Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013
Well hello hello there family!

This week was a good one! We had a meeting on Thursday with our Zone and another Zone.  The Assistants, Sister Training Leaders, and President came.  President is going around and interviewing all of the missionaries this month so it called for us all to come together and learn from each other.  It was so good.  I had my interview with him and I love him so much.  He is a wonderful man.  Something that we have been working on a mission is "purposeful prayer"  It is exactly what it says.  More purposeful prayers.  And along with that when we close our prayers, instead of ending and getting up and rolling, we stay in our prayer position and ponder the words that were said and allow the Spirit speak to us.  It makes sense because how often do we ask ask ask ask ask all of these things of God and don't even wait for Him to respond to us. 
Also in our mission I talked about how we are trying to "be believing".  Both of these things work hand in hand with each other.  As we pray more purposefully we are exercising our faith and belief that God will answer our prayers.  And as we wait a few moments after the prayer it allows Heavenly Father to confirm the things we have asked for, the questions we may have posed and it allows the Spirit to work more fully in us.  Through purposeful prayer we are acting in faith that God will answer our prayers. 
They talked alot about expecting.  Expect answers- Expect Miracles.  I was reading in Mark today and it said that if you shall not doubt in your heart but shall believe that those things that you desire when you pray, believing, you will receive them and you shall have them.  I really do believe that.  I know that God speaks to us and that he answers our prayers....In His own timing.  We live in such an instant gratification world that people get all in a tizzy if their prayers are not answered immediately.  God has a plan.  He knows what we desire and he wants to answer our prayers.  Not only are we acting on our faith but also our patience. 
Something that was said that I loved was how pleased is God when we show our love more fully through purposeful prayer.  When we actually take the time to converse with Him.  And when we wait at the end of our prayers and receive that confirmation, I would not be surprised if that is God's favorite part of our prayers to Him, is Him giving us that confirmation that we so desire.  He wants to bless us, He wants to talk with us, He wants to be a part of our lives.   I came to the thought as well that God will give me power beyond my own because he wants his children back and he will use me to do it.  I am so blessed as a missionary. I truly am. 
Something else that was said was the story in Mark about the Father that pleads with Christ to heal his son and Jesus responds and says, do you believe?  The Father responds to Christ and says with tears in his eyes, Lord I believe, help thou mine unbelief.  It is okay to pray for the faith if you don't have it.  And through that you are exercising the small portion of faith that you do.  In Elder Holland’s talk, Lord I believe, he even talks about having no more than a desire to believe is enough.  
So basically it was great. 
After our meeting we had Sister Patullo, a sister training leader stay the next few days with us.  She goes home in two weeks and actually served in Bozeman 6 months ago.  She is awesome.  I loved having her here and learning from her.  She helped me understand more fully the agency that our investigators and Less Actives have.  We can be doing all we can to teach them but it really comes down to how they use their agency.  Many times if someone didn't follow up on a commitment or something I would immediately think, okay, what did I do? Am I not being obedient enough?  Is it because we didn't ride our bikes?  Is it because I didn't teach with the Spirit?  When in reality it is the use of their agency.  They have to choose whether to accept and act on the things that are being taught.  That darn agency. Not to say at all that obedience and all that other jazz doesn't play into the success we have.  It truly does. 
We found a Less Active this week.  No one knows who she is, I have no idea how long she has been in the ward but no one is aware of her at all.  Which makes no sense because she is awesome! She used to train dogs for the air force and then got cancer and a few years after that had a stroke.  Because of that it is difficult for her to get around and move.  She joined the church about 5-6 years ago and was more than happy to talk to us about her experience with the church and her life.  She was so sweet and even expressed to us how God has blessed her in her life. She said that God saved her life because of her stroke and how grateful she is for her life.  SOLID.  We are seeing her today and I am so pumped.  
We saw Helen Jensen again this week.  The BURNS MY BUTT lady. Haha Her Home teachers are the Stake President and his wife, so we brought them along and Helen was swearing up a storm.  hahahaha I couldn't help but laugh. 

About the weather! It snowed a few days ago, but it is all melted again.  They said it was supposed to snow on Sunday but it never did.  I am beginning to wonder if Montana lies about their winters.  I was expecting the big guns and so far its been  baby snow and coldness.  Come on Montana! Don't wimp out on me! Hahaa  I may regret saying that.  So as of right now I am fine with staying warm.

For Christmas: I do still need wool socks and maybe some more leg warmers.  I would also love a pair of pearl earrings from Sam Moon if possible.  I am trying to think of other things I NEED.  And I really can't think of anything.  I will be in need of good gloves soon here, but I think I could just get some here.  Maybe throw in some Hand warmers and stuff? OOOO! A Red Crayon marking thingamabob! For my scriptures.  That would be nice.  If I think of anything else I will let you know.  Someone said getting a long coat would be good for winter, so it will keep my legs warm....I don't know.  What do you think?
Hahaha So Saryn got into an accident eh? hhaha let's just all take a moment and look at the one child that has not ever gotten into an accident....ME! Can we say golden child award!?  Just kidding! I am glad it wasn't a bad accident and that she is still alive. 
I love this work.  I love this gospel.  Everyday that I am out the more I come to love and understand the importance of the Gospel.  It truly is amazing how much our Father in Heaven loves us.  I love him with all of my heart and am so thankful for this opportunity to serve Him. 

I love you all!!

Talk to you soon!

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