Sunday, February 22, 2015


This week was so crazy! It went by so fast, but at the same time it feels like it has been 3 weeks in one. We had MLC ( mission leadership council)  in Helena on Wednesday and zone conference on Thursday. Elder Holland, myself and Sister Glenn all gave our departing testimonies, with many others at MLC. (and yes mom he is staying in Great Falls) That was probably the hardest thing for me to do this week. It was such a privilege to be among so many faithful and strong missionaries and know that I am among them. Their testimonies and their faith have strengthened mine. The rest of MLC was very enlightening. We split up into groups and each group was assigned to focus on either the strengths, threats, weaknesses or opportunities of the mission and we came back together as a council and discussed each of the areas. I was thinking about how powerful that was to think of all these distinct areas of the mission and recognizing the threats, weaknesses but also the strengths and opportunities for growth. I had an opportunity to do that on a much more personal level and think of my strengths, weaknesses, threats and my opportunities of growth. How grateful I am for the gospel that constantly is my motivation to become and to change into something better. 
I will always remember what Larry said about how he was tired of not progressing and living the gospel has allowed him to stretch and to grow. And how important it is to take time in our life and sit down and really think of where we are, and where we want to be and who we can be through our Savior. 

We spent the night in Helena and I got to be with a sister I was an STL over here in Great Falls as well as another Sister I came out with.  It was so much fun! Oh! I just loved being able to see the sister I was over. It has been close to 6 months since I have seen her and it is incredible how much she has grown and changed. I was so impressed with her ability to bear sincere testimony and do the hard things. I wonder if that is how it is with our father in heaven. Obviously on a much larger scale, but when we go home to Him, will he be so proud of the person we allowed ourselves to become? Will he be able to see how we used our weaknesses to become some of our greatest strengths? I often wonder about that. Will I be confident with who I have become in God's presence, or will I still have regrets. Luckily, that is why we have a Savior who allows us to be enabled and become. I have gained such a powerful testimony of the potential we have. God always sees us for who we can be, not who we are, or who we have been. He knows us perfectly and knows exactly what we are capable of. That is why our life here on earth was so vital, because only through he stress and complexities of life would we be stretched and tested and ultimately through much pressure be refined into incredible, changed beings.

Thursday was a zone conference type deal...but it wasn't really zone conference. It was a mission leadership training. But something that was said was really interesting. President Mecham talked about the weight and magnitude of our calling as missionaries and how we are all leaders. He said that if there was a branch in this mission that didn't have any worthy priesthood holders, he could call one of the missionaries in that area to become the Branch President, he would pick his 2 counselors and they would be set apart.  But the missionary called as the Branch president would not have to be set apart for his calling because as a missionary he has  already been set apart to lead and to guide. Isn't that nuts? I never knew  that. But I don't think that missionaries in general really understand the name they bear, and what authority they carry with them. I joke that I feel like I haven't changed all that much, because I have been with me the whole time so it can be hard to tell. It's hard knowing your imperfections and weaknesses and to be able to really see yourself as a physical representative of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. What an incredible opportunity we have to serve as the Lords servants for such a small amount of time. It reminds me of one of my favorite scriptures from my mission in D&C 15:6. " behold, I say unto you that the thing which will be of most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people that you may bring souls unto me."  There is nothing that brings me greater joy than to know that I am doing the work of God right now. I am fulfilling his work here on the earth. No other time in my life will I be certain that I am doing what is pleasing to God. 

After our meetings in Helena we drove back to Great Falls and had yet another meeting with our Stake President. I LOVE THOSE MEETINGS.  Basically he calls random people to bear their testimonies on a specific topic and that is the meeting.  But I have never been in more spirit led meetings.  All things that are spoken are from the heart and from people's experiences.  I had the opportunity to bear my testimony at that meeting.  How grateful I am for opportunities to bear my testimony.  It allows me to seriously reflect on the things I truly know and it allows the Spirit to witness to me as I speak that I do indeed know this gospel to be the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ.  I love this work! 

Facebook miracle!!! Get this. Get this!! So I was facebook tracting....yes that is a thing,  and I added  some random guy and he accepted. HOLLA! I started talking with him and come to find out he had been meeting with missionaries in October.  But because of some legal complexities they had to stop teaching him. We talked with our stake president got the clear to teach him and baptize him in our ward. And Boom! Next lesson we had we put him on date, and gave him a tour of the church. But listen here  this is where it gets crazy. We were in the primary room and there was a picture of a recently baptized father. They had been a part member family for years, and then after meeting with missionaries Nathan, the father decided to be baptized.  Keern, our investigator, looked at it and was like, "no way! Nathan got baptized!? I went to college with him." Shut up! not even real. And Nathan is THE BOMB! Such an incredible member. And lo and behold who was speaking In Sacrament the following day? Only Nathan and his wife. Keern came to church and listened to probably the best sacrament meeting he will ever have in his life and stayed and participated in the rest of church. Golden? Yes. I think so. But real talk. What are the chances that Keern would know Nathan and that he would be speaking....let's get real people. NO COINCIDENCES. I don't believe it.  Also did I mention that Keern is very good looking? And that all the women in the ward were very thankful he came to church. Haha We invited one of our ward missionaries to a lesson with us and the first thing she asked was, " is it with Keern???" When we told her no she said, " oh darn, he sure isn't hard to look at. " oh dear. Hahaha what have we done...haha but we are excited to see what happens. 

Also this week was confession session.  It seemed like with everyone we met with told us all their deepest darkest secrets.  There is something about wearing a tag that says Jesus Christ that makes people really open up....a lot.  We met with a new investigator this week.  He approached Sister Storrs and I last week and said he needed guidance and needed to find a church to join because he was so lost.  We met with him and it was AWESOME! We had a recently returned missionary come to the lesson and oh! I loved it! We extended the baptismal invite and without hesitation, Nathan said yes, of course.  He was very open and candid about some of his addictions and struggles he faces on a regular basis.  It just built my testimony that there comes a time in our life where we hit a wall and God is the only way out.  Nathan recognized that his addictions and ways of coping with family struggles were not giving him the help he so desperately desired, so when he saw us and our name tags he reached out for help.  I am so excited for him and his progression. Sadly both Nathan and keerns dates are after I leave.  I hate it.  
The work is going great! I have been a lot more bold within the last two weeks than I have since being here and it feels great! I have worked so hard to develop a relationship of love and trust with these people that now is the time to lay down the hammer! Wish me luck! I don't have very long, I have to leave here knowing I said and did all that I humanly could do to help these people come unto Christ.  
I love this gospel. I love my life and my opportunities that God has given me to grow. My mission is the BEST decision I have ever made.  I LOVE HIS WORK! 
I love you all! Talk to you soon! 
Sister Moliney

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