Sunday, January 4, 2015

December 29, 2014

Talking to all of you was definitely the highlight of my day! I had a companion that when she talked to her family just hated it. She felt like it was so awkward.  NOT WITH US! I just feel like everything resumes back to normal when I get to talk with you. I love being able to tell my companions that my siblings are some of my greatest friends. Dad sent tons of pictures and it looked like you all had a blast.  
Christmas was great! We had breakfast with the family we live with that morning and then I got to skype all of your beautiful faces.  And then we got to go from house to house and play games and eat food with ward members.  We played Apples to Apples and Taboo (which I owned at p.s.)  and Clue.  It snowed on Christmas Eve and Christmas and basically everyday since then.  It is lame stuff.  We tried drive to our dinner from our house yesterday and it took us 30 minutes for this Texas girl and my Californian companion to get us out. We definitely have extra angels doing something for us because we have had so many near death experiences driving in this.  Example A:  We were at a fairly large intersection at a stop light.  The rode I was on was a giant hill and I had to stop at the tip of this hill and wait for the light to turn green.  The moment we got up that hill I knew we were going to have a problem.  The light turned green and I went to go, but instead of moving forward we started slipping backward!!!!! AND THERE WAS A CAR BEHIND US! I just screamed at Sister Storrs to pray.  PRAY SISTER STORRS! PRAY!!! HAHAHAHA We both were screaming.  Luckily the poor car behind us escaped and we were able to burn some rubber and make it up the hill.  Angels...let me tell you. Angels.  
Christmas day we had dinner at a part members house and they had a friend over and we were able to talk to her for a little bit and she said she would like to have her own copy of the Book of Mormon and meet with missionaries.  BOOOM!  
Do you remember me talking to you about Dana May?  He is the homeless guy that walked 30 minutes to church?  So I guess technically he is not homeless.  He lives at The Mission which is a place for people to live until they can get a job or find a place to live permanently.  But we met with him on Saturday and he brought a friend of his.  We taught the Restoration and invited both him and his friend, Deon to be baptized.  Dana was all about it! He said he wants to be baptized and that he loves church.  Deon was a little more skepticle and said he wanted to learn more before committing but wanted to come to church with Dana.  They both came to church and Dana even wore a tie! It was wonderful!  AND! THey both participated in Gospel Principles. I am in love. They are wonderful. 
So super sketch moment.  There is this man I see at the library ALL the time.  He lives at the mission too.  Dana told us he is really strange. I didn't think anything of it, but he approached us the other day and asked if could have a Book of Mormon.  We had just handed out all our copies but told him we would get him one.  He said he would catch us later, but then came up to us again asking for the address for our church.  Totally normal except he wouldn't look at me in the eye and kept walking around not paying attention to what I was saying and when I handed him the card he held my hand....SUPER AWKO TACO.   I just saw him here and gave him a Book of Mormon.  He was at a computer and I approached him and said hello and he completely ignored me so I just set the Book of Mormon next to him. Kind of akward?  YES more like supremely awkward.  But it gets better.  Moments later he gets up and comes up behind me and gives me a hug.  IT SCARED THE PANTS OFF OF ME.  It was uncomfortably long.  And then he walked away....strangest encounter I have ever far. 

But something that is so interesting that has happened for the past two weeks is that we have found so many new investigators but not at all by our doing.  Literally they have just come to us by our less actives.  We would go to teach a less active and they would have a friend there.  Crazy, crazy.  So even though we had Christmas this week we were still able to teach 20 lessons and find two new investigators.  God is good, good, good. 

Larry is doing wonderful.  I love him.  He is back to happy go lucky self.  LOVE THAT MAN
I just wish I could have you meet and love these people like I do.  They are so wonderful.  
By the way! I loved the package from the ward and the primary from the Plano 8th ward. As well as all the wonderful lotions and PAJAMAS! Thank you madre and padre.  Also for the money :) Get ready to see the new hair do next week. :)  Big shout out to Grandma Warr and Grandma Shirley for the wonderful heart felt packages full of goodies! You are wonderful! Love you all.  

I love you all so much and love this gospel.  It is the source of happiness in this life.  I love Great Falls, I love my companion and I love my life! 

Love you and miss you!
Sure love ya! Moline's Rock Missionaries Rule!

Sister Molinsky

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