Monday, June 30, 2014

 Check out the big cow!

Check out the rainbow!!
Good ole Steck and me!

Me in a couple wigs!



This week feels like it didn't even happen! So fast! I cannot believe that this Friday I hit my 10 month mark! I just hit 9! Blows my mind.  So I realized that last week I focused on all of the terrible things of my life and I never told you about Sister Williamson. She is my favorite person of all time. I LOVE HER.  She is a convert of 5 years and she is married to a man who hasn't been to church since he was in High School.  They have two adopted sons and one of them has autism.  He is just the sweetest and at times can be a handful for her.  But Sister Steck and I have been visiting her regularly and she has come to church for the past 3 weeks! We text her a scripture everyday and she absolutely loves it.  She texted us one day and said, "So I have my scriptures out to look up the scriptures you send me everyday, but I was wondering if I am supposed to pray before I read my scriptures or not."  OH OF COURSSE! Pray all the live long day! Pray pray pray! Hahahaha she is awesome though.  I really do love her. Last week we stopped by her house to give her the scripture of the day in person and she had a friend over, so we shared Mosiah 2:41with her.  At church the next day she came up to Sister Steck and I with this huge grin and said, I asked my friend if she wanted to learn more! She said no, but! I still asked her! hahahaha I love Sister Williamson.  The Sister Williamson I met when I first got to Missoula is completely different than the Sister Williamson I am meeting with now. She is so much happier. I wish I could do a better job of explaining the difference and the kind of progress she has made. So much progress. She even signed up to feed us this week. She called us and was like, "okay Sisters, I know I signed up to feed you, but I have never done this before so what am I supposed to do?" hahah she is great.  

Also I read our Mission theme for this year in my scripture reading.  It is Mormon 9:27 " O then despise not, and wonder not, but hearken unto the words of the Lord, and ask the Father in the name of Jesus for what things so ever ye shall stand in need. Doubt not but be believing, and begin as in times of old, and come unto the Lord with all your heart, and work out your own salvation...." DOUBT NOT BUT BE BELIEVING. Aren't the scriptures just so wonderful. Oh, how I love them. We complicate so much more than needs to be complicated.  Just be dang believing Moline! 

This week I went on two different exchanges and had the time of my life! It was so much fun! In those two days I either reminded someone of someone or I was mistaken to be someone else like 5 times.  Someone asked if I worked in town because I looked really familiar, someone shirtless drunk old man came out and was like, " CHEYENNE IS THAT YOUUUU!"  No, sir, I am a little baby missionary.  Then two separate families told me I looked and acted like their daughter. Am I really that unoriginal?  I sometimes wonder if God runs out of faces to give people so he reuses ours. Case and point right here.  

I learned a lot on my exchanges though.  I am learning more and more that as much as I want to fix these sister's problems I can't. I am having to turn them more and more to their Savior.  I have not only see issues and problems dissolve, but I have seen stronger missionaries born from exercising their personal relationship with Christ.  I read a scripture that Jase sent me in my little medicine jar today in Psalm 56:4 "In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me." and Psalm 45:10 "Be still and know that I am God"  GOD IS SO GOOD TO US.  We have no reason to turn to man and turn to the world for comfort and solace when we have God. He has the power to change us and help us become. He has the power to give us perspective and heal our wounds. Why would we ever want to give someone advice when we can give them the source of all good things?  Am I making any sense? Maybe not. But that was my thought today. 

On exchanges we went to a nursing home and got to paint old people's nails. I love old people! I love them so much. Painting their nails was the funnest thing I have done in awhile. I don't remember if I told you about Tony last week or not. But in a nutshell he was a referral we recieved but it turns out that he was in another area. The area I so happened to be on exchanges in.  So we taught Tony the first lesson and HE ATE IT UP.  He has two little boys and they are his driving force.  He wants them to grow up in a home with a religion and a belief in God. He agreed to read the Book of Mormon and he even came to church on Sunday. I wasn't there to see any of it, but the Sister I was on exchanges with told me all about it. She said he participated in Gospel Principles and told the Sisters that he was going to pray and ask God when he should be baptized. He said that this was the most God he had felt in a long time. YES YES YES YES YES! 

I also met a man on exchanges that is my absolute favorite person on this planet.  His name is Kenny and is getting baptized this Sunday.  Kenny is from North Carolina and has this deep southern drawl.  His neighbor offered him a Book of Mormon and before the missionaries even said hello he said he wanted to be baptized. That was one of the most inspirational lessons I have ever been in. I am pretty sure we spoke for like 5 minutes of the hour we were there. He went on and on and on about the Book of Mormon and the Bible and how they are meant to work hand in hand. How God has given us more scripture to learn from and to come closer to God.  I wish I could just play a video of him talking because his southern drawl makes it 10X better. But he began to cry as he said that God comes knocking on our hearts and we have to be ready to accept that call from God.  He said, "God has been knocking on my heart and I am ready. I am ready."  He also talked about how he knows that the Lord has something great in store for him to do and he can't wait for his baptism because he knows the Lord will tell him after he is baptized. This man has so much love for God. SO much love for God.  I cannot believe how ready he is.  I almost started crying in our lesson with him because of how strong his love for God was. Meeting with him helped me understand where my relationship with God could be. It could be so much better than what it is.  Kenny closed us with a prayer and he said, " Lord, we are united, me and the Sisters and you, we are united in declaring your word. Guide these Sisters to find your children, Let me help them in preaching your word...." KENNY. I love you. 

Sister Steck and I went tracking and met a really nice lady that seemed really interested in family history. We went back to her house yesterday and gave her the family history contact info. We gave her a Book of Mormon the first time that we met her and she told us that she read the chapter we had recommended but couldn't remember what it said. So we asked if we could read it with her then and she let us right in and we had this marvelous discussion about Alma 32 and experimenting on the word of God. Like I am talking a great discussion.  She was all in and agreed to what the scriptures were saying. It was wonderful. She asked a lot of questions about where the Book of Mormon came from and we offered to come back and tell her more about the Book of Mormon and she flat out said, "thanks girls but I don't think we should continue this." WHAT ARE YOU SAYINGGGGGGG! NO TO SALVATION!?! WOMAN YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MINDDDDDD! It was totally unexpected too, because the spirit was there and we were having such a lovely discussion. So dumb. Oh well. We tried right? I need to remember, " be still and know that I am God."  OKAY FINEEEE.  

But! Something kind of good happened! We followed up with another lady we found tracking and she was so kind. I LOVE NICE PEOPLE! And she was so happy to see us and said she read the chapter and that she had just started making dinner but to come back. HOLLA HOLLA! WOOT WOOT! At least she didn't say not to come back! Hahaha PERSPECTIVE! PERSPECTIVE!  It was good.  

The clouds have parted and Sister Bonn was mid transferred to Hamilton! Which is like 30-45 minutes away from Missoula. Can I get a Woot! Woot! I love her so much.  And get this nonsense.  So in Missoula we have 12 sisters and we also cover 4 sisters in Stevensville. President called one of the 4 in Stevensville to be a STL to help us out and we just got word that he called Sister Bonn and her companion to be STLs and help us.  That is 5 STLs in one area. Not sure what President is thinking.  But I won't complain because that has brought Sister Bonn that much closer! 

Anyway, I better get going. We are hiking the M again......whyyyyyy

I love you all! I know this gospel is true. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and we have a living prophet on the earth today.  Oh how good God is to us! He is the best. I love Him. 

Until next week!

Sister Magical Moline 

yep, I just said magical.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

LOOK AT THIS WEEEEEK! So fast, so fast.  
So basically everyone and their mother canceled on us this week.  It was the most aggravating thing.  In total we had 11 lessons cancel.  AHH! So frustrating.  Even our dinners canceled! One day we had 6 set appointments and every single one canceled.  Then the next day all our appointments canceled. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? So we would go tracking for 2 1/2 - 3 hours.  It was brutal.  I was really upset and frustrated. In my mind I am talking pretty sternly with God and am like, I want to teach, I have that desire, I want to find those that are ready and I want to bring them to you so why do people keep canceling, why aren't we seeing any progress?  I am working hard, I am putting forth effort and trying my best.  I didn't initially have the best attitude about tracking because I was so upset about not having the lessons and seeing these people move forward.  It wasn't until last night that I had a slap in the face and it all seemed to click.  Last night we added up our numbers to report to the District Leader and we met most if not all of our goals and exceeded a few.  HOW?  I have no idea.  The hand of the Lord, that's how!  Although we were unable to have those lessons that we had planned we were able to give away 7 copies of the Book of Mormon and talk to TONS of people. Not all nice people, but people none the less! We were seen and we worked anyway.  I feel ashamed that I was so upset with God and was frustrated with him.   It is hard to remember in the moment, but EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Everything. I know and believe that with all of my heart.  God has a plan, sometimes very different from our own plan. But that is where Faith comes in.  We need to remember that he knows all and knows where he needs us and at what time and place.  I should never question where he leads me, because if it is God leading me I should have no fear. He is God.  This all knowing all powerful being, how could I not trust Him? As long as I am doing missionary work, I am successful.  
The Doddema family is probably my all time favorite family here. I LOVE THEM.  They are getting ready to move to Michigan this week :( So sad.  But, the oldest, Will, is getting ready to go on a mission to Argentina in a couple of months.  He was talking to a co worker at work about temples and getting ready to go to the temple and she said she was interested in learning more.  So Sister Steck and I met her and taught her the Plan of Salvation and talked about temples with her. This chick was so there.  She was eating up every word we were saying.  And when we invited her to be baptized, without a moments hesitation she said yes. She almost started crying as we bore testimony of Christ's love for her and the blessings she would receive as she kept moving forward with this decision.  AH! It felt so good to teach an entire lesson to someone that wanted to know! It was incredible. The Spirit was so strong.  I was a giddy mess when we left.  Will made arrangements to come back and finish the discussions with her and baptized her before he left on his mission. Talk about awesome.  
But then.......
like everyone we seem to find, she is not in our area.  NOOOOOOOOOO! So we had to give her to the other sisters.  Stab in the heart. This was the same day that every other appointment canceled so we were out tracking and I was kinda fuming about not getting to teach her, and everyone canceling on us when we knock on a door and a nice college aged guy answers the door and starts talking to us.  He was soooooo nice and really open. He accepted a Book of Mormon and we set up a time to come back. Then he tells us, "Oh actually I don't live here, I am just house sitting." ARE YOU KIDDING! Even when we are tracking IN OUR AREA we find interested people not in our area. How does that even happen. OH well.  Maybe we were just sent to find for other people.  We counted it up and we have found 10 potentials for other missionaries in the past month.  That is out of control.  
I must say though, I saw this coming. In my Book of Mormon reading I keep reading about how these people that were followers of Christ, good people that wanted to share their love for Christ got killed, and beat up and they were hated and spit on.The thought that keeps coming to my mind when I read that is being a disciple of Jesus Christ was nor ever will be an easy thing. I forgot if I already shared this thought with you or not.  So when life gets rough on a mission, it is nothing new.  That is how it has and always will be.  But something I realized as well was they always came off conqueror. Always.  It may have taken awhile, but they always prevailed. I need to keep that perspective in my work as well.  It will turn up, it will get better, life goes on, don't sweat the small stuff.  I cannot control what I cannot control. I can do what I can to help people come  unto Christ, but ultimately it is up to them.

This email is reallly negative. I am sorry, hahhaha I do love finding people, but I think I am getting a little discouraged because we have been doing all this finding but nothing seems to be coming from it. BUTTTT I need to have faith and know that having faith in God also includes faith in His timing.  It will all work out and I know I am doing my best and working hard.  So something will come of it, I know it.  
I must say, I love talking to people though.  We got to talk to a few really really Christian, good hearted people.  They saw that we were missionaries and talked to us for 20 minutes about how wonderful God is, and about their faith in God, how that has stabilized them through the difficulty of life.  We were able to share our common beliefs and things that made us different than other denominations.  Just from tracking I have been able to see a stark difference in those that have a strong core belief in God compared to those that have none at all.  They are all around just happier people.  If only they knew how much more there was to know! How much more happiness they could have in their lives.  It goes so much deeper than what they think! I was thinking of the temple after talking to one lady and I wish I could have just told her how much more there was! Ah! I think also as apart of my anger I haven't been taking no for an answer until they have heard all I had to say and it has actually been sort of successful. Hahahahahahahaha some people right off the bat say no to reading the Book of Mormon, but they have no idea what they are saying no to.  Once I explain what it is and how I have been blessed by it, it makes a lot more sense to people.  And if they don't accept it, they will remember what they felt right? hahahhaa hopefully good things. hahaha 
We met with a man who is not active in the church, but whose wife and little girl are.  We met with him and on my mission I have gained a new understanding for people that are less active or inactive.  I think before I never understood why people were. I always thought, if your life is having problems stop being dumb and just go to church! But since being out I have come to empathize with these people and understand the many reasons that cause inactivity and it hurts my heart. haha so sappy to say, but it does hurt.  This man has a strong conviction that the gospel is true but it is through and because of various circumstances that have caused him to be inactive and no matter how hard we try and convince him to come back it all boils down to their relationship with the Savior and improving that aspect of his life.  The Savior is the one and only way to heal all wounds and heartache, once that relationship is formed and strengthened everything else will fall into place. 
I love you all so much! I hope Mom and Saryn have a fun time at girls camp! Dad, have fun in New Jersey!!!! Also I talked to a man building a pergola the other day and got all excited because I knew you were building one and I actually knew what a pergola was! hahaha LOVE YOU ALL!

Montana Moline!

 Mission Leadership Council, Helena, MT 

Mission Leadership Council, Helena, MT 

 My district before transfers

Sister Greenfield!  Oh, how I love her!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

I got to play a pump organ at a member's house!

Rhenon at graduation.  They had a beautiful ceremony!

Sister Erbe goes home this transfer. :( We were connected because her first name is Muhleen.   :( I don't like people leaving. :(
 Sister Glenn, (MTC companion), Sister Steck, and Sister Ward

Sour Milk. . . What a delight!
June 19, 2014

Hey Hey Heyyyyy

TIME IS SO FAST! I can't even remember what happened this week. It just zoomed on by. I do want to start by saying that my idol is Sister Stevens. I WANT TO BE THAT WOMAN. She never ceases to amaze me.  This week we received someone to go see by the name of Tony. We brought Sister Stevens with us and ohmygosh I could have just sat there and listened to her talk for hours.  The way she talks about the gospel is like no big deal. It's so natural and the reason it is, is because it is SO apart of her life.  She lives and breathes the gospel.  It is her life.  So talking about it to other people is as natural as talking about the weather outside.  I want to be that way!  She always says that the day she started living was the day she found the gospel. It has literally changed her life.  I still feel like I am not very good at noticing the Spirit and recognizing it's promptings, but when I am with Sister Stevens there is no doubt that she carries the Spirit with her as her constant companion.  Yesterday our Gospel Principles teacher didn't show up and Sister Stevens just went right on up there and taught the most Spirit filled lesson.  I just sat there in awe. Who is this person! This is also the same lady who brings copies of conference talks and BOM's on planes with her to hand out to people. She told this story about a man one summer taking his kids to the pool to teach them how to swim.  And one of his sons was an absolute mess.  He was flailing and screaming, not wanting to get into the water.  His son was just so nervous and anxious about doing something that he didn't know how to do, that was so foreign to him.  The father finally grabbed the song and took him to the edge of the pool and held him in his arms and told his son, "I would never let anything happen to you.  I am right here to be with you and make sure you are okay.  I promise I will not let anything happen to you." As he said this the son calmed down and the dad was able to teach him how to swim.  She equated it back to the gospel and how when we enter into trial we are so busy flailing and screaming and feeling so nervous and anxious about all this change that we can't see the purpose behind all the anxiety we are feeling at the time. Heavenly Father has his finger on it all.  He will never let anything happen to us that is not for our benefit. He knows us better than we know ourselves and He knows the end from the beginning.  I am not telling it as well as she did. But, I believe that with all of my heart.  He knows us. He knows us so well.  Everything in this life I know happens for a purpose and a reason and whether we recognize it or not. He is always near, He is always there. God is good. I love Him. 

BROTHER DEE HIATT! That man is incredible! Not only does he email me often but he wrote me a physical letter a couple weeks ago.  THEN he mailed me a copy of the Book of Mormon with his testimony inside to give to someone.  He said he was thinking about how he could be apart of the missionary work here in Montana and thought that was the perfect idea. I am so excited to find that one person that could benefit from such a thoughtful gift. He has helped me a lot on my mission. His testimony and his words of encouragement have helped given me perspective.  I think to myself, I want to find a Dee Hiatt to teach.  Someone that was so ready and so prepared for the gospel......and maybe I found him! Listen to this! Tender Mercies of the Lord.  So this week we went to the library to fill out some reports and there was a man standing outside the library stopping people to come and sign some petition.  We talked with him for a bit and told him we couldn't because we were missionaries and not from Montana.  Ha, he was like, "oh! You are Mormons! I just came from Salt Lake.  You are not in the right place.  Go to Salt Lake, there are a ton of Mormons there! So many! I have never seen so many people belonging to one faith in my entire life!" hahaha so we chatted for a bit and then left it at that. DUMB DUMB DUMB. I don't know why we didn't try and give him a copy of the BOM or something. I was beating myself up after we left because we just threw away a perfect opportunity to teach this man.  Oh well.  THEN! On Saturday we went downtown to contact people and low and behold there he is again! Talking to people.  Hahahaha he sees us and was like, " The Mormons! Hey Hey Hey!" He asked us why we have to wear our name tags everywhere we go then he said, "I am on the clock right now, but where can I get one of those books you talk about?  You people always seems so happy, and I am just so tired of leaning on my strength. I am getting exhausted."  Kelven say no more! BAM! I got a Book of Mormon into his hands so fast! Ha we gave him our number and he said he would look at it over teh weekend and call us.  KELVEN! I AM INLOVE WITH YOU!!!! I LOVE HIM! I LOVE HIM! Did I mention he was black?  Yeah, that definitely adds to my love for him.  So be prepared. This man is going to be baptized.  Ha.  It was just so cool that the Lord prepared another opportunity for him to receive the gospel in some way and gave me a second chance to follow a prompting.  P.S. really what are teh chances that we would see him twice in one week. FO REAL.

So Missoula is absolutely gorgeous. I understand why people live here now. It is breathtakingly beautiful. It also doesn't get dark until 9:30 at night.  It is so bizarre.  The sun starts setting around 8:00. I loooooovvveeee itttt! People are not weirded out by us being out and knocking on doors.  In the winter it would get dark at 5:00 and people would be really bothered that we were knocking on doors.  So it is much nicer when it is light out. Plus, people are just out and about. Speaking of which, Sister Steck and I were driving somewhere and passed an old lady weeding her lawn.  This woman weighs nothing, literally is skin and bones and is weeding her lawn with her oxygen tank chilling on the porch.  Not okay. Old people should not be doing that. SO we go over and we help her carry out some plants and finish weeding her lawn. She is 87 years old! And is SOOOOOO Sassy.  I thought Helen from Bozeman was sassy. Not even. This lady was out of control. hahahaha she was hilarious.  But it was moments like that that I was really grateful for.  I love meeting and talking to people. I love love love it.  I just love people.  

Yesterday I was reading in the scriptures and I was reading in Alma 37:47.  The last part of the verse says, " Look to God and live." It reminded me of what Sister Stevens had said about she didn't really live until she had the gospel in her life.  The gospel brings life into living! When we understand that we are divine spirits in a mortal body, when we understand who we are and the potential that we all have, we live. And we live happily.  Later on in Alma it says, "it mattereth not, for God knoweth all things"  It was speaking in reference to some uncertainty about the resurrection. But I loved that.  There are so many things that we stress and freak out about because we just want to know.  But it all boils down to President Uchtdorf's famous quote, "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith."  If we were meant to know everything there would be no point in faith.  We get so caught up in wanting to know what we don't know that we forget what we do know! We need to remember that "It mattereth not, for God knoweth all things."  Its okay if we don't know, because God does. Could there be anyone greater that we can trust?  Nope. I love the scriptures.

We met with the Indian family again this week. I LOVE THEM.  It is kind of hard to teach someone that has absolutely no Christian background at all.  But it was really interesting.  I wrote last time how they are very spiritually free.  And that they talked to their leader man, whoever he is, about coming to Montana and how they were going to be alone in their culture here.  And he told them, you are going to Jesus's land. Trust in him and love him, he understands and will take care of you. So interesting! They wanted us to pray how we do and then they would pray. IT WAS AWESOME. I am interested to see where this all goes.

I love my life! I love the gospel. It is true! There is nowhere else I would rather be at this time in my life. I have never been so happy and so confident in my future.  I love you all! 

Until next week!
Sure love ya! Moline's rock! Missionaries rule!

Sister Moliney

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I barely remember anything! We have been so busy this week but it has been such a good week. 

On Wednesday we left early in the morning to drive to Helena for Mission Tour.  Elder Godoy of the seventy came to speak to us.  He is my favorite person of all time.  Hahaha he is from Brazil and has this thick accent, but he is such a great speaker.  President Mecham is fantastic, and everyone knows that.  He is a fairly serious man, and has been very successful in his line of business. It has been said that he runs our mission like a business, so you can imagine, our meetings are pretty serious and intense. But Elder Godoy gets up there and is dancing and laughing and cracking jokes. It was really cool to be able to laugh and enjoy the meeting but still be able to feel the spirit and learn from what he was saying.  It was an interesting comparison.  BUT! He said that the Montana Billings Mission is the highest baptizing mission in all of the United States and Canada. EAT IT! That's right! All of the United States and Canada. He was very impressed with our numbers.  He said taht he really feels like he does not have a lot to worry about with us.  It was really neat. The leaders of the mission had a separate meeting with him and he talked about a few things that I really liked.  He drew on the board a person and drew a line right down the middle and said that there are two sides to missionary work and us as people.  The first side is techniques. So he wrote down techniques we need to have as missionaries. So, hard working, organized, good with people, master teacher, goal oriented etc. and on the other side he wrote attributes.  So, loving, patient, obedient, diligent, knowledgeable, faithful, hopeful etc.  Then he told us a story about how on his mission there was a missionary that was a dog. He worked and he worked hard. He loved being out and talking to people and seeing results from his efforts. He had a go, go, go mentality. Then he spoke about another man, who was super tall and you could just feel his spirit when he walked into the room. He was on the quieter side, but when he studied from the scriptures, he STUDIED from the scriptures. He had a big heart and had the attributes taht every missionary needs to have. So he had those two missionaries stay together for a week and they became the PERFECT missionary.  He asked us to take a personal inventory and see which side we tended to lean more towards. It was really interesting to think about. 

One other thing he said that I really really really liked was about the size of our calling. He drew another body on the board. It took up the entire board. Then he drew a little tick man inside the body. He said this, (the body) is your calling and this, (the stick man) is you.  Many times when we are called to a calling whether it be on our missions or in our life, the size of the calling is much bigger than we are and we can feel overwhelmed with all this room we have to fill.  Then he said the key words, "you were called for who you could become, not what you are." I found a lot of comfort in those words because a lot of time I feel like that little stick man inside this huge body, or calling.  But he said that through the experiences that the Lord provides for us we can fit the size of our calling.  He talked about looking at who we were when we came out compared to who we are now and how we are already filling the calling that we have without even realizing it.  I needed that.  It was a great reminder to me of teh potential that the Lord sees in all of us. 

Elder Godoy picked random people to interview and he interviewed Sister Greenfield. :) I was so happy to hear about that.  She said that she got to speak to him in Portuguese and express her concerns to him. I don't know if I told you or not but Sister Greenfield canceled her visa to Brazil and it has been really difficult for her. But I think talking to him really helped her.  

The next day we had MLC (Mission Leadership Council), so we stayed teh night in Helena.  We were given some names from a ward in Helena to go visit and some streets we could tract.  We didn't have a car so we walked pretty far to the streets to tract and get this. GET THIS. We hit a gold mine! We found 3 new investigators and taught 5 lessons in the 4 hours we had to do missionary work.  The 3 new investigators are SOLID.  We gave each of them a BOM and set up a return appointment with a time and day.  We also asked them to read a certain chapter that we felt inspired to assign them.  All of them were so open and so nice to us.  I think as a missionary because we talk to people so much you are able to see genuine interest that people have and let me tell you. GENUINE INTEREST MY FRIENDS.  Each of them also had heard of teh Book of Mormon and know members.  I was really impressed with how many people we talked to said that they had a copy of teh BOM that their friend gave them. Way to go people of Helena! It was awesome, such a good night.  Bummer it wasn't in our area. You are welcome Helena 3rd ward.  

So funny story...hahahahaha as we were walking home from the best night of entire lives a car passed by us and Sister Steck waved at them. No big deal, we keep talking about whatever, then I look behind me and teh car that passed by us flipped around and was coming for us. I was like Sister Steck, hold my hand, make them think we are lesbians....she didn't.  But the car pulled up to us and it was a couple guys and they were like, " hey do you need a ride?"  My instant reaction is looking at my name tag and saying, "Thanks guys, but I am a nun."  hahahah just kidding. I wish I had said taht.  But, I was like, " No thanks we are actually really close to our destination." LIE FLAT OUT LIE. Our destination was like 5000 miles away.  But the guy is all, "Oh, we just wanted to help two cuties out."  Ew. Go away young blood.  Hahahahahahaha Sister Steck said something else to them and they drove away. I should have given them a law of chastity pamphlet.  OH well. That was hilarious. But the next day was MLC, it was wonderful. I got to see Sister Bonn.  Love of my life.  

We drove back with the Elders to Missoula and went to go pick up our car and when we got in it stunk so bad.  We drove around teh rest of the night trying to think of what it could be but couldnt' think of it. But as the night progressed the smell got worse and worse. And I was like, something has died in our car. It was that bad.  So we suffer through this janky nasty smell for two days.  On the second day we pull into a neighborhood to tract and I pop the trunk to get supplies and the smell just blasts my face.  IT WAS AWFUL.  I look down and there is a half gallon of milk....that we bought on was Friday.  HOLY NASTY.  We get back in the car and we drive to the nearest dumpster while I am plugging my nose and holding the 1/2 gallon of cheese out my window.  And I say cheese because this milk is now a solid my friends. It is no longer a liquid.  And we get to teh dumpster and Sister Steck decides to OPEN IT! Don't worry. I have it all on video. I was laughing so hard I couldn't stand up straight.  That milk was the nastiest thing I have ever beheld in my entire life.  But it was also the FUNNIEST THING OF MY ENTIRE LIFE.  The next morning we hosed down the carpet of the trunk and cleaned out the car hard hard core. But every time we get in the car, the smell is a reminder of our stupidity.  

Funny story NUMBA 3! Hahaha I am just full of them this week.  On Saturdays here in Missoula they have a giant Farmer's market and Craft market down town. So we thought we would give it a shot and see if we could talk to people.  It was really cool and we met a lot of really interesting people.  But the most interesting of them all was the man we met as we were leaving.  There were a group of people walking around asking everyone to sign a petition.  So this man with long dreads approaches us and asks us if we want to sign this petition. This guy is so animated and keeps calling me Sister Mo-line over and over.  THe petition had something to do with stopping bear traps....son, you are in Montana, that is never going to go down.  But we tell him we can't because we aren't from Montana and that we are here as missionaries.  The guy stops then says to us, " I leave my blessing with you my Sisters in Jesus, I leave you my blessing of Holy love, Holy blessings, Holy joy, Holy peace, Holy healing.  Believe in my words and touch everyone you see and if you act within the next 24 hours you will heal 1 million of God's Holy children." I LOVE THAT MAN SO MUCHHHHHHHH!!!!! I just laughed as he said all of that. I tried not to, but I couldn't help it.  Oh man. It was hilarious. I LOVE MISSOULA! So many wonderful people here.  

Now as far as the work this week.  We had some awesome experiences.  First, Herdeep.  We tracted into an Indian family, from India the other week.  She let us in and we had the most pleasant conversation about God.  It was wonderful.  She radiated happiness and light.  We asked her what her religious background is and she is Sikhism. I had never heard of it before so we asked about it and it sounds very open spiritually. She talked a lot about how they believe that all religions come from God and that if it is good it is of God.  I asked her about Jesus Christ, and she said, "I do not know much about Jesus Christ, but I know taht he has changed many of my friends lives, so I love Him. I love Jesus Christ for what he has done for my friends."  I kept thinking, what if everyone was more like that. Understanding and loving of other people.  She did not know about Jesus Christ, but yet she loved Him because she knew the happiness it brought into the lives of those around her.  Before we left she invited us to have evening prayers with their family. SO COOL! THey have a prayer room in their home that is full of pillows and paintings of God and all these beautiful ornate things.  We had to cover our hair with a cloth and they read from a scriptural book in their native language. IT WAS THE COOLEST THING OF MY LIFE.  She told us the interpretation of it and then invited us to pray with them. So we knelt down in prayer and prayed for them and their family.  It was really interesting. She accepted a BOM and set up a time for us to go back and read it with her. I LOVE HER.  It was so cool.  

We also found another lady tracting and had an awesome lesson with her this week.  She was pretty skeptical of the Book of Mormon, and she actually read quite a bit from it.  And she noticed that in her home she had two paintings of Christ by Mormon Artists. By the end of our meeting she said she was very intrigued that she felt such a pull and a love of these two paintings by Mormon artists, and then we showed up. Cool huh?  We have high hopes for her.  

Dad, you asked about James.....James oh James.  He called us the other day and we went over there and he has a new girlfriend.....I am pretty sure his divorce is not even finalized yet.  And teh girl he is dating was his fiance before he married Gracie.  Oh the drama. He told us that he was talking to his new girlfriend and that they decided he should go to her churhc. I have come to the conclusion that satan works through woman. It is out of control. His girlfriend was there with him and we basically just said that all we want to do is help their relationship with God increase and grow and we still want to have our scripture study meetings each week.  She seemed cool with it so we are actually going over there tonight. We are hoping we can get her interested in the gospel and reading from the Book of Mormon. So we shall see. James is killing me!  But it will work out.

We also found 2 new potential investigators this week! Cross your fingers! 

Sister Ward was my Sister Training Leader when I first came out and she is going home at the end of this transfer. :(  She gave her departing testimony at MLC and I cried like a baby. I don't know her very well but that Sister made such an impact on me as a missionary and as a person.  She showed me that it was okay to have fun on a mission, that the mission is the good life.  The more she said that the more I understood that this gospel really is the good life.   There is no where else I would rather be than right here right now.  I cannot believe I hit 9 months on Wednesday and that my time out here is half way over.  It makes me sad to think that this does have a time limit on it and that one day it will all be over and I will be going home. I hope by that time I will be pleased with the person I have become and like dad says, I won't die with the music still inside of me. I love this work. I love this gospel.  It is the good life.  

Dad, I am praying for you and your job. I love you all so much! Thank you for all of your love and support! You are the BESTTTT

Love ya,

Sister Montana Moline

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 2, 2014
Another week bites the dust! Holy Cow! So fast! Can you believe I hit my half way mark this Wednesday! OUT OF CONTROL. I do not understand.  This week is going to be great too! We have mission tour and Elder Godoy is coming to speak to us.  That is pretty exciting, and we have our Mission Leadership Council the next day.  Busy busy busy.  
This week was great! I finally got Sister Steck to be my companion again on Wednesday and we tore up Missoula! This week we found 3 new investigators and 3 more investigators for 3rd ward elders.  It was awesome.  We set some pretty lofty goals as a ward for baptisms but we set off to work and really exercised our faith.  As of right now the only way that seems the most effective is tracting.  Dad, you asked if the whole mission is doing it, no.  It is just something I heard about and decided to use.  I have used it with other missionaries as well and it seems to be really effective. I find it effective because it is easy to see who is and who is not interested.  I got an impression this week that the Lord needs us to show him that we are willing to talk to everyone! Even if it is weird or awkward or uncomfortable, to talk to everyone. So we did! And it was incredible.  In my personal prayer one night I was praying to know where we should tract.  What street did Heavenly Father have someone ready and prepared.  I got the name Roy in my head and I went to check it out and sure enough! It exists! And it not only exists in Missoula but is in our area AND it so happens to be in our tracting portion of the ward. WHAAAATTTTTTTT! So we went and literally 4 people were home, but! We met Don. Our newest investigator. It was such an interesting and amazing spiritual night.  I just knew that the Lord had someone on that street that was ready.  Don was so sweet and so nice to us.  He was all about learning more and coming closer to Christ.  YES! I LOVE YOU! Also, we went tracting and a woman answered teh door and before we could even say anything, she looked at our name tags and let us in.  THAT NEVER HAPPENS!!!! It was fantastic. We are meeting with her again on Tuesday.  We also had a return appointment with someone that lives really near us. He accepted the Book of Mormon and has read some of it.  We taught about Joseph Smith and Prophets and he was soaking it up. You could just tell he was really pondering and thinking about the possibility of a prophet.  Later he said, "Well that makes sense because we are in a different world than we were in the old testament, we are in need of a prophet for this day".  When we invited him to be baptized he laughed and said, "well being baptized twice will only increase my chances to get to heaven right?"  ARE YOU KIDDING ME.  I LOVE TRACTING
Also can we just talk about how much I love the Book of Mormon. I don't think I have ever loved the Book of Mormon more than I have recently on my mission. I have been reading in Alma and all I keep learning each day is that life is tough for the follower of Christ.  There are so many instances when the righteous get put down, killed, hated, all of the above and it makes no sense. As a follower of Christ shouldn't that not be happening?  But in the end they ALWAYS prevail. ALWAYS. The Lord knows the ending point and He knows that through faith they can and will come through.  It all relies on the faith they have.  I was reading about Alma and Amulek and what they went through to share teh gospel.....okay, I don't want to hear complaining from ANYONE that missionary work is hard. Tried getting beaten, spit on, hated, ridiculed, and sought after TO DIE....then I'll listen. LIKE FOR REAL! That is out of control Alma 1:25 says " Now this was the great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God and tehy bore with  patience the persecution which was heaped upon them."  It has nor will it ever be easy to be a disciple of Christ.  But it has been and forever will be worth it.  
I love this gospel! I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON.  I just love love love it.  I love the Lord and this gospel. I just love my lifffeeeeeee. MY LIFE IS AWESOMEEEEE.  
I love you all so much and am so thankful for your love and support.  This is the best thing of my life. Everrrr.  Saryn get ready for the best adventure.  
Love you lots and hope you all have a fantastic weeeeeeek!
Moline's rock! Missionaries Rule!
                                                               This weeks exchanges.
                                                       Shakey face pictures are the bests!

May 27, 2014

Oh my family, how I adore you! I LOVE MY LIFE. This week was WONDERFUL. So many good things.  Ever since Sister Steck got here it has been a non stop exchange. She came on Tuesday and we did exchanges from Wednesday to Saturday then Saturday some sisters called and needed an emergency exchange then on Sunday the sister that hates white people had a blow out with her companions so we took her and still have her until tomorrow when she gets transferred to Bozeman. And another Sister finished her mission so her companion needed a companion until tomorrow when she receives her new companion so Sister Steck is with her. It has been wild but we are making it work.  So basically it has been hectic, but good.

We found 2 new investigators this week and had some SOLID lessons with them. The first is Cliff. He was washing his car one day and we stopped and talked to him.  He is in his upper 60's and was told he didn't have much time to live because of various health issues so he asked us what he needed to do to avoid hell.  Ha, he is hilarious.  I love him. He's told me a few times that I "radiate happiness" and he wants to feel the way that I look every time he sees me. :) Oh, tenders Cliff! Ha, I explained to him that I was happy and the reason I was happy was because I have allowed the Gospel of Jesus Christ to change me.  I know why I am here and I know that life is so much more than just living from day to day. I also gave him a BOM and said I was happy because the Book of Mormon tells me what I need to do to be happy.   As I was explaining all of this to him I really did feel this immense amount of happiness knowing all the things that I know. As I gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon, I don't really know how to explain how I felt, but I felt such a deep love and connection to that book. As he held it in his hands I knew that it had the power to change Cliff's life. So I told him. I just felt this pull to say that the Book of Mormon had the power to change his life all he needed to do was start reading and the rest would come. 
The second is the neighbor of our Ward Mission Leader and his wife. They are a young couple with a little girl. The only time we could meet with him was while his wife was at work but the whole lesson he agreed with everything we were discussing.  He said that you would be a fool not to believe that God would have a prophet on the earth today. He accepted a Book of Mormon and said he was very interested in reading it and learning more about our church. He adores his family.....families can be together forever??  
We also did a ton of tracting this week. I am all about it. I love it. I kind of told you about this on skype, but we made up a list of survey questions like, what is your definition of faith? Is having a strong family unit important to you, why?  How do you feel you relationship with God is?  Do you believe in the bible? If there was another book of scripture that testified of Christ's role would you read it?  Do you believe that God could call a Prophet on the earth today as in Old Testament times?  yadda yadda yadda and so we go around and ask people to take the survey. IT IS GOLDEN. GOLDEN GOLDEN GOLDEN.  A majority of people are willing to take a survey and it opens people right up to talk about spiritual things and opens the door for us to bear our testimonies. I am obsessed with it.  I just love talking to people. I have met some really interesting people and been able to hear about their relationship with God, why it was the way it was and what their core beliefs were.  We have handed out copies of the Book of Mormon like candy. Any chance we get. least every 2 weeks some man opens up the door either shirtless or naked in a towel. WHY IS THAT A THING. PUT SOME DANG CLOTHES ON. This one guy answered the door yesterday without a shirt on and hid behind the door as he spoke to us. DUDE, DONT ANSWER THE DOOR SHIRTLESS IF YOU ARE ASHAMED. But the jackpot happened later in the day. hahahahahaha So we knocked on a random door and no one answered but then someone opened the 2nd story bathroom window.  How did I know this was a bathroom window you may ask?  Because the man behind the window yelled, " Sorry ladies I am in the shower, what can I do for you?"  Whaaaaa?  Yep, the man opened up one of those creepy shower windows while he was in the shower. We definitely had a full on convo while he was shampooing his hair.  NBD. I am not explaining it right. But it was definitely one of the highlights of my entire life. SO FUNNY.

The Sister I am with that black made a goal this week to talk to every black person she saw. She wasn't kidding. When she saw a black person she would run after them like there was no tomorrow.  It was fantastic. There have been times where we would be driving and pass someone on the street and she would make me stop the car so she could get out and talk to them. I have learned a lot from her just being with her for the past week.  She has no shame and talks to absolutely EVERYONE. I am fine when I am tracting or once I get talking to someone I have no problem bringing up the gospel, inviting them to church or to read the BOM but it is the initial contact taht killlllllssss me. So I have learned so much from her and fearlessness to approach people.  
We also contacted a less active this week that I have been trying to get in contact with since I got here. He was another one that answered the door in a towel when I first met him. Wooooo! My favorite.  But we saw him yesterday and told us that he dated a member of the church and her father baptized him but once they broke up he kinda fell away but has been has recently been wanting to come back and to associate with members of teh church again. He was SOOOOO friendly and asked us for our number so we could come back and help him come back to church. I JUST LOVE THE LORD. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. I LOVE MY LIFE. 

PS I am staying in MISSOULA! HALLELUJAH! I am staying with Sister Steck! 
This week was just full of spiritual experiences for me.  They happened mostly as I was bearing my testimony either in a lesson or to random people on the street. I don't know if it had any impact on the person we were teaching but for me it helped me realize what I knew to be true, it helped me acknowledge my love and admiration for my Savior and for this gospel.  One of these experiences came as we sang "I Believe in Christ" to a man that is not a member and his active wife.  The words, " I Believe in Christ He is my King! With all my heart to him I'll sing. I believe in Christ so come what may, with Him Ill stand in that great day" 
I believe in Christ so come what may. I know that anything that life throws at me that I can overcome.  Because of my belief in my Savior Jesus Christ I can and will succeed.  We came to earth to experience affliction so that we could become more than what we were, but I also know that we not only came to earth to experience trial but we came to overcome. We were meant to succeed, we were meant to prevail. And we knew we would. 

I love this gospel. I love my mission. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I love the Book of Mormon. I love being able to teach and to testify of what I know is right and true.  
I love you all so much! 
Can you believe May is basically over? Where the heck did it go?

Until next week! 


                                                           Sister Steck!  She's a winner!

May 19, 2014


Talking to you on Sunday was FANTASTIC!! It was funny cause I feel like you already know what is going on in my life and so there wasn't a whole lot to talk about....which means I am doing a dang good job of keeping you informed of my life in Montana.  

So Sister Session is officially gone and i am with Sister Steck now. BLESSINGS OF THE LORD.  I love love love her.  It almost feels like another Sister Bonn kind of companionship. Except nothing could ever top that. But she is hilarious and we really get along super well. 

So Sister Steck is from St. George and is 20.  She went to Dixie before she came on her mission and was studying public health but is not sure if that is what she wants to do. She is the youngest in her family and has 3 older brothers. I believe the oldest one is married and expecting a babyyyyy.  She is a fantastic teacher! It is so easy to teach with her.  Its so nice knowing I can lean on my companion. We teach really fluidly together and both take control. Sister Steck is also so in tune with the spirit and ready to work. It is wonderful.  We have made goals for the transfer and I am so ready to just get out there and give it everything I got.    

Speaking of good companions.....oh man. Remember the racist Sister I told you about?  Well things are getting cray all up in here.  She was moved to be in a trio in Missoula and apparantly things got really bad. So we have her with us now and as of right now she is being sent home. President is waiiting a call from us so we can tell him how our exchange with her has been and if we feel prompted to, he said he is willing to give her a second chance.  You may be confused and wanting to know why she is being sent too. Honestly being with her the past 2 days has been great. I have seen no problems and she opened up to us and told us everything. I have no idea what to tell President.  UGH it's stressful knowing that depending on what we say determines her mission.  We will see what happens. Sister Steck and i have been praying a loooooott.  We shall see.  

We have been tracting a lot and I am kinda inlove with it.  It is kind of an adrenaline rush....sad that that is what gets my adrenaline going, but still.  I kinda told you about it on MOther's day, but we made up a survey with questions like, Is having a strong family unit important to you, how do you feel like your relationship with God is like, what is your definition of faith, do you believe the Bible to be the word of God, if there was another book that testified of Christ's life would you be interested in reading it, yadda yadda yadda But I have found that that is so much more effective than a regular door approach. People are much more willing to take a survey and they open up a lot about their beliefs. It just opens up the door to testify.  WOOT! We found a few potentials from that survey. AND GET THIS! OHMYGOSH CCRAAAYYY so this past week our mission received 6 missionaries serving in the Ukraine. Apparantly all the missionaries serving there were evacuated because of everything that is going on there.  And 4 of those 6 came too Missoula. So we were tracting yesterday and knocked on a door of a small family. They let us in....let me repeat that...THEY LET US INTO THEIR HOME. YES! And took the survey. Both the wife and the husband are from Russia and speak russian to their little kids! Can we just talk about MIRACLE. They have a very solid, strong, belief in God and Jesus Christ and we asked if they would be interested in some missionaries that speak Russian coming by their home and they said they could. HOLY MOLY MIRACLEEEE. I was on cloud nine after that. Just wonderful.

So this is week 6 and we get transfer calls at the end of the week. I feel like I will be staying since Sister Steck just got here and doesn't know anything....cross your fingers.  

Sorry this email is wicked long. I went on exchanges to Stevensville this week and it was a party. I love being a missionary. 

It sounds like you had so  much fun with Mckay and Adriene! AND congrats to Courtney Moreland! That is so awesome. She will just rock it out there. I am so excited for her! Woooooo! 

Next week is Memorial Day so I will most likely email on Tuesday! love you all! 
Dad I am praying for your headaches! 

Talk to you soon!

Sister Montana Moline