Monday, January 27, 2014

Dearest Family whom I love and adore,
hahahaha I am running out of ways to open these emails.  I LOVE HEARING FROM ALL OF YOU! I heard from all of my siblings this week and from Grandma Shirley.  Golden!  What a wonderful way to start off the week.

Well let's not wait to tell you the miracle of the week. Actually there were many, but this one trumps them all. Okay, recap.  Grab some popcorn and a blanket cause this is like a movie.  Sarah is one of out investigators.  She is 15 and friends with our ward mission leader's daughter.  She talked with her friend in our ward and asked her why bad things happen to good people and was just really struggling with understanding who God was in her life. She has various family issues and found out a few months ago that she has cancer.  Amy (the ward mission leader's daughter) set up an appointment with us and we have been meeting with her ever since.  Her mom is very religious and it was a miracle that she allowed Sarah to meet with us in the first place.  Sarah told us that her mom said she has seen a difference in Sarah since she has been meeting with us and since reading the Book of Mormon but would not allow Sarah to be baptized until she moved out of the house.  Sarah has a true conversion to the gospel.  She recognizes the spirit and wants it so badly to be apart of her life.  We taught her last week about fasting and presented the idea of fasting as a group that week for her parent's hearts to be softened and that they would understand Sarah's desire to be baptized.  We met with her a few days ago and she said that after fasting she talked with her mom about being baptized and her mom said that she could see this was something that was very important to Sarah and agreed for her to be baptized!!!! MIRACLES OF THE LORD! HOLY COW! We set a date for Feb. 15 and she couldn't be more excited.  The ward has been incredible with fellowshipping her.  2 girls in the ward have come to multiple lessons with her and have really helped her feel welcome and at home in the ward.  We are so excited for her.  Sadly, her mom told her she would not attend her baptism nor would she ever step foot in a mormon church....:( we will try and change this.  
Another fasting miracle! So we have been working with a Less Active Native American family.  I wrote about them a few weeks ago.  The wife's father passed away and she took it really hard and called us over to pray with her.  The reason they haven't been coming was because the wife worked on Sundays.  They told us they wanted to come but couldn't because of her work schedule, so we introduced fasting, and as a group we fasted that she would get weekends off so her and her family could attend church.  AND SHE DID! She got weekends off! WHAAATT!! But then... THEY NEVER CAME! UGH! They always had some sort of excuse. So this week Sister Bonn and I went and bought a frame and framed the family proclamation.  The wife is expecting a little girl in a few short months so we thought it would be appropriate to read the churches stance on the family and read about the responsibilities that parents have and bear testimony of the blessings that come from growing up in a gospel centered home.....and we may or may not have called them out on not coming. But it worked! They came to church on Sunday.  And the ward was incredible.  So many people came up and introduced themselves and welcomed them  into the ward.  I LOVE THIS WARD.  The people here are incredible and I am obsessed with them.  The ward members truly care about the work and care about the missionaries.  I was so impressed to see how the ward responded when they came.  HOLLA HOLLA Dats whattsss up in Bozeman 3!
Also, not to brag or anything  but Sister Bonn and I lead the zone in lessons.  We had 37 lessons this week.  WE ARE ON FIIIRRREE.  I love love love Sister Greenfield, but she was so focused on the numbers, and it was never good enough at the end of the week.  But with Sister Bonn, we just have fun. Literally.  We pack our days full and make every moment a teaching opportunity and I don't even think about numbers until the end of the week and they always blow us away.  The work here is really picking up and I see so much potential with the people we are working with.  Our relationship with our Bishop has even progressed so much more than when I first got here.  Bishop has never invited the missionaries over for dinner, nor has he ever asked to meet with us to discuss our work.  But both of those are happening this week.  I think the cookies we brought  by his house a few weeks ago may have helped.....haha but I think that he is starting to really see our dedication and our drive.  
Also, I am in love with Sister Bonn.  I cannot explain how happy I am we are serving another transfer together. We will be with all of the other Sisters and it just makes me so grateful she is my companion.  She works so hard and is a wonderful missionary.  I think people can really tell when you are not only getting along with your companion but when you are having fun! They see that you are happy and that you are enjoying the work that you are doing.  It makes a difference with everyone we see whether non member or member.  That's not to say that we are perfect by any means.  There is a lot that I can do personally to improve and as a companionship we can work on, but for the most part things are going great.  This gospel and this message is an exciting thing, there is no reason not to be smiling and excited about it! 
Another Rhonda story.  We met with Rhonda this week and taught her about missionary work.  She is going to Missouri this week to visit her two kids and their families and her mother and friends all down there and she had packed up all the pamphlets we gave her, and her Book of Mormon as well as the Living Christ and Family Proclamation to show everyone.  What a star, that Rhonda.  hahaha She is awesome.  We got her tons of pamphlets to give her family so she wouldn't have to take her own copies. 

I can't think of anything else that really happened this week.  But I LOVE THIS WORK. I LOVE THIS GOSPEL. I LOVE THE LORD. I LOVE HOT TAMALES. I LOVE BEING WARM. I LOVE HAVING A CAR.  AND I LOVE ALL OF YOU! 
Thank you for always writing and giving words of encouragement. You don't understand how much that means to me and how much I take it to heart.  Dad, I loved hearing about your experience working at the bishop storehouse.  You are such a blessing to all those you come in contact with.  I brag about our family all the time and I always talk about my crazy goofy dad.  Basically you are famous in my zone and everyone wants to meet you.  :)  I also really enjoyed reading about your experience at dinner.  I loved what you said, that you can't expect to gain a testimony of the Spirit when dwelling on the things of the world.  I am going to use that.  You are so right.  I had a pretty in depth conversation with two of the Elders here about the 2nd coming and end of teh world type stuff and it was really incredible as we spoke how the Spirit just testified to me of the importance of this work and how important this gospel really and truly is.  I love it.  I am so thankful for all that you have done for me and raising me in the gospel.  I will forever be in your debt, but if you think that means I am changing your old people diapers when the time comes....I'm out.  hahaha I love you all! Have a wonderful week and I will talk to you all soon!
Sure Love Ya! Moline's Rock! Missionaries Rule!

Sista Molinsky 

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