Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hello my wonderful family! It is always so so so good to hear from everyone! And hold up! We are getting a new TV?! WHHHAAA!! That is awesome! I am so excited for you! Send me pictures of the new TV and entertainment system! WOOHOO! Merry Christmas! 
This week was weird ha, we had a lot happen this week but at the same time not a whole ton.  Ha, It feels like last Monday was a million years ago.  
So I may have spoken too soon when I said Montana is babying out on me with all this cold winter talk.  haha because it snowed like a crazy on Tuesday I think.  Haha.  It is so pretty! The mountains are covered with snow and everything is glistening with this beautiful white powder.  Ha It is beautiful, but it is cold! We were driving the other day and it was 1 degree out. 1 DEGREE! WHY DO PEOPLE LIVE IN 1 DEGREE WEATHER! Holy smokes! I took a picture because I could not believe that it was actually 1 degree out.  I am keeping warm though. Don't you fret! I think I will hold off on getting a new coat until I feel like I am going to die.  I am not quite there yet.  
So funny story! Sister Greenfield and I were driving the day it snowed and Sister Greenfield was telling me how she thinks God gives her extra driving angels because he doesn't trust her driving, ha ha ha.....then BAM! Rear ended.  So much for driving angels. Haha  We were sitting at a stop light when the car behind us slid on the ice and rear ended us.  And let me tell you something Mom and Dad, I, your daughter, Mckenzie Moline, the most responsible daughter, the best daughter, took care of basically everything.  Sister Greenfield started to panic so I did what I do best and was a responsible adult.  hahahahahahaha It really was nothing, we have a little mark on the bumper but nothing else. 
Also another funny story, We were walking over to someones house when I see on their neighbors porch are two dead Deer just hanging out.  Hahaha They were cut open and there were ice packs inside of them.  But I was like, is this for real?  Hahaha Only in Montana! We took some pictures that I will send next week. haha The guy who lives there came out and was talking to us and when he found out we were Mormon Missionaries, it was funny how quickly he got back into his house.  Oh the mission life, people either love ya or they hate ya. 
So although this week was strange as far as our lessons go there were some pretty sweet miracles! First off, Lehi is not a member and lives with his girlfriend Christa, who is a member and their baby girl Zahara.I LOVE THEM.  We meet with them all the time and they love us and are slowly making progress.  We have been trying to get them to church but something ALWAYS seems to come up an hour right before church.  But this week they came!! The ward members have been really involved with us in teaching them and they called up their Home Teacher and he was able to give them a ride to church.  Not only that, we got Lehi on date to be baptized, AND Christa came to the Relief Society Activity! YES YES YES! The difference in their whole demeanor since we have been meeting them is incredible.  They are so much happier, smiley, positive and desiring to become better people. Lehi lost his job and they have been having a really difficult time making ends meet but the members have really stepped in to help them. I LOVE THE MEMBERS! They do so much! 
So yesterday before church I was just feeling crappy. Straight up crap crap crappy.  I have decided that when Satan can't get you physically he goes at you hard core emotionally. But Heavenly Father knows His children! Yesterday we had a less active family come to Sacrament! The whole family! They have been meeting with missionaries for forever and it almost seemed like a lost cause.  Sister Greenfield and I were prepared to give them a break at our last meeting but for some reason it didn't feel right and we had one of the best lessons we have ever had with them, and then they came to church! HALLELUJAH! Not only that, Cara came to both Sacrament and 2nd hour and Lehi and Christa came to 2nd and 3rd hour. It was basically the best day of my life.  I am a firm believer that Heavenly Father brings us low so that he can take us high.  We were talking to Cara the other day too and she got a little teary eyed as she expressed her thanks to us for getting her back into reading her scriptures.  She said that sometimes it is the only peace that she feels in her day.  We have been reading in the Isaiah chapters with her and it truly is incredible how even though what we are reading with her is pretty dense stuff and hard to understand, that the spirit is still there and that same peace is there regardless of where you read.  I am so thankful for this gospel.  I LOVE IT.  
At Bingo yesterday we had a woman named Elva come.  She is a regular at Bingo on Saturdays and just to give you a visual, she looks like she is about ready to konk out and die.  She yells all the time in Spanish and can't hear anything to save her life. Anyway yesterday out of nowhere Elva yells, "I'VE GOTTA FART!"  hahahahahaahahaha So another Sister missionary who was with us asked her, "do you want me to take you out into the hall?"  and Elva just yells, "MY STOMACH HURTS, IVE GOTTA FART!"  so she takes her out there and all I hear is Elva scream, " I FARTED DO YA SMELL IT?" hahahahahaahahahaha She has this thick southern accent that just makes it so much better.  Oh Elva you goof.  
We had Zone training on Thursday which was fantastic.  President Heap our Stake President came and spoke to us.  He is an incredible speaker.  He teaches institute and man is he powerful.  He said some pretty remarkable stuff.  One of which was the word "know"  he said that as members of the church we often say, "I know the church is true, I know that families can be together forever....." but do we really know that?  He said that there is no shame in just believing.  He made a good point when he said that the Spirit testifies of truth and if we are bearing our testimony and really do not know of ourselves that what we are saying is true, the Spirit cannot do it's job.  He said to just replace the word know with believe, hope, have faith because as believe, as we hope and as we have faith these things turn into a knowledge.  It really made me think about what I KNOW and what I BELIEVE.  I want to turn all of my beliefs into knows.  There is that scripture that even talks about if ye just desire to believe it is enough.  Another thing I loved that he pointed out was that we need to pray like everything depends on Him and act like everything depends on me.  Good counsel Sir Heap. 
Mom:  I do not need tights or thick tights. I got some thick ones here.  And yes leg warmers like you mentioned.  Also my Piano music is in a white binder that should say piano music on the front? you can send it at Christmas if that is easier.  Did I already tell you I would like pearl earrings and stamps?  Haha I can't think of anything that I really need right now. But I will keep thinking.  I do have a sweater that I left home.  It is a thick one that is red and navy blue, kinda looks like a ski sweater.  I would love to have that up here with me as well.  
For Thanksgiving we are going over to a few families in the ward.  We got invited to a super solid family's house as well as a Less Active lady that we do service for a lot and we are planning on seeing Helen Jensen at the nursing home as well.  I am sooooooo excited! It's going to be AWESOME! I am so jealous that Mckay And Adriane will be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas WITH GRANDMA SHIRLEY! AHHH! That is going to be so much fun! JEALOUS! Is anyone else coming for Thanksgiving or will it just be our family??

So basically everyone mentioned the wonderful choir number on Sunday.  Way to rock the house mom! Ha it sounds like it was awesome! Our choir struggles.  Hahahahaha It is definitely a ward choir, but I love going.  I miss singing! haha It has been fun though.  We have a huge Stake Christmas Program coming up where all the ward choirs will be singing and there will be creche exhibits all over the church and a Christmas concert and sing along.  We have been working on all of the members to bring a friend.  It is going to be so cool.  
I love this gospel and I love this church.  I am so grateful for the perspective it gives me each and everyday.  Someone asked me what my favorite part of the mission is and it truly is the greater perspective I have received through studying the scriptures.  It gives me a greater motive and desire to teach all of those around me so that they too can have this wonderful perspective of their life! What a blessing we have!  Happy Thanksgiving! I love you all so very much and miss you like crazy! Have a wonderful week! 
Until Monday!
Sista Moleezy

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