Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 2, 2014
Another week bites the dust! Holy Cow! So fast! Can you believe I hit my half way mark this Wednesday! OUT OF CONTROL. I do not understand.  This week is going to be great too! We have mission tour and Elder Godoy is coming to speak to us.  That is pretty exciting, and we have our Mission Leadership Council the next day.  Busy busy busy.  
This week was great! I finally got Sister Steck to be my companion again on Wednesday and we tore up Missoula! This week we found 3 new investigators and 3 more investigators for 3rd ward elders.  It was awesome.  We set some pretty lofty goals as a ward for baptisms but we set off to work and really exercised our faith.  As of right now the only way that seems the most effective is tracting.  Dad, you asked if the whole mission is doing it, no.  It is just something I heard about and decided to use.  I have used it with other missionaries as well and it seems to be really effective. I find it effective because it is easy to see who is and who is not interested.  I got an impression this week that the Lord needs us to show him that we are willing to talk to everyone! Even if it is weird or awkward or uncomfortable, to talk to everyone. So we did! And it was incredible.  In my personal prayer one night I was praying to know where we should tract.  What street did Heavenly Father have someone ready and prepared.  I got the name Roy in my head and I went to check it out and sure enough! It exists! And it not only exists in Missoula but is in our area AND it so happens to be in our tracting portion of the ward. WHAAAATTTTTTTT! So we went and literally 4 people were home, but! We met Don. Our newest investigator. It was such an interesting and amazing spiritual night.  I just knew that the Lord had someone on that street that was ready.  Don was so sweet and so nice to us.  He was all about learning more and coming closer to Christ.  YES! I LOVE YOU! Also, we went tracting and a woman answered teh door and before we could even say anything, she looked at our name tags and let us in.  THAT NEVER HAPPENS!!!! It was fantastic. We are meeting with her again on Tuesday.  We also had a return appointment with someone that lives really near us. He accepted the Book of Mormon and has read some of it.  We taught about Joseph Smith and Prophets and he was soaking it up. You could just tell he was really pondering and thinking about the possibility of a prophet.  Later he said, "Well that makes sense because we are in a different world than we were in the old testament, we are in need of a prophet for this day".  When we invited him to be baptized he laughed and said, "well being baptized twice will only increase my chances to get to heaven right?"  ARE YOU KIDDING ME.  I LOVE TRACTING
Also can we just talk about how much I love the Book of Mormon. I don't think I have ever loved the Book of Mormon more than I have recently on my mission. I have been reading in Alma and all I keep learning each day is that life is tough for the follower of Christ.  There are so many instances when the righteous get put down, killed, hated, all of the above and it makes no sense. As a follower of Christ shouldn't that not be happening?  But in the end they ALWAYS prevail. ALWAYS. The Lord knows the ending point and He knows that through faith they can and will come through.  It all relies on the faith they have.  I was reading about Alma and Amulek and what they went through to share teh gospel.....okay, I don't want to hear complaining from ANYONE that missionary work is hard. Tried getting beaten, spit on, hated, ridiculed, and sought after TO DIE....then I'll listen. LIKE FOR REAL! That is out of control Alma 1:25 says " Now this was the great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God and tehy bore with  patience the persecution which was heaped upon them."  It has nor will it ever be easy to be a disciple of Christ.  But it has been and forever will be worth it.  
I love this gospel! I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON.  I just love love love it.  I love the Lord and this gospel. I just love my lifffeeeeeee. MY LIFE IS AWESOMEEEEE.  
I love you all so much and am so thankful for your love and support.  This is the best thing of my life. Everrrr.  Saryn get ready for the best adventure.  
Love you lots and hope you all have a fantastic weeeeeeek!
Moline's rock! Missionaries Rule!

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