preexistent state and He knows you now.  he is watching over you to help you make the decisions pertaining to your life and to you situations and circumstances within your life. The Lord knows you well and He will guide you and direct you.  Pray unto the Lord. Ask for His help and His guidance in your life and He will magnify it to you and help you in fulfilling your responsibilities here upon the earth."  I was filled with so much love for the my Father in Heaven and my Savior Jesus Christ as I read those words. How true they are! The Lord knows us.  He knows us each so perfectly and knows us each so well.  Because we were with Him before, we were walking and talking and learning and growing with Him, he knows where we can be and who we can become.  I trust Him.  Even when my faith shakes at times and I wonder where He is taking me. I know deep within my heart that He knows and He just asks us to put our faith in Him and His gospel that was placed here for each of us.  I love Him.  I trust Him.  And I love this gospel with all of my heart.  It fills me with so much joy to know that I know my Redeemer and I know Him because of this gospel that is here upon the earth. 

You all are fantastic! I love you so much! Thank you for your support and prayers. I feel them lifting me everyday.  
Sure Love ya! Moline's Rock! Missionaries Rule! 
Sister COOOOOLLLD Moline

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