Sunday, January 18, 2015

It is so weird to think that for the whole year of 2014 I did not participate in society at all.  The whole year of 2014! I have no idea what happened in the world besides Robin Williams dying and Ebola.  Ha, so weird to think about.  
New years was great! It sounds like New Years was great for everyone else too! New Years we went over to a couples house in our ward with the Elders, the Hickmans, and got to play games. P.S.  Phase Ten is MY GAME! I smoked everyone like there was no tomorrow.  BOOM BABY! Watch out! It was so much fun.  We ate appetizers and laughed and played games.  It was the best.  We got permission to stay out until 10:30 and let me tell you, by 9:00 I was so done.  I have tuned into an old man.  The night time is no longer my friend. But we went home and went straight to bed.  We celebrated the new year at 10:00 which was really funny and strange, but it was fun.  I am so happy that you all went out and banged pots and pans.  That just makes my life.  I love it.  
Two very eventful things happened this week. HAHAHAHAH! So for Christmas we got a million Subway gift cards from members and on Tuesday we decided to go to lunch there...I don't even like Subway, but I took one for the team.  As missionaries whenever the car is in Reverse the passenger has to get out and back the car.  I was doing that for Sister Storrs and backing directly behind the car. I now know that if there if you are standing in between the car and a wall it is probably not the greatest place to be. She was getting pretty dang close to the wall and she didn't hear me yell at her to stop the car, so she kept backing until she pinned my right leg up against the wall! LET ME REPEAT! MY LEG GOT PINNED UP BY A CAR AGAINST A WALL.  Let that sink in for a moment.  I immediately started hitting the car and yelling at her to pull forward.  When she did I hobbled over and flopped  my body into the rolled down back window.  She pulled forward with half my body hanging out of the window.  Let me tell you we were quite the scene!  My leg hurt pretty  bad, but I could not stop laughing.  I just kept replaying in my mind that I had just gotten pinned by a car.  No big deal.  Luckily it just turned into a huge bruise.  I can finally walk without limping which is always a plus. hsahahaha.  
Eventful thing numba two! HAHAH remember Dana May the most wonderful man ever?  This eventful experience I didn't even get to experience first hand because I was on exchanges in Shelby. But We taught Dana and his friend Deon earlier this week the Plan of Salvation and the Word of Wisdom.  It went really well and they both agreed to start now in living the word of wisdom.  We encouraged them to write down some of their goals in the back of the Word of Wisdom pamphlet and we could go over them our next lesson.  Later in the week Sister Storrs saw Dana at the library and asked him how living the word of wisdom was going.  He said it was hard but that he was able to write down his goals in the pamphlet.  He handed her the pamphlet and started walking away. Sister Storrs told him to wait  and she would give it back to him.  He said she could just hold onto the pamphlet until our next lesson.  What happened next was not expected. AT ALL.  She opened it up and he had written down his goals.  #1 to stop smoking, #2 stop drinking #3 have a family #4 BE WITH SISTER STORRS! then he wrote out how he wanted to be with Sister Storrs and how tired he was of being lonely and all of this stuff.  NO DANA! NO! YOU LOVE THE SPIRIT! YOU DO NOT LOVE HER! The spirit is the love you feel!   It was so sad. Poor Sister Storrs was just beside herself. She had no idea what to do or say. Don't worry we role played it about a million times and at our next lesson Sister Storrs was able to talk to him about the Spirit and the church and our role as missionaries.  it went well. She is still freaking out about it and doesn't feel like she can even look at him anymore.  I thought it was hilarious.  But hopefully the love in the air will settle down and he will be able to be baptized on January 17th. 
MIRACLE! So Leanne and Charly were the girls we taught that are related to larry Albert and we had a super rockin lesson with them.  I swear this keeps happening.  We meet someone absolutely golden have a super spirit filled lesson, put them on date, then never see them again.  We have had lessons with them but they keep canceling over and over again.  Luckily we had  Sister Hickman at our lesson with them and she was able to talk with Charly last night and Charly said she was really struggling and having a hard time.  So Sister Hickman invited her over for dinner tomorrow with us and offered to pick her up.  WOOT! Even though we haven't had a lot of contact with them Sister Hickman was able to talk with her and help build her up. Members are the greatest.  
Exchanges were really good.  Shelby is not the place for me though. I swear. every time I go on exchanges it just solidifies my love for my area and my companion.  Small towns are not my thing. But we had a really funny experience there.  We went up to a less active mans house and while we are on the porch Sister Wing leans over and says, it will look like he is not wearing pants....but he is, don't worry.  WHAT IN THE WORLD!? HA and sure enough.  He answers the door and it looks like the man is wearing no pants.  He is wearing a normal T-shirt but he was wearing women's athletic shorts. Like Nike shorts or something.  It was so interesting.  All there was to see were some long hairy man legs.  And a lot of it.  Hahaha we had a good lesson with him and committed him to renew his covenants at church and he was really touched and agreed to come.  
Because of exchanges and New Years we didn't get to teach as much as normal, but pray for me the weather is insane and snowing like the cray and I am the one to drive.....pray for the safety of all others on the roads....
I love you all and hope you have a great first week of classes and everything! You are all in my prayers! 

Sure love ya! Moline's Rock! Missionaries Rule!

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