Sunday, December 7, 2014

November 24, 2014
The Lord is good and brought me warmer weather this week. In fact I am not even wearing boots or tights right now. HALLELUJAH! Oh, by the way can we just talk about how Christmas is a month away. WHAT THE HECK.  This is all just so strange.  But for Thanksgiving we are going to two dinners thus far.  Woot! Woot! Packing on my winter insulation.  We are going to a young married couples house with the Elders and an investigator and a ward missionaries home with her husband and two kids.  The poor couple have no friends or family here so we will all gather together family-less and friend-less in hopes to fill the hole in our hearts.  Ha.  But I am excited for mashed potatoes and pies and food food food.  
By the way I had multiple people bring up to me how Molines are in Montana.  Let's figure this out! I want to find my kin here! 
This week went by so stinken fast.  Unbelievable.  Every transfer the zone leaders, and sister training leaders get together in Helena for a meeting to discuss the needs of the mission, the worries of the mission president and what we can do to uplift and inspire the missionaries in their missionary service.  But, instead of gathering with the leaders in teh mission, President Mecham wanted to have a mission wide Leadership council.  So he has been traveling around the mission to all the zones and having a leadership meeting with all the missionaries.  Senior companions, junior companions, district leaders, zone leaders and stl's.  It was awesome.  Hearing President Mecham speak always has a way of motivating me to be better than I was before and do my best in every aspect of my life.  He spoke to us about a new initiative starting after Thanksgiving called He Is The Gift. The church has come out with a new video called He Is the Gift and it is phenominal. The church has bought out the banner on Youtube and will be playing it on the front page of Youtube and it is anticipated that over 220 million people will see it.  We have special pass along cards that lead people to and other church related sites.  It will be so awesome.  It talks about helping those around us to discover the gift of Christ, embrace the gift of Christ and share the gift of Christ.  I am so stoked about it.  Also something President said really astonished me.  He said that he did the math and it takes about an average of 110 people that pay their tithing to support one missionary in this mission.  With the ipads, cars, gas, etc it takes about 110 people.  Isn't that insane?  He talked about the importance of treating tithing funds sacredly.  Dang straight! That is a ton of people sacrificing in my behalf so that I can comfortably share the gospel.  I am so grateful for tithing funds from faithful and selfless members of the church.  
After the meeting I was playing post lude music when President came up to me and put his arms around me and said, "I haven't had a chance to talk to my dear Sister Moline yet." OH President Mecham! Stop that! He is just the most wonderful person.  There are times when all I want is a hug from mom to tell me everything is going to okay and to keep pushing forward, that God is on my side.  But I am thankful for President Mecham who has been that person for me while I have been away.  Who has made me feel capable and loved and needed here in this mission. I was thinking about that today and really how I hope I can make people feel the way that President Mecham makes me feel about myself.  I want to be that kind of person for those around me. 
After the meeting I went on exchanges in Lewistown.  So good.  Those sisters rock.  I was so impressed with their desire to do missionary work and their consecration to the work.  And because of their desire and obedience they have seen so many miracles.  One of which happpened while I was there.  A woman by the name of Lori called them in tears saying she needed to talk to someone and needed some help and guidance.  Her step son was killed by a drunk driver the week before.  They had never heard of a Lori before, but sure enough she was in their area book and had been dropped.  We went over there and taught the plan of salvation.  It rocked.  ROCKKKKKEEDD! Sometimes dropping investigators is a good thing because it allows people to come to you when they are ready.  I am excited to see where this goes.  

Good news! One of our investigators, Gentry came to church on Sunday! WAAADDDUUUPPPP!!! That made my whole life.  We have been working with her for awhile and this was the first time she agreed to come.  And everyone was so welcoming and nice to her.  She participated in gospel principles and relief society.  I was so pleased with how everyone treated her.  WOOT! She is a hard investigator, but I am praying taht something will just click with her.  She feels like the church is sexist towards women......ugh.  But I love her so much! And our dinner tonight invited her to dinner as well.  So I am hoping that she begins to see and feel the difference through the members.  Gentry has a strong strong strong belief in Jesus Christ and knows the Bible like no one I have seen before.  But her strong belief is what is keeping her from accepting more of Christ's gospel. She says she prays everyday about the church and being baptized but hasn't received an answer yet.  So, pray for her and cross your fingers that she will receive her answer.  
We had a ton of people cancel this week because everyone and their mother is sick.  Including Mark and kat.  But! We found a lot of new less actives this week.  One of which was last night.  We knocked on someone's door and a man answers the door and just started laughing.....and swearing hahaha and let us in.  He said his wife and him have just moved back to Montana from Oregon and that they met with Sister missionaries weekly over there.  SHUT UP! So they set up a weekly time for us to come visit them.  Yeah.  Dats wats upppppp.  Get ready Great Falls.  All ya'll are going to be reactivated by the time I am done here. 

OHMYGOSH! I almost forgot the crowning moment of the week! Karl and Becca got married! Yes.  Yes they did.  But not by the Bishop and not at the church.  Wait for it.  They got married at Vaporology....yes. Vaporology.  Karl got one of those vapors to try and quit smoking and is absolutely obsessed with it. One of the employees got a marriage license online and offered to marry Karl and Becca in the store.  So that definitely happened.  And I definitely went.  The whole experience made me so grateful for temple marriages.  It all seemed so empty and blah.  Some random man married them in some random store. There was nothing there.  The only word I can use to describe it is empty.  A few people from church came and a friend and karl's parents came.  There was nothing sacred behind it. And at the end he said, " By the power invested in me by the state of Montana....." LAME! What about the power of GOD! So much more legit.  But at least they are married. :) That is good.  And a member from the ward took pictures for them and made them a  cake. 

I am sorry this is all scattered and crazy! I have to hurry and go.  But I love you all and hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving!  I love you! And I love my mission and the Lord and this work! I cannot believe that the time is going as fast as it is.  Never again will I be able to stand in place of the Savior to do His work.  I am ready to rock it.  Bring it on Montana! 

Sister Moline

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