Monday, October 20, 2014

I am trying so hard to remember what in the world happened this week and I am struggling hard! I know I did missionary work! I swear I did! 
The lesson I learned this week, which I feel like I say this every week is that I know God is right there along side me.  Every step of the way.  
I was having a hard Monday last week and I had a lot on my mind. But I came back from Lewistown Monday night and went to MLC on Tuesday.  Nothing could have happened more perfectly. It was just what I needed.  I got to see my closest friends on the mission and be totally uplifted by the words of President Mecham and the Spirit.  It helped me remember the whys of my mission.  And my purpose of being out here. The meeting we had was in Helena and as we drove there I was so thankful to my Heavenly Father for giving me this opportunity to drive. It was absolutely beautiful.  Everything is changing color and I was just in awe at what a gorgeous place I live in.  Call me crazy but I just felt Heavenly Father giving me a little squeeze telling me he loved me.  Hahaha it sounds so weird to say that.  But I was so thankful for that.  It was just what I needed.  I needed to see the beauties of this wonderful place taht I live and see how God's hand is not only involved in my life but in nature and in the beauties I enjoy every day and I needed to see Sister Steck and Sister Bonn and listen to the encouraging words of President Mecham.  God is good. He is oh, so good.  
Wednesday we drove back to Helena to get Sister B's new companion.  She got a Sister from Nauvoo. Her name is Sister Kupfer and she will be in this mission for 6 months then go back to Nauvoo for 6 months.  How cool is that!?  She is the sweetest thing. Her entire mission in Nauvoo consists of 19 Sisters.  And they all live together. TALK ABOUT CRAY CRAY TO THE MAX.  We have 80-90 sisters here.  So weird.  But I hope she likes it. SHe was telling us some crazy stories about protestors and such.
I am going to write how much I love Brother Bailey until the day I die. He is the most wonderful man on this planet earth.  If I could I would give him a huge hug.  Not only does he make the most divine cobblers, but he is the king at cooking in general. He has a heart of gold and knows just how to make you feel like a million bucks.  He bore his testimony yesterday and basically chastized the ward for not giving us referrals.  Hahahaha RIGHT ON! We had dinner at this house this week and he gave us name after name after name to go see.  Both him and his wife.  I had to pick my mouth from up off the floor. Brother Bailey! You Dawwwgg! He just called us and said he was taking us out to lunch.  He is wonderful. Celestial kingdom here he comes! But, he understands missionary work. he understands what it is all about.  He lives his religion.  He doesn't conspire how he is going to share the gospel, he just lives it and he recognizes and understands when the spirit prompts him.  I am thankful for all the Brother Baileys! Mom, Dad, be a Brother Bailey! 
Get this! A new missionary just came into our mission and she knows Maurie! They were in the same ward or something. Her name is Lauren or Laura Major.  SHE IS AWESOME! Talk about prepared to the max.  She is solid.  
Our investigator Brenda we put on date this week! HOLLA HOLLA! We are so excited for her. She still has yet to come to church.  But we will get her! hahaha 
LARRY ALBERT! The love of my life came to church as well.  We meet with Larry every day to read the scriptures.  And he came! My heart was so happy.  I could not have been more pleased.  He is a man that has been prepared and is ready to come back full force.  He wants his daughter and grand kids to jump on the band wagon as well. 
We are pretty worried about Karl and Becca.  We are beginning to question their sincerity in everything.  Its looking like they are wanting to get what they can from the church and not follow through with the baptism. :(  Keep them in your prayers.  A lot of things have taken place this week. Just one thing after another and it really worries me.  BUT! I will not lose the faith.  Things just keep pointing to them and how led we were to meet with them.  SO I won't give up! Hahaha

I am sorry this email is so lame. I will make sure to live up this week so I have some crazy stories to tell you next time! 

Sister Moline

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