Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4, 2013

This week was not super duper exciting.  With transfers going on and entering the area book in the Ipads it was rather slow.  About the Ipads! So we are allowed to have the gospel library app, skype, and lds music.  We have a separate app, the app catalog so we can download mission approved apps....which is basically what I told you.  You cannot get on the internet but I am sure there is a way around it.  The guy who gave them to us said that he knows we are not stupid and that there is a way around the specific things they have put up, but this is a matter of trust with us and our mission president and us and the Lord.  I think it is going to be really beneficial and I haven't seen any missionaries abusing it....yet....haha 
Sister Glenn is here with her new companion Sister Lindsey from Hawaii! They are not only being white washed into the area, but are being white washed into a spanish speaking ward....neither of them speak Spanish.  I WOULD DIE.  They have been doing good though.  Sister Glenn is really good at getting things done, so I am sure she is taking the bull by the horns.  
There is a woman that has been meeting with missionaries for over 8 years.  When we were putting the area book into our ipads I had the opportunity to put her info in.....HOLY LONG!! HA geez it took a thousand years. About 6 months ago she was on date for baptism with her two sons and two days before the baptism she pulled the plug....literally hahaha SO SAD! It was incredible to read along and see how she grew and made the necessary changes in her life and what peace and happiness her and her family felt. I wanted to cry  as I read this record.  She was so close.  After so many years of meeting and learning and changing she was two days away. We set up a time to go meet with her and she talked to us for a long time about the church.  She said that she believes in Joseph Smith and his visions and she believes in the Book of Mormon.  She even said that she hasn't read it in a while but every now and then she will pull it out and what a difference it makes in her day.  She said what was holding her back was the Word of Wisdom.  It just hit me then that Satan really doesn't want us to progress.  He will do all he can to make it so we can't reach our full potential.  As we met with her I just got this overwhelming feeling that God loves her.  He loves her so much more than we can comprehend.  We are going to start meeting with her more regularly and start going at the lessons again with her.
I was reading a talk this morning and at the end he said, if we were to know who we really were, what kind of person we were in the pre existence the hairs on the back of our necks would stand up. It makes me think of this woman, what kind of person she was and if after this life I see her and I knew I didn't give her my all.  And it really gets me thinking, am I living up to my full potential?  Am I living up to the person that I was before?  Our life on earth is such a small moment but it is vital to the rest of eternity.  It is vital, and how fortunate we are to know how we can make it back.  We know! We are so blessed! 

Everyone keeps telling us it is going to snow, and get ready, be prepared, its going to be bad....and it never does.  Haha It snowed a little last night but nothing too bad.  I am just counting my blessings, because once it starts.....IT NEVER ENDS! Haha 
And yes mom I got the flu shot. 
It sounds like your week was fun! I am so happy you got to see the Kosmikis and that Saryn's team DOMINATED! WOO WOO!
Wellll I best be a going.  I love you all! 
p.s. Mom, thank you so much! I needed that.


  1. Hey what's Kenzie's mailing address? We want to send her a package

    1. It is:

      1848 Rimrock Rd
      Billings, MT 59102

      That goes to the mission office. But the address for where she is living RIGHT NOW is:

      1104 S Montana Ave Apt C13
      Bozeman, MT 59715

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
