Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014
What a wonderful weekend! I love General Conference with all of my heart! It was just what I needed this week.  It is so inspiring and uplifting and so motivating. It gives me so much courage to push through and follow my Savior Jesus Christ.

Transfers happened this week! Sister B's companion went home so she was without one for a couple days.  She had been out of her area for a week and was itching to get back. So I went to Lewistown with her and have been here for the past couple days. We got to watch conference at the church. And on Saturday we got there and there was no one there. hahahaha it was really funny. So we had the whole chapel to ourselves.  But Sunday, more people came. I was really upset about leaving my area, because we had so many things going on this weekend. But it turns out that this is just what I needed and God knew I would need. Sister B is probably one of my best friends in the mission.  Being able to teach with her and laugh and joke around with her was exactly what I needed.  My companion and I work very, very differently from each other and are just two very different people, so sometimes it makes the work difficult.  But I really enjoyed being able to be in sync with someone and flow in our teaching.  She is a God sent

Did anyone catch that Elder Godoy spoke!?  He is the General Authority that came to our mission this summer. I was waiting his whole talk for a shout out....hahaha.  He is awesome though I really enjoyed listening to him speak. Sister B has an investigator named Dallas that came to the Sunday morning session! Woot! Woot! She really liked it and it was her first time coming to church.
I left my notebook of notes from conference at home. But Lynn Robbins talking about which way we face was one of my favorite talks.  As well as Jorg Klobfjadjfiof. I don't remember his last name.  He has some crazy weird last name. But he was really good. Hahaha he was the Ukraine mission President for awhile.  He was very bold and had many many good things to say.  AH! So many wonderful inspiring messages. I especially loved the talks on the sacrament. That is something I have been striving to get better at.  Understanding and internalizing the sacramental prayers.  I cannot wait till the Ensign comes out and I can mark it all up.
But, real talk.  Do we really realize what we have! LADIES AND GENTLEMAN! WE HAVE A STINKEN PROPHET! A PROPHET! I am just so amazed at how much love our Heavenly Father has for us to give us a prophet.  DId you notice how many talks were on sustaining the prophet?  Obviously we could be doing a better job at that. Listening to those talks brought me back to what Mom always told us growing up. She always said that her only words of advice for our life would be to follow the prophet, because if we do we will be right in the sight of God.  So true. 
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang How Firm A Foundation and it brought me back to one of my fondest memories.  I don't remember if I have already shared this with all of you or not.  But, a couple months before my mission Mom, Maurie, Saryn and I went to music and the spoken word.  The choir sang How Firm A Foundation and I remember the last verse when they sang, " I'll never, no never, I 'll never no never forsake." I looked over at Mom sitting next to me and with tears streaming down her face she mouthed those same words along with the choir. " I'll never, no never, I'll never forsake." I will never forget that image of my mother exclaiming her loyalty and love for God.  I thought I loved the Lord then.  I thought I loved the gospel then.  But this time as they sang that hymn I was the one with tears streaming down my face as I sang with the choir, "I'll never, no never, I'll never forsake."  I love my Savior and I love the gospel He has brought to us.  Because through it I know true happiness and I know complete peace.  And I will never forsake my Savior. I will never forsake His gospel. 
Before I came to Lewistown, Sister Finell and I had the opportunity to speak to the Young Women of another ward about our missions and do a Q/A with them. It was so much fun! They asked me how long I had been out and I almost choked when I said 13 months. DAAAANNNG! They all said, "wow! You are almost done!"  Not even real. That is so not even real! hahaha so weird. But as I was telling them of experiences I have had on my mission it was so weird to think that I had been out as long as I have.  But when I asked those who were planning to go on missions to raise their hands, the entire group of Young Women raised their hands. I was a happy, giddy little mess. It got me so excited. Everyone should go on missions!! WOOT! I just got so excited talking with them about how amazing missions are.  This really is the greatest thing God has ever led me to do. I am so thankful I followed the promptings I received to come out. It was one of the harder things I have done, knowing I was giving up plenty of wonderful opportunities.  But I know without a doubt that the Lord has been aware of my every need and my every hardship. He has been there for me and always will be there for me. When no one else seems to be there for me to rely on or to talk with He is.  I love my Savior. So, so much.  
OH! Before I close! Karl and Becca prayed for the first time on Thursday!!!!!!!! It was the most wonderful moment Of. My. Life.  They make me so happy.  
Alright. I better go. I love you all so much! I am so thankful for you support and love. Until next week! 
Sure love ya! Moline's Rock! Missionaries Rule!

Sister Muchacho Moline 

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