Tuesday, December 24, 2013

                                             My district before transers at a dinasaur museum

                                                         Christmas Nativity investigators

                                                My new companion Sister Bonn.  She's a gem!

                                                                        Sister Bonn

                                                             All the sisters in my district.
December 23, 2013
THIS WEEK! IT IS HAPPENING!! WE GET TO SKYPE! AHH! I am so stoked! I cannot wait.  We will be spending Christmas at Rhenon's with her mom and dad and son, so I will be skyping from there.  I wrote down tanner's skype name and will find him to skype.  You can count on me getting on to skype at around 2:30-3:00my time.  I believe I can call you beforehand and let you know when I am getting on skype.  Sound good? GOOOOOOD! GET READYY!!  WOOT WOOT!  
I am so happy to hear you got my package! I was so rushed to send it out that I didn't get to wrap anything.  I got your packages!! They are sitting under our little Christmas tree in our room! I am so excited :) And I got Grandma's package as well!  We also got home one night this week and two of my favorite families in the ward made us a wreath to put up in our apartment.  It smells divine! it's nice to have some Christmas cheer in our apartment.

Sister Bonn is absolutely wonderful! I love love love her.  We get along great and have such a good time together. I honestly don't feel like I am even training her. She knows what she is doing. With Sister Greenfield and I, it took a little while to get into the groove of teaching together, but with Sister Bonn when we teach it clicks.  We work very well together.  She is a natural, and it helps because she wants to work and obey and get things done.  She has caught on to the missionary schedule really quick and has been a joy to work with especially with figuring out the bus system.  Speaking of which we now have no car at all.  NONE.  At least we got it for 2 days a week, but they have given the car to the 1st ward Sisters completely.  AHHHHH! They did this because their area isn't even covered by the bus.  It is seriously a struggle not having a car.  We waste so much time riding and walking.  One time this week we waited for the bus for 30 minutes and it never showed which caused us to miss appointments we had set and waste 2 hours of prime proselyting time.  It was very frustrating. Our ward is the biggest ward in the stake and yesterday our Bishop gave us a ward list that is 26 pages long.  26!!! There are so many people we could go out and find but with the bus is makes it very difficult because by the time we ride and walk to the persons home 30-60 minutes has been lost and if they aren't home we have to wait another 60 minutes for the next bus. AND the bus doesn't even run on Sunday and only two lines run on Saturday.  I am pretty frustrated about the situation but we will have to make it work.  Ward members are great, but even then it is hard to schedule with us, our investigators and a member/bus.  We will see what happens.
This week we had Zone conference in Billings and as always, it was FANTASTIC.  They had a slide show of everyone's baby pictures around Christmas time.  haha I saw mine! Good choice family, good choice. Hahaha it was really fun! Then they gave us a goodie bag with letters from everyone! I LOVED that more than anything.  It was such a fun surprise and so much fun to read from everyone. I so loved hearing your testimonies. Not going to lie, looking at everyone's Christmas pictures and reading the letters made me really miss being home at this time of year.  It was fun, but really stunk at the same time.  The Assistants dressed up as Santa and his little helpers so we got pictures with Santa which was fun. P.S. I got a little package from Sharon and Van! They sent me peanut brittle and peanut butter fudge! HOW NICE! What a wonderful surprise.  
We left for zone conference at 4:30...ohmygosh, worst morning of my life.  I died.  And I had to drive!! Holy Moses, I feared for everyone's lives that morning.  Haha but we arrived safely.  One of the Assistants spoke and talked about when Jesus asks Peter, Peter do you love me?  and Peter answers yes Lord, you know that I love thee.  But Christ continues to ask him 3 more times and finishes  by saying if you love me feed my sheep.  It really hit home to me. Because I love my Savior, I have grown to love him a lot more on my mission and I want to show him that I love him.  I want to show that I cherish my relationship with Him more than anything else.  I love my Savior, and because I do, I am going to feed His sheep.  I am going to do and be the best missionary that I can possibly be and bring people unto the same understanding and love that I have for my Savior.  Because I love Him I will serve my mission with love and purpose.  
People always talk about Christmas on the mission and how amazing it is, and I think that I have just now come to that point.  It truly is an incredible experience focusing completely on Christ this Christmas season, and not being influenced by all the commercial aspects of Christmas.  I have come to this realization that if Christ was not born we would have absolutely no chance to return. And how badly I want to return.  I want nothing more than to return to my Heavenly Father and live and know Him again.  I have always heard that Christ is the author of our Salvation and it hasn't been until my mission that I have truly come to understand that.  He led a life paving the way for us to return and what a simple path it is. As humans we have a tendency to complicate things much more than they need to be.  We were teaching the Fuqua's, a part member family this week and we were talking about dropping the last syllable in Spirit of Christmas and it becomes Spirit of Christ. And I got to talking with them about how there is so much more to our existence than what we crack it up to be.  There is so much more than our jobs and our home and the places that we live and the friends that we have.  That Christ has opened up a door of monumental opportunity and eternal progression and potential.  I wish I could better express this understanding that I have received.  It truly is an amazing gift that we have been given.  How grateful I am for the gift of my Savior and all that he has done for me.  At zone conference they gave us choir music and we split up into sections and learned our parts and came together and sang these Christmas songs and I couldn't even sing because of how much love I felt for my Savior at that moment.  One of the songs repeats over and over "Christ came here for you, Christ came here for you" I know that he did.  Like I mentioned in emails before, there are many things that I don't yet "know" but only "believe" but I KNOW that Christ came here for me. 

I am to grateful for this Christmas season. Although it is hard being away from home and family right now I know this is where the Lord needs me and wants me right now.  I love my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.  Thank you mom and dad for helping me understand his role in my life. Thank you for your testimonies and your love of the Savior.  Thank you for raising me in a home with Christ at the center.  I will forever be grateful for the home you raised me in full of love and the gospel.
I will write Grandma and Grandpa. Send them my love
talk to you soooooooonn!

Monday, December 9, 2013

                                                                    Bozeman Sisters!!

                                                                 My Bingo Ladies!

                                                        The Allen family!   I love them!
December 9, 2013
Let me tell you something family....you have baby winters! Winters for children! This entire week it hasn't gotten above -3! NEGATIVE THREE! The majority of the week it was -13 - 18.  Yeah.  Don't be complaining to me about the cold hokay?  Hahaha just kidding...but really. It is SUPER freaking cold.  Luckily I am staying warm.  A member gave us some fleece jackets to wear under our coats and wool socks to wear.  Members are wonderful.  
okay transfer news....drumroll pleaseeeeeee  BOZEMAN! WOOT WOOT! I am stickin around! Sister Greenfield is being transferred to Stevensville on Wednesday.  I am actually super sad about it.  We have become really good friends and are able to just work off of each other in our lessons.  My new companion is NEW. I will be training a Sister Jackson from California.  I got a call from one of the AP'son Wednesday and he interviewed me. So I knew then that I would probably end up training this transfer. OHman.  I don't know how I feel about it.  I am pretty scared and nervous about it all.  I feel like I don't know enough to be able to train.  I depend a lot on Sister Greenfield in our lessons to answer questions and refer to the scriptures if I can't.  I was feeling pretty anxious last night when I went to bed and something President always says is to pray for a confirmation about where you are being transferred.  So I did and I just was filled with peace that this is where the Lord needs me and Sister Jackson is who I need to be with. Although I am freaked out of my mind about it I know that this is right and I can do all things with the Lord.  He knows my concerns and he knows this area and he will back me up. I am scared, but it will be an adventure and I know I will learn a lot.  I just hope as new as I am that I can be what she needs at the beginning of her mission.  Oh jeez.  They are actually also taking the other Elders out and putting in two Sisters so now my district is all Sisters and the zone leaders.  Hahaha awesssoommmeee! ALSO I have to drive in the snow.....yep, no thanks ladies and gentlemen.  THat is not a good idea.  The Texan driving in Montana winter...nope not a good idea.  Haha
First off funny story! So we were eating dinner at the Allen's house last night.  Another favorite family of the ward.  They have 4 little girls and Sister Allen comes out with us all the time.  Anyway we were eating and Sister Allen was telling me about how they all watched a movie called Minor Details last night as a family and the girls were obsessed with it.  And I was like, Minor Details?! The movie Kelsey Edwards is in!! So I bragged about how my good friend was in that movie.  hahah so funny.  Also one of their little girls in the middle of dinner stood up on her chair and yelled, "raise your hand if you love glitter and Jesus!"  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH YES! Fantastic.  Kids are the best.  
RHONDA! Okay listen up. Rhonda's hold up for the past while was her husband Ted.  He wasn't interested and she didn't want to follow through with getting baptized if he wouldn't go with her.  She has since then come over that and is moving forward.  The other night we went over and had dinner over there with Ted and Rhonda and taught the Plan of Salvation.  Ted sat in on the lesson and was so involved.  He was asking so many questions and commenting on the things we taught.  He made the comment that wherever Rhonda ends up in the next life, that he wants to be with her.  We went back over later in the week and taught Ted the First lesson and it was awesome.  He said, " So why is it that Mormons are so happy all the time?  I know a lot of Mormons and I have met a lot of them and all of them seem to be so happy, they have this look about them."  I have always heard stories of people saying that and always thought that that was cool, but it was really neat to be able to hear someone actually say that.  We talked about how we know the answers to some of life's greatest questions of where we came from, what our purpose is on earth and where do we go after we die.  Ted seemed to really enjoy the lesson and agreed to read the Book of Mormon with Rhonda.  Something interesting about Ted is that he is really into genealogy, he loves family history, and he told us that recently he has been feeling this extra help in his work and life and Sister Greenfield made the comment to me later that it must be his family on the other side pushing him to hear the gospel and to be baptized.  Because if he is baptized, think of all the people on the other side that will be able to be baptized as well. Interesting. Interesting.
We met again with Sarah the 15 year old this week.  We talked to her about talking to her mom and being straight up with her mom about meeting with us.  And her friend Amy in our ward told us after church that Sarah talked to her mom and her mom said that she has noticed a difference in Sarah since she started to meet with us and that she is fine with her meeting with us but she can't get baptized till she is 18.  Sarah told us in our lesson even that when she meets with us that it feels right and she feels good but when she talks to her Mom about religion or goes to her church it doesn't feel that way.  Sarah also said that she feels different, she sees herself differently and her relationship with God is improving.  THose are the moments that make all of this worth it.   Although her mom said she can't get baptized till she is 18, it is a miracle that she is still allowing her to visit with us. Annnnnd who is to say that miracles can't happen.  
Sadly NO ONE came to church.  STAB IN THE HEART! Danny said he would come, a less active family said they would come, Rhonda said she would come and so did Cara.  BOO. BUT! Cara's car wouldn't start so she had an excuse.  Actually earlier this week we went help Cara Jump start her car in -15 degrees. Let me tell you.  I have never been so freezing in my life! Holy moly! AH! And! Yesterday morning I got up to take a shower and we had NO hot water. Zip zero NOTHING.  Luckily Cara loves us and let us use her shower and made us banana pancakes.  Man, I love people that love us. 
I think I told you that I have been reading a lot about the Atonement and trying to learn more about my Savior so that I can better testify of Him in lessons and truly KNOW and BELIEVE what I am teaching. Last night we watched the Christmas Devotional and it was one of those moments where I just knew, I knew that Jesus Christ came to the earth as the Son of God.   I knew that he performed the Atonement and that he performed it for me so that I can have the chance to live with my Heavenly Father again.  Because of Him I have the potential to make it back, because of Him I can be free from the vile feelings of the world. I am so grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ and for His selfless gift of the Atonement.  I love this gospel.  If there is one thing that I know, I know that this gospel and this church is true.  I know it and I believe with all of my heart.  I love it.  I can't even tell you how amazing it is to have it just click with people.  We aren't telling them things they have never heard before, we are just reminding them of what they already knew.  This message is a message that brings happiness and joy into our lives if only we as members truly knew what we have.  I am nervous about this next transfer but I know Heavenly Father has a plan for the people here in Bozeman and he needs me here with Sister Jackson to make it work.  I love my Savior and I love my Father.  I am truly grateful for the knowledge that I have of them and the roles they play in our lives.  
I love you all and I miss you! I look forward to talking to you on Christmas!

Love you lots
Sure love ya, Moline's Rock, Missionaries Rule!
Sista Freezy Moleezy

Monday, December 2, 2013

                                                         A sign that says . . . Jarrett!!!

                                         Why yes, that is a dead deer on someone's porch. NBD.
                                                                     Hello Montana!
December 2, 2013
Basically this week was THE BOMB! 
First off, THANKSGIVING! We went and studied at the church and while Sister Greenfield studied Portuguese I played around on the piano.  Man, how I miss playing, I love, love, love it.  Then we went to the Williams house for the Thanksgiving feast of champions.  Brother and Sister Williams used to be very active members and out of nowhere Brother Williams stopped coming to church.  She still comes but he would have nothing to do with us whenever we came over.  We have done a lot of service over there and one day after we were helping out, Sister Williams made us some lunch and he wouldn't even come out to eat with us.  But, she invited us over for Thanksgiving and he was there.  He is actually a very sweet man, he served his mission in Canada and 6 months of his mission in Germany so he talked and talked and talked all about his mission to us. It was really neat.  BUT! What was actually really neat is their daughter Ranone.  She is in her late 20's early 30s and was just released from prison the day before Thanksgiving.  She has had quite the life full of difficulties.  She has never wanted anything to do with the church or religion.  But, while she was in prison she read the Book of Mormon cover to cover in 2 months. It has completely turned her around. Seriously, a complete 180.  She has a notebook filled with notes and thoughts as she read the Book of Mormon.  She had Thanksgiving with us and she is just awesome.  She talked about how she came to know of the Savior's love for her, a inmate in a prison cell.  She even talks about how spending time in prison was almost a blessing because in no other circumstance would she have had the time or wanted to take the time to read the whole Book of Mormon.  She came to church yesterday and asked Sister Greenfield and I if we would come over with her and study the scriptures with her this week.  It truly is incredible what the Book of Mormon can do to us if we but let it.  Anyway, Sister Williams made all of the food by herself and after the meal was finished everyone left to take a nap leaving all the dishes everywhere, so Sister Greenfield and I did all the dishes for her. After that we went over to a member family's home, the Jacksons to stop by and say hi. Brother and Sister Jackson both served missions and have 5 CRAAAZZYYY kids.  Haha they are AWESOME.  Brother Jackson is a scientist so Sister Greenfield LOVES talking to him about all this smart people stuff and he served in Brazil so they talk about that as well.   After the Jackson's we went to our ward mission leaders home.  They are secretly my favorite family.  Brother and Sister Giullian have 5 kids with one at home.  Amy is their youngest and is Saryn's age we are actually teaching her friend right now that I will fill you in on later. :) I actually think Saryn and her would get along prettttyyy well. haha She is awesome. But we went over there and played some games with them and ate pie.  The Giullians remind me of our family a lot and make me feel so at home.  I loveeeee them.  Thanksgiving was awesome because we didn't have to hurry anywhere and were rushed with time and an agenda.  It was sooooo relaxing and wonderful.  There need to be more Thanksgiving holidays in the year. 
We met with an investigator, Faith who we found in the area book.  We taught her the first lesson and extended the baptismal invitation with a date and everything. Pretty gutsy right? Yeah, I think so too.  Haha she is looking for religion right now and she has told us that out of all the churches she has studied out, she believes that the Mormons are the best.... Oh stop it Faith, stooopp it! Haha She has a lot to learn and has a lot of questions, but this could really happen.  We showed her a video of President Monson sharing his testimony of Christ and she said that she believes those same things too.  Her big hang up right now is prophets, so I think that helped in showing what our Prophet believes and teaches. 
Lehi and Christa WOOT WOOOOOT! I love these two people so freaking much! After we put Lehi on date to be baptized it is amazing the progress we have seen in him.  I remember when I first got here thinking that we were wasting our time.  Neither of them wanted this, and Lehi would always avoid answering questions or take stabs at us but within the past few weeks they have changed so much.  They are so much happier, and engaged in the lessons.  Lehi asks questions, gives thought to his answers and loves reading from the Book of Mormon.  We started them at the very beginning of the Book of Mormon and Lehi is eating it up.  Every time we go over there to read he talks about how much he loves it and before when it would be like pulling teeth to have him read out loud, he will read columns at a time.  We started the lessons over with them to get a feel of what they already know and when we asked Lehi and Christa to pray about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith they both talked about how they already know and how just reading a chapter everyday has made them so much happier.  GAH! I LOVE IT! The Book of Mormon is the converting power ladies and gentleman.  WE DO NOTHING.  
RHONDAAAAAAAAA!! Okay I know I have talked about Rhonda before, but quick recap.  She is in her 60's, owns a flower shop that we help out at, has met with Sister missionaries for almost a year, has super super good friends in the ward.  She has been super sick these past few weeks and we were finally able to set up a time to teach the first lesson.  Holy awesome.  SHE IS SO READY, IT IS INSANE! She just gets it.  She just takes everything in and loves it.  After we shared the first vision with her we invited her to be baptized on Dec 28.  She looked at us and just began to cry and said yes.  She said that she wants this more than anything and she doesn't know why, but she is drawn to everything we teach her, that it makes sense to her.  I wish I could better explain the feeling in that room.  The Spirit was so strong, I couldn't stop smiling, I just felt this immense love for her and how proud our Heavenly Father is of her. OHMYGOSH! YES! It just reconfirmed to me that this is what I need to be doing.  As a missionary I am supposed to find those that are ready, that the Lord has prepared.  Something that I love that she said is that she has felt so much love and care is in our message.  That it's not hell and damnation and fire and brimstone but that God loves us and he wants us to return to live with him.  AH! RHONDA I LOVE YOU!
SARAHHHH! Sarah is Amy Giullian's friend. She a sophomore and has been talking to Amy a lot about life and God.  She has had a hard time at home and just found out that she has cancer and has a lot of questions about why God lets bad things happen to us.  We met with her a few weeks ago and gave the first lesson and we just met with her again on Saturday and talked about the Plan of Salvation.  She has been reading the Book of Mormon like crazy.  She loves it. We extended the baptismal invitation our first visit with her and she told us this Saturday that it kinda freaked her out and was a little much, but it got her thinking that maybe this is what God wants her to do.  That the reason he has given her these difficult things in her life is because he wants her to grow closer to him and the way she can do that is through getting baptized.  YES SARAH! YES! GET BAPTIZED! OHmygoshhhhhh we didn't have to tell her any of that she just came to understand that through reading the Book of Mormon and mormon.org.  We talked about the Plan of Salvation and she loved it.  It just clicked with her.  She told us that she wants to be baptized but the only downfall are her parents.  She said that if her parents knew she was meeting with us that she would die.  Her mom is very devout in her own faith, so Sarah is really nervous about asking her parents and thinks she will have to wait until she 18. NOOOOOOOOO Buuutttt we shall see what happens.    Rhonda, Sarah and Lehi and Christa came to church yesterday! It is always a little nerve racking on fast sunday, but it went well.  Something that I have learned is that we as the missionaries don't do it.  Without Amy Giullian, the good friends of Rhonda's, and the home teachers and visiting teachers of Lehi and Christa none of progress that we saw this week would have happened.  The members are vital in the conversion of investigators.  VITAL! So family. Get with it, and go out with the Sisters in the ward. P.s. how is the work in the ward going?  How is the new missionary?  Mom, give her a hug, she is probably missing home.  Ha
So yes, awesome week.  Too bad transfers are next Monday.....LAAAMMMEE!! So don't send anything if you plan on sending something.  I am super bummed though if I get transferred away or even if Sister Greenfield gets transferred.  I LOVE HER.  But, I know that whatever happens, wherever I go is where the Lord needs me.  I am excited to see what this next transfer has in store.  
I was thinking about Christmas stuff and what if you just put some money in my account and I got myself some nice gloves and ear warmers as a Christmas gift?  Also about the music mom, I want the tulip book fo sho, and the binders you mentioned I do not think have the piano music I want.  The binder has piano music, like my Chopin Nocturnes and Beethoven.  I don't know where it would be.....hmmm
I love this gospel. I love it, I love it.  It has been absolutely incredible to see the change and the desires of our investigators grow.  Even though many of them are going through troubling times, they find peace in the Book of Mormon.  This is the work of the Lord and I am so grateful to be apart of it. I am honored that the Lord trusts me enough to put His children into my hands.  What an incredible opportunity that we have as missionaries.  I love my father in heaven.  He is so aware of His children, he has a plan for us and he knows us each individually. I am truly thankful to you mom and dad for all that you have taught me, for raising me in a Gospel centered home for giving me that direction in my life.  I love you all and miss you!  
Wish me luck with transfers! Cross your fingers that I stayyyyyyyy! 

Sister Mcksizzle

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

                                                                  First Snow Fall

                                                                   Gandma's package

                                                                      One Degree!!!!
Hello my wonderful family! It is always so so so good to hear from everyone! And hold up! We are getting a new TV?! WHHHAAA!! That is awesome! I am so excited for you! Send me pictures of the new TV and entertainment system! WOOHOO! Merry Christmas! 
This week was weird ha, we had a lot happen this week but at the same time not a whole ton.  Ha, It feels like last Monday was a million years ago.  
So I may have spoken too soon when I said Montana is babying out on me with all this cold winter talk.  haha because it snowed like a crazy on Tuesday I think.  Haha.  It is so pretty! The mountains are covered with snow and everything is glistening with this beautiful white powder.  Ha It is beautiful, but it is cold! We were driving the other day and it was 1 degree out. 1 DEGREE! WHY DO PEOPLE LIVE IN 1 DEGREE WEATHER! Holy smokes! I took a picture because I could not believe that it was actually 1 degree out.  I am keeping warm though. Don't you fret! I think I will hold off on getting a new coat until I feel like I am going to die.  I am not quite there yet.  
So funny story! Sister Greenfield and I were driving the day it snowed and Sister Greenfield was telling me how she thinks God gives her extra driving angels because he doesn't trust her driving, ha ha ha.....then BAM! Rear ended.  So much for driving angels. Haha  We were sitting at a stop light when the car behind us slid on the ice and rear ended us.  And let me tell you something Mom and Dad, I, your daughter, Mckenzie Moline, the most responsible daughter, the best daughter, took care of basically everything.  Sister Greenfield started to panic so I did what I do best and was a responsible adult.  hahahahahahaha It really was nothing, we have a little mark on the bumper but nothing else. 
Also another funny story, We were walking over to someones house when I see on their neighbors porch are two dead Deer just hanging out.  Hahaha They were cut open and there were ice packs inside of them.  But I was like, is this for real?  Hahaha Only in Montana! We took some pictures that I will send next week. haha The guy who lives there came out and was talking to us and when he found out we were Mormon Missionaries, it was funny how quickly he got back into his house.  Oh the mission life, people either love ya or they hate ya. 
So although this week was strange as far as our lessons go there were some pretty sweet miracles! First off, Lehi is not a member and lives with his girlfriend Christa, who is a member and their baby girl Zahara.I LOVE THEM.  We meet with them all the time and they love us and are slowly making progress.  We have been trying to get them to church but something ALWAYS seems to come up an hour right before church.  But this week they came!! The ward members have been really involved with us in teaching them and they called up their Home Teacher and he was able to give them a ride to church.  Not only that, we got Lehi on date to be baptized, AND Christa came to the Relief Society Activity! YES YES YES! The difference in their whole demeanor since we have been meeting them is incredible.  They are so much happier, smiley, positive and desiring to become better people. Lehi lost his job and they have been having a really difficult time making ends meet but the members have really stepped in to help them. I LOVE THE MEMBERS! They do so much! 
So yesterday before church I was just feeling crappy. Straight up crap crap crappy.  I have decided that when Satan can't get you physically he goes at you hard core emotionally. But Heavenly Father knows His children! Yesterday we had a less active family come to Sacrament! The whole family! They have been meeting with missionaries for forever and it almost seemed like a lost cause.  Sister Greenfield and I were prepared to give them a break at our last meeting but for some reason it didn't feel right and we had one of the best lessons we have ever had with them, and then they came to church! HALLELUJAH! Not only that, Cara came to both Sacrament and 2nd hour and Lehi and Christa came to 2nd and 3rd hour. It was basically the best day of my life.  I am a firm believer that Heavenly Father brings us low so that he can take us high.  We were talking to Cara the other day too and she got a little teary eyed as she expressed her thanks to us for getting her back into reading her scriptures.  She said that sometimes it is the only peace that she feels in her day.  We have been reading in the Isaiah chapters with her and it truly is incredible how even though what we are reading with her is pretty dense stuff and hard to understand, that the spirit is still there and that same peace is there regardless of where you read.  I am so thankful for this gospel.  I LOVE IT.  
At Bingo yesterday we had a woman named Elva come.  She is a regular at Bingo on Saturdays and just to give you a visual, she looks like she is about ready to konk out and die.  She yells all the time in Spanish and can't hear anything to save her life. Anyway yesterday out of nowhere Elva yells, "I'VE GOTTA FART!"  hahahahahaahahaha So another Sister missionary who was with us asked her, "do you want me to take you out into the hall?"  and Elva just yells, "MY STOMACH HURTS, IVE GOTTA FART!"  so she takes her out there and all I hear is Elva scream, " I FARTED DO YA SMELL IT?" hahahahahaahahahaha She has this thick southern accent that just makes it so much better.  Oh Elva you goof.  
We had Zone training on Thursday which was fantastic.  President Heap our Stake President came and spoke to us.  He is an incredible speaker.  He teaches institute and man is he powerful.  He said some pretty remarkable stuff.  One of which was the word "know"  he said that as members of the church we often say, "I know the church is true, I know that families can be together forever....." but do we really know that?  He said that there is no shame in just believing.  He made a good point when he said that the Spirit testifies of truth and if we are bearing our testimony and really do not know of ourselves that what we are saying is true, the Spirit cannot do it's job.  He said to just replace the word know with believe, hope, have faith because as believe, as we hope and as we have faith these things turn into a knowledge.  It really made me think about what I KNOW and what I BELIEVE.  I want to turn all of my beliefs into knows.  There is that scripture that even talks about if ye just desire to believe it is enough.  Another thing I loved that he pointed out was that we need to pray like everything depends on Him and act like everything depends on me.  Good counsel Sir Heap. 
Mom:  I do not need tights or thick tights. I got some thick ones here.  And yes leg warmers like you mentioned.  Also my Piano music is in a white binder that should say piano music on the front? you can send it at Christmas if that is easier.  Did I already tell you I would like pearl earrings and stamps?  Haha I can't think of anything that I really need right now. But I will keep thinking.  I do have a sweater that I left home.  It is a thick one that is red and navy blue, kinda looks like a ski sweater.  I would love to have that up here with me as well.  
For Thanksgiving we are going over to a few families in the ward.  We got invited to a super solid family's house as well as a Less Active lady that we do service for a lot and we are planning on seeing Helen Jensen at the nursing home as well.  I am sooooooo excited! It's going to be AWESOME! I am so jealous that Mckay And Adriane will be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas WITH GRANDMA SHIRLEY! AHHH! That is going to be so much fun! JEALOUS! Is anyone else coming for Thanksgiving or will it just be our family??

So basically everyone mentioned the wonderful choir number on Sunday.  Way to rock the house mom! Ha it sounds like it was awesome! Our choir struggles.  Hahahahaha It is definitely a ward choir, but I love going.  I miss singing! haha It has been fun though.  We have a huge Stake Christmas Program coming up where all the ward choirs will be singing and there will be creche exhibits all over the church and a Christmas concert and sing along.  We have been working on all of the members to bring a friend.  It is going to be so cool.  
I love this gospel and I love this church.  I am so grateful for the perspective it gives me each and everyday.  Someone asked me what my favorite part of the mission is and it truly is the greater perspective I have received through studying the scriptures.  It gives me a greater motive and desire to teach all of those around me so that they too can have this wonderful perspective of their life! What a blessing we have!  Happy Thanksgiving! I love you all so very much and miss you like crazy! Have a wonderful week! 
Until Monday!
Sista Moleezy

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013
Well hello hello there family!

This week was a good one! We had a meeting on Thursday with our Zone and another Zone.  The Assistants, Sister Training Leaders, and President came.  President is going around and interviewing all of the missionaries this month so it called for us all to come together and learn from each other.  It was so good.  I had my interview with him and I love him so much.  He is a wonderful man.  Something that we have been working on a mission is "purposeful prayer"  It is exactly what it says.  More purposeful prayers.  And along with that when we close our prayers, instead of ending and getting up and rolling, we stay in our prayer position and ponder the words that were said and allow the Spirit speak to us.  It makes sense because how often do we ask ask ask ask ask all of these things of God and don't even wait for Him to respond to us. 
Also in our mission I talked about how we are trying to "be believing".  Both of these things work hand in hand with each other.  As we pray more purposefully we are exercising our faith and belief that God will answer our prayers.  And as we wait a few moments after the prayer it allows Heavenly Father to confirm the things we have asked for, the questions we may have posed and it allows the Spirit to work more fully in us.  Through purposeful prayer we are acting in faith that God will answer our prayers. 
They talked alot about expecting.  Expect answers- Expect Miracles.  I was reading in Mark today and it said that if you shall not doubt in your heart but shall believe that those things that you desire when you pray, believing, you will receive them and you shall have them.  I really do believe that.  I know that God speaks to us and that he answers our prayers....In His own timing.  We live in such an instant gratification world that people get all in a tizzy if their prayers are not answered immediately.  God has a plan.  He knows what we desire and he wants to answer our prayers.  Not only are we acting on our faith but also our patience. 
Something that was said that I loved was how pleased is God when we show our love more fully through purposeful prayer.  When we actually take the time to converse with Him.  And when we wait at the end of our prayers and receive that confirmation, I would not be surprised if that is God's favorite part of our prayers to Him, is Him giving us that confirmation that we so desire.  He wants to bless us, He wants to talk with us, He wants to be a part of our lives.   I came to the thought as well that God will give me power beyond my own because he wants his children back and he will use me to do it.  I am so blessed as a missionary. I truly am. 
Something else that was said was the story in Mark about the Father that pleads with Christ to heal his son and Jesus responds and says, do you believe?  The Father responds to Christ and says with tears in his eyes, Lord I believe, help thou mine unbelief.  It is okay to pray for the faith if you don't have it.  And through that you are exercising the small portion of faith that you do.  In Elder Holland’s talk, Lord I believe, he even talks about having no more than a desire to believe is enough.  
So basically it was great. 
After our meeting we had Sister Patullo, a sister training leader stay the next few days with us.  She goes home in two weeks and actually served in Bozeman 6 months ago.  She is awesome.  I loved having her here and learning from her.  She helped me understand more fully the agency that our investigators and Less Actives have.  We can be doing all we can to teach them but it really comes down to how they use their agency.  Many times if someone didn't follow up on a commitment or something I would immediately think, okay, what did I do? Am I not being obedient enough?  Is it because we didn't ride our bikes?  Is it because I didn't teach with the Spirit?  When in reality it is the use of their agency.  They have to choose whether to accept and act on the things that are being taught.  That darn agency. Not to say at all that obedience and all that other jazz doesn't play into the success we have.  It truly does. 
We found a Less Active this week.  No one knows who she is, I have no idea how long she has been in the ward but no one is aware of her at all.  Which makes no sense because she is awesome! She used to train dogs for the air force and then got cancer and a few years after that had a stroke.  Because of that it is difficult for her to get around and move.  She joined the church about 5-6 years ago and was more than happy to talk to us about her experience with the church and her life.  She was so sweet and even expressed to us how God has blessed her in her life. She said that God saved her life because of her stroke and how grateful she is for her life.  SOLID.  We are seeing her today and I am so pumped.  
We saw Helen Jensen again this week.  The BURNS MY BUTT lady. Haha Her Home teachers are the Stake President and his wife, so we brought them along and Helen was swearing up a storm.  hahahaha I couldn't help but laugh. 

About the weather! It snowed a few days ago, but it is all melted again.  They said it was supposed to snow on Sunday but it never did.  I am beginning to wonder if Montana lies about their winters.  I was expecting the big guns and so far its been  baby snow and coldness.  Come on Montana! Don't wimp out on me! Hahaa  I may regret saying that.  So as of right now I am fine with staying warm.

For Christmas: I do still need wool socks and maybe some more leg warmers.  I would also love a pair of pearl earrings from Sam Moon if possible.  I am trying to think of other things I NEED.  And I really can't think of anything.  I will be in need of good gloves soon here, but I think I could just get some here.  Maybe throw in some Hand warmers and stuff? OOOO! A Red Crayon marking thingamabob! For my scriptures.  That would be nice.  If I think of anything else I will let you know.  Someone said getting a long coat would be good for winter, so it will keep my legs warm....I don't know.  What do you think?
Hahaha So Saryn got into an accident eh? hhaha let's just all take a moment and look at the one child that has not ever gotten into an accident....ME! Can we say golden child award!?  Just kidding! I am glad it wasn't a bad accident and that she is still alive. 
I love this work.  I love this gospel.  Everyday that I am out the more I come to love and understand the importance of the Gospel.  It truly is amazing how much our Father in Heaven loves us.  I love him with all of my heart and am so thankful for this opportunity to serve Him. 

I love you all!!

Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12, 2013

Hello Hello Hello Me Familia!

Sorry for no email yesterday. The library was closed for Veterans day so we had to wait to email until today. LAME!  But tis okay tis okay.  

It sounds like life is just a party! Saryn, your emails are like 7 books in one! hahaha I LOVE IT! Ha.  Tanner sounds like he did a boss job in Sacrament meeting.  Did he speak at the home ward or the singles ward?  I'm proud of you brotha! 

Before I forget, MOM could you send me my piano music? And possibly that church music that has the tulips on the cover that are all yellow but one is red?  hahaha I miss playing so much and I brought some music out here with me but I am already getting tired of it and would love to have some of my piano music to play.  

This week was really busy.  Our Tuesdays and Wednesdays are always jammed full of appointments and once we get to Friday its just driving around trying to find people for the most part.  But this last Tuesday we had 8 lessons in one day.  It was exhausting, both physically and emotionally.  First off we met with our Grandma Sharon.  She is a fire cracker and doesn't take any crap from anyone.  I love her to pieces.  She comes off super hard and angry but she is just a love bug. A little bit of background on her: Sister Greenfield and her previous companion tracted her out and she gave them a mouth full, telling them she didn't want mormons on her property and she didn't want any of this mormon crap blah blah blah somehow through all of that they got a Book of Mormon into her hands.  When they returned she said that she was having trouble one night sleeping so she thought, what the heck Ill try and read this to fall asleep.  So she did, and she said she felt so much peace from it and the next day was so peaceful.  She started to take the lessons but then when I came all sorts of things came up.  She had family in town for a while then she had surgery, then her son in law had surgery then she went back to surgery yadda yadda yadda so all of last transfer we were never able to sit down and have a lesson with her until just last week.  We were able to talk about the BOM and the peace and blessings we receive as we read daily.  We challenged her to read a little bit from the BOM everyday that week but because she just had eye surgery it has been difficult for her to read so we offered to come by everyday that week to read with her.  It went really well the first two days....but then! Satan ruins all good things! We went to read with her and she told us that right now it was just too much.  With various family issues, financial problems and life, meeting with us was becoming too much for her to handle.  She cried as she told us she couldn't meet with us anymore. It killed me.  I love Sharon.  And she loves us! I can't even tell you the disappointment I felt as we left her place.  AH! It made me so frustrated.  

BUT THEN! We were riding our bikes and left Sharon's to visit a wonderful woman whom I LOVE LOVE LOVE.  Her name is Rhonda.  She owns a flower shop that we stop by every week and do service in with her and have gospel related discussions and all that jazz.  She is very close to a family in the ward and has been meeting with missionaries for about a year now. She lovesssss the gospel and loves the church.  She agrees with everything we teach or discuss with her.  And as we were riding over there I was just burning mad about Sharon. Not necessarily with Sharon but with the whole situation.  I just was overwhelmed with the love that I had for Sharon and it broke my heart that she was turning away something that I KNOW would bring her that happiness she wants.  But then we got to the flower shop and we shared a mormon message with her and she told us she is ready.  She wants to be baptized.  Her hold up in the first place was that her husband wasn't interested, but she said she has gotten to the point where she knows this is what she has to do.  YES! Double fists to the air!  What a complete shift of emotions! And it got me thinking.  Rhonda has been worked on for about a year now.  The missionaries before us had been meeting with her and helping mold and soften her heart for a long time!  Maybe that is what I need to do with Sharon.  We are just missionaries that are trying to soften her heart to the gospel, and maybe we won't see her baptized, but we are just helping her for maybe the next set of missionaries here.  I just need tot remember that God knows Sharon.  He knows her much better than I do and I need to trust that He has a plan for her.  It is no coincidence they tracted her out, no coincidence that she read the BOM that one night, maybe right now is just not the right time. But it will be soon. I need to trust in the Lord's timing.  
So that was exciting.  Rhonda is super sick right now, but once she is better she wants to start the lessons over and get rolling.  I am SOOOO excited. 

Another cool experience was with our Less Active Danny.  We went over there to read with him and decided to read from the JSH.  The spirit was so thick.  As we were reading I could not deny the words of Joseph Smith.  Danny even began to cry as he read of Joseph's experience in the grove.  When we finished reading Danny bore his testimony to us that he knew that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that the church was built on true principles of Christ.  What a tender experience it was to hear him say those words. I love teaching about the first vision.  It is by far my favorite part of teaching.  Every single time WITHOUT FAIL.  The spirit enters the room with such a power and force.  As we read the JSH I knew that what we were reading was true that Jospeh Smith saw God and our Savior, Redeemer Jesus Christ.  That through him the Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth.  That God has called yet again another prophet on the earth to lead and guide His children.  God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  The way He shows His love for His children is the same.  I LOVE THIS GOSPEL

We got a call from one of our favorite people this week.  Our Ward Mission Leader's daughter. She is Saryn's age and freakin legit. I LOVE HER.  She has a friend that she wanted to introduce us to so we met up with her and that was a powerful lesson.  She had a lot of questions about why God lets bad things happen to us and was questioning the things that she had been taught growing up. We showed her the mormon message, Origin.  Look. It. Up.  It is so good. I am kind of obsessed with it.  

Things are really going well over here in the Montana hood. 

I will think of things for Christmas.  As of right now I can't think of anything....maybe stamps?  haha But I will let you know.  I cannot wait to call and talk to all of you! AHH! Christmas is sneaking up!  P.s. I will try and gather cool things to send home....hahah but let's get real. Montana is not much different from Texas right now where I am at.  Ha.  BUT I will try and find unique things.   Someone told me today that I am in for a rude awakening when I leave Bozeman cause none of Montana is like this.  haha Sad day.  

Okie Doke Familia.  I should get going.  We are going to see RHONDA! LOVE HER! Annnnnnndddd I would like to let you all know that I helped make corsages for homecoming.  They were beautiful

ALSO! I got a package from Grandma Shirley! It was fantastic! Thank you Thank you Than you! I LOVE IT! The Oreos are already gone.  hahaha 

And a shout out to Ashley King for sending the most epic Halloween package of all time! You are awesome! Thank you so much! I now have enough candy to feed me for the rest of my mission. Hahaha 

Just to end.  We had our Primary Program on Sunday.  The basic message they spoke and sang about what that they were children of God and that Heavenly Father answers prayers.  I can tell you right now that I know without a shadow of a doubt that those things are true.  Such basic simple foundational things, but so much direction comes from that.  Prayer is a powerful thing.  Joseph Smith did nothing more than what we do on a daily basis.  He read his scriptures and he prayed and what a miraculous thing occurred because of that.  I am so grateful for this gospel.  It is truly the only thing in this life that can bring us complete and everlasting happiness.  The world is constantly changing, relationships change, we change, jobs, school, life changes, but this gospel is constant.  It's truths are eternal.  I love it with all of my heart. 

I love you all! Take care! And I will talk to you next week!

Sista Sista!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4, 2013

This week was not super duper exciting.  With transfers going on and entering the area book in the Ipads it was rather slow.  About the Ipads! So we are allowed to have the gospel library app, skype, and lds music.  We have a separate app, the app catalog so we can download mission approved apps....which is basically what I told you.  You cannot get on the internet but I am sure there is a way around it.  The guy who gave them to us said that he knows we are not stupid and that there is a way around the specific things they have put up, but this is a matter of trust with us and our mission president and us and the Lord.  I think it is going to be really beneficial and I haven't seen any missionaries abusing it....yet....haha 
Sister Glenn is here with her new companion Sister Lindsey from Hawaii! They are not only being white washed into the area, but are being white washed into a spanish speaking ward....neither of them speak Spanish.  I WOULD DIE.  They have been doing good though.  Sister Glenn is really good at getting things done, so I am sure she is taking the bull by the horns.  
There is a woman that has been meeting with missionaries for over 8 years.  When we were putting the area book into our ipads I had the opportunity to put her info in.....HOLY LONG!! HA geez it took a thousand years. About 6 months ago she was on date for baptism with her two sons and two days before the baptism she pulled the plug....literally hahaha SO SAD! It was incredible to read along and see how she grew and made the necessary changes in her life and what peace and happiness her and her family felt. I wanted to cry  as I read this record.  She was so close.  After so many years of meeting and learning and changing she was two days away. We set up a time to go meet with her and she talked to us for a long time about the church.  She said that she believes in Joseph Smith and his visions and she believes in the Book of Mormon.  She even said that she hasn't read it in a while but every now and then she will pull it out and what a difference it makes in her day.  She said what was holding her back was the Word of Wisdom.  It just hit me then that Satan really doesn't want us to progress.  He will do all he can to make it so we can't reach our full potential.  As we met with her I just got this overwhelming feeling that God loves her.  He loves her so much more than we can comprehend.  We are going to start meeting with her more regularly and start going at the lessons again with her.
I was reading a talk this morning and at the end he said, if we were to know who we really were, what kind of person we were in the pre existence the hairs on the back of our necks would stand up. It makes me think of this woman, what kind of person she was and if after this life I see her and I knew I didn't give her my all.  And it really gets me thinking, am I living up to my full potential?  Am I living up to the person that I was before?  Our life on earth is such a small moment but it is vital to the rest of eternity.  It is vital, and how fortunate we are to know how we can make it back.  We know! We are so blessed! 

Everyone keeps telling us it is going to snow, and get ready, be prepared, its going to be bad....and it never does.  Haha It snowed a little last night but nothing too bad.  I am just counting my blessings, because once it starts.....IT NEVER ENDS! Haha 
And yes mom I got the flu shot. 
It sounds like your week was fun! I am so happy you got to see the Kosmikis and that Saryn's team DOMINATED! WOO WOO!
Wellll I best be a going.  I love you all! 
p.s. Mom, thank you so much! I needed that.