Sunday, June 29, 2014

LOOK AT THIS WEEEEEK! So fast, so fast.  
So basically everyone and their mother canceled on us this week.  It was the most aggravating thing.  In total we had 11 lessons cancel.  AHH! So frustrating.  Even our dinners canceled! One day we had 6 set appointments and every single one canceled.  Then the next day all our appointments canceled. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? So we would go tracking for 2 1/2 - 3 hours.  It was brutal.  I was really upset and frustrated. In my mind I am talking pretty sternly with God and am like, I want to teach, I have that desire, I want to find those that are ready and I want to bring them to you so why do people keep canceling, why aren't we seeing any progress?  I am working hard, I am putting forth effort and trying my best.  I didn't initially have the best attitude about tracking because I was so upset about not having the lessons and seeing these people move forward.  It wasn't until last night that I had a slap in the face and it all seemed to click.  Last night we added up our numbers to report to the District Leader and we met most if not all of our goals and exceeded a few.  HOW?  I have no idea.  The hand of the Lord, that's how!  Although we were unable to have those lessons that we had planned we were able to give away 7 copies of the Book of Mormon and talk to TONS of people. Not all nice people, but people none the less! We were seen and we worked anyway.  I feel ashamed that I was so upset with God and was frustrated with him.   It is hard to remember in the moment, but EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Everything. I know and believe that with all of my heart.  God has a plan, sometimes very different from our own plan. But that is where Faith comes in.  We need to remember that he knows all and knows where he needs us and at what time and place.  I should never question where he leads me, because if it is God leading me I should have no fear. He is God.  This all knowing all powerful being, how could I not trust Him? As long as I am doing missionary work, I am successful.  
The Doddema family is probably my all time favorite family here. I LOVE THEM.  They are getting ready to move to Michigan this week :( So sad.  But, the oldest, Will, is getting ready to go on a mission to Argentina in a couple of months.  He was talking to a co worker at work about temples and getting ready to go to the temple and she said she was interested in learning more.  So Sister Steck and I met her and taught her the Plan of Salvation and talked about temples with her. This chick was so there.  She was eating up every word we were saying.  And when we invited her to be baptized, without a moments hesitation she said yes. She almost started crying as we bore testimony of Christ's love for her and the blessings she would receive as she kept moving forward with this decision.  AH! It felt so good to teach an entire lesson to someone that wanted to know! It was incredible. The Spirit was so strong.  I was a giddy mess when we left.  Will made arrangements to come back and finish the discussions with her and baptized her before he left on his mission. Talk about awesome.  
But then.......
like everyone we seem to find, she is not in our area.  NOOOOOOOOOO! So we had to give her to the other sisters.  Stab in the heart. This was the same day that every other appointment canceled so we were out tracking and I was kinda fuming about not getting to teach her, and everyone canceling on us when we knock on a door and a nice college aged guy answers the door and starts talking to us.  He was soooooo nice and really open. He accepted a Book of Mormon and we set up a time to come back. Then he tells us, "Oh actually I don't live here, I am just house sitting." ARE YOU KIDDING! Even when we are tracking IN OUR AREA we find interested people not in our area. How does that even happen. OH well.  Maybe we were just sent to find for other people.  We counted it up and we have found 10 potentials for other missionaries in the past month.  That is out of control.  
I must say though, I saw this coming. In my Book of Mormon reading I keep reading about how these people that were followers of Christ, good people that wanted to share their love for Christ got killed, and beat up and they were hated and spit on.The thought that keeps coming to my mind when I read that is being a disciple of Jesus Christ was nor ever will be an easy thing. I forgot if I already shared this thought with you or not.  So when life gets rough on a mission, it is nothing new.  That is how it has and always will be.  But something I realized as well was they always came off conqueror. Always.  It may have taken awhile, but they always prevailed. I need to keep that perspective in my work as well.  It will turn up, it will get better, life goes on, don't sweat the small stuff.  I cannot control what I cannot control. I can do what I can to help people come  unto Christ, but ultimately it is up to them.

This email is reallly negative. I am sorry, hahhaha I do love finding people, but I think I am getting a little discouraged because we have been doing all this finding but nothing seems to be coming from it. BUTTTT I need to have faith and know that having faith in God also includes faith in His timing.  It will all work out and I know I am doing my best and working hard.  So something will come of it, I know it.  
I must say, I love talking to people though.  We got to talk to a few really really Christian, good hearted people.  They saw that we were missionaries and talked to us for 20 minutes about how wonderful God is, and about their faith in God, how that has stabilized them through the difficulty of life.  We were able to share our common beliefs and things that made us different than other denominations.  Just from tracking I have been able to see a stark difference in those that have a strong core belief in God compared to those that have none at all.  They are all around just happier people.  If only they knew how much more there was to know! How much more happiness they could have in their lives.  It goes so much deeper than what they think! I was thinking of the temple after talking to one lady and I wish I could have just told her how much more there was! Ah! I think also as apart of my anger I haven't been taking no for an answer until they have heard all I had to say and it has actually been sort of successful. Hahahahahahahaha some people right off the bat say no to reading the Book of Mormon, but they have no idea what they are saying no to.  Once I explain what it is and how I have been blessed by it, it makes a lot more sense to people.  And if they don't accept it, they will remember what they felt right? hahahhaa hopefully good things. hahaha 
We met with a man who is not active in the church, but whose wife and little girl are.  We met with him and on my mission I have gained a new understanding for people that are less active or inactive.  I think before I never understood why people were. I always thought, if your life is having problems stop being dumb and just go to church! But since being out I have come to empathize with these people and understand the many reasons that cause inactivity and it hurts my heart. haha so sappy to say, but it does hurt.  This man has a strong conviction that the gospel is true but it is through and because of various circumstances that have caused him to be inactive and no matter how hard we try and convince him to come back it all boils down to their relationship with the Savior and improving that aspect of his life.  The Savior is the one and only way to heal all wounds and heartache, once that relationship is formed and strengthened everything else will fall into place. 
I love you all so much! I hope Mom and Saryn have a fun time at girls camp! Dad, have fun in New Jersey!!!! Also I talked to a man building a pergola the other day and got all excited because I knew you were building one and I actually knew what a pergola was! hahaha LOVE YOU ALL!

Montana Moline!

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