Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 20, 2015


It went so well :)  He brought two of his non member friends and brought an inactive member to church to watch his confirmation on Sunday.  The Spirit was so strong! I love baptisms! AH! After he was baptized he told us over and over that he wanted to do it again. Oh Dana May! 
We had MLC this week in Helena.  Every time we have MLC I just get Spirit slapped around.  I feel like I am doing good and getting by and then we go to those meetings and I am reminded how much more I could be doing or how much better I could be performing.  Although I hate it, I am thankful that the Lord is willing to push me to go above and beyond and remind me that I am capable of being better than I am today.  
The Gilletts in our ward texted us one evening and asked if we would be available to come over and teach Sister Gillett's sister the Restoration.  Her sister came here from Alaska to visit and had a lot of questions about the Mormon beliefs.  She had met with missionaries in Alaska but was turned off after they were unable to answer her question as to why Nephi had to go back and get the plates in the Book of Mormon. COME ON! We taught her the Restoration....SO GOOD. OH SO GOOD. Brother and Sister Gillett have only been members for 22 years and Brother Gillett is the 1st counselor in the Bishopric. They are solid members. They are so converted to the gospel.  Every where they go they carry the Spirit with them.  I know the Spirit in that lesson was a majority because of them and how they live their lives.  When they bear their testimonies you can't help but feel the convincing witness of the Spirit. It is because they know that the church is true. They have no doubt.  The sister came to the baptism on Saturday, came to church on Sunday and we are teaching her again on Tuesday.  She will be baptized. Prophesy of Sister Moline. Ha, it may not be here or soon, but it will happen. 

We had some awesome miracles this week!
Miracle #1 I believe I have written previously about Myrissa.  Quick recap she is the mother of Penny Burkstrand's (a recent convert that is less active) two grand sons. Her boyfriend (Penny's son) is crayyyyyyy! So CRAY! UGH! He is bad new bears. Let me tell you. But Myrissa is so prepared.  We had a scheduled lesson on Wednesday with her and she cancelled last minute. I started to feel pretty discouraged about her and the progress she was making.  But we had a lesson with Penny on Saturday and Myrissa was there.  She had a huge list of questions for us.  She had been doing some research on and posted some of her thoughts on facebook and gotten some nasty responses. She got a little freaked out by what some people were saying.  we were able to answer all of her questions and the whole time she said, "well that makes sense. Why wouldn't they believe that, it makes so much sense."  We invited her and Penny to church and they both came! We called to remind them about an hour before church and Penny answered and said that Marissa had already gotten up and showered and was ready to go.  We had a lesson with her last night and that girl is ready.  It is just a matter of her feeling ready.  
Miracle #2  
We had dinner with Brother Bailey this week and asked if anyone had been on his mind that we should go visit.  He mentioned one of his tenants that had been really struggling and could use an uplifting message.  Our appointment after dinner had cancelled on us so we went to contact Kirby and see if he would be interested.  Brother Bailey came with us to contact him.  If any one needs the gospel, Kirby does.  He let us right in and we had a very good discussion.  We gave him Book of Mormon and testified of power.  He voiced to us that he didn't see a reason to live anymore.  He saw no purpose in his life and no reason to move forward.  The Spirit was so strong and Sister Storrs looked him in the eye and said, " You are holding the reason to live in your hands Kirby." BOOM! Spirit smacked! We set up another time to see him this Friday.  We just talked with Brother Bailey and he said that Kirby thought that he was going to have to return the Book of mormon to us on Friday, so he has been reading in like crazy. He was reading it any free chance he got.   He said to Brother Bailey, "I don't know what this book has done for me but it has just given me so much more confidence."  Kirby had been working at his job and hadn't been paid for the last few months and he told Brother Bailey that he walked to work the other day and told his boss that if he wasn't going to pay him he was walking out.  THAT IS NOT KIRBY AT ALL.  Kirby has gone through some very awful things and his self confidence has hit rock bottom. He lets people walk all over him, and he never stands up for himself, hence why he doesn't feel a reason to even be alive.  It has been 3 days since we gave him the Book of Mormon.  And that is why you follow promptings ladies and gentleman! I strongly felt when we were sitting with Kirby that he needed a Book of Mormon, that the thing that was going to bring him reason to live was the Book of Mormon, not what we said, not what Brother Bailey said, or even for that matter the pamphlets that we gave him. But the Book of Mormon.  Just hearing that has increased my testimony of the power of the Book of Mormon and that God knows his children. He knows them and loves them.  And he knows what it is that each of his children need in this life in order to find happiness.  I know that when you choose to follow God and keep His commandments, you grow in wisdom and strength of character.  You can experience joy even in times of trial,  you can face life's challenges with a spirit of peace. And that is what the Book of Mormon offers.

THE CHURCH IS TRUE! It changes people's lives! 
Stay tuned for next week! 
I love you all! 
Sure Love ya! Moline's Rock, Missionaries Rule! 

Sister Moline

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