Monday, September 9, 2013

September 6, 2013

FAMILIA! I am alive and not a mess like I had anticipated I would be. Ha I sent a letter yesterday forgetting I could email today so I’m sorry if I am redundant. Mom, I got your letter today and I can't even tell you how much that meant.  Thank you so much.  You are so right about Heavenly Father looking out for me. I just need to open up my eyes.  I also got a letter from Jason as well as a package which was SO FUN! 

I was SO NERVOUS on Wednesday.  Jennifer took my out to lunch and took me to the temple to take pictures.  But once I got here, there was absolutely no time to freak out.  She pulled up to the curb a sister grabbed my bags and I was off.  Just like that.  And from then on out it has been non- stop going.  The spirit was immediate when I came.  It is such a different spirit than I have ever felt before.  It's a feeling of responsibility and ability to reach higher than I ever have.  There is such an excitement in the air too.  Everyone is positive, smiling, and happy.  Everyone is wanting to serve and be their best.  

I am in a threesome with a Sister Glenn from Michigan and Sister Wallace from California. Sister Wallace is the bomb.  I really like her.  She is pretty shy but very real.  She says what she means and I really appreciate that.  Sister Glenn is very outgoing and independent.  And a super rule follower which is good.  Both are super nice and fun.  And I am learning a lot from both of them. 

Not going to lie my first day here was very overwhelming.  It was a strange mix of emotions.  I was nervous and excited and scared and excited and freaking out and excited and crazy haha.  Something they said in our introduction was that we are not expected to be the greatest missionary but we are expected to put forth our best effort and Heavenly Father will take care of the rest.  That really calmed my nerves and helped me focus.  Later that evening we taught investigators as a group.  So about 40 of us sat in a room with an investigator and we had to ask him/her questions, get to know them and teach.  So I went from a, It's all going to be fine mindset to OHMYFREAKINGGOSHIKNOWABSOLUTELYNOTHING.   So that wasn't the best. But I am learning SO much.  

I have seen Megan Hill, William Allred, Nina Matheny and a guy from my music classes.  Another tender mercy that I am not here alone.  I talked with Nina today and it was so wonderful to talk to her. She told me not to worry that the first week is overwhelming and really scary but it gets better.  She is going to be an awesome missionary.  

Yesterday was our first real day in the MTC and it was LOOOOONG.  Wake up at 6:00 personal study at 7:15 then breakfast at 8:15 Classroom instruction (with my awesome teacher that did efy with Maur) for 3 hours then lunch then personal study and honestly I can’t even remember yesterday, it feels like 5 years ago. My MTC teachers are Brother Boddy and Sister Knowlton.  Sister Knowlton is powerful in her teaching.  I get what she is saying and I love it.  Brother Boddy is fresh off the mish and is kinda hard to relate to but he's good.   As I have been here, for the 2 days that I have, I have started to really understand how God feels for his children.  There are moments where I start to think of actually doing this and doing it for 18 months and I get really really scared but I know I can do this.  I know that I have been called to Montana and I know there are people that I need to teach that are getting prepared to hear the gospel.  This gospel is so unbelievably important and I am honored that I get to bring God's children back to the gospel.  

My district is very small, it is my companionship with Sister Wallace and Sister Glenn as well as 4 other Elders.  Elder Russel and Evanson and Elder Beard and Wilson.  They all are awesome.  Elder Russel is 21 and a convert.  He has some way sweet insight into the gospel.  He is solid.  I have a lot of respect for him. Evanson turned 18 last month and is a STUD.  He's really quiet but solid as a rock.  He acts way beyond his years.  Elder Beard is hilarious and I am in love with his last name ha he is super fun, kinda reminds me of an awkward Mckay and Elder Wilson is 18.  He is that stereotypical football player in highschool.  He is having a hard time staying awake which can be entertaining but other than that he's great.  

I guess there was a letter Mom got from the mission president that I never read and it had a lot of information but one of the things it said was to deactivate our facebooks.  Which is a bummer cause I feel like that's how most people find addresses for their missionary friends.  So if you could let Jason know, he can deactivate and post one last time and maybe people will want to be added to the email loop or something.  I don't know.  

So on Sunday's we have a topic given and everyone in our zone has to prepare a 5 minute talk and at the discretion of the Branch president he will call whoever he wants to speak.  Talk about most un relaxing sacrament ever.  Geeezzz I don't even know when I will have time to think about the topic and write something out.  Whatever, it will work out.  

Today we had lunch with our zone and it was so nice to be with people i just click with.  I can be goofy and fun and sarcastic and they dish it right back.  I don't really feel like I can be that way in my district yet.  No one really appreciates my weirdness yet.....yet. hahah oh but they will! hah 

I better go this letter is mucho mucho long long. I love you all and I feel your prayers. Keep praying I am going to need it.  You all are the best! 

Until next week

Sister freaking awesome Moline

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a great first letter! Almost had me in tears. She is certainly one of the Lord's strongest "tools in the shed"! One awesome missionary!

    If you have an email group for her info, I would really appreciate if you add me to it. Your mom has my email. If this blog is how you're doing it, then I'll just keep checking back or sign up for notifications via email. Thank you so much. :)

    I love your family! You guys are so great. GO ELDER MOLINE!!!!

    Oh! And will you please let me know what her email address is so we cn write her regularly? Would sure appreciate that too.
