Monday, January 6, 2014

Hello from the stinken north,
Greetings from freezing Montana! MOM YOUR GLOVES ARE THE BEST THING OF MY LIFE. THANK YOU!. Haha it got pretty cold this week.  But luckily we got the car most of the week because the other Sister's are not authorized to drive for whatever reason.  Im sad for them....but I am very happy.  hahaha
Anyway this week went by so fast, but at the same time.  Not at all.  I am having a hard time remembering what we even did this week. Well here is the story of a lifetime..  Get ready.  So a few nights ago Sister Bonn and I had the car and decided that we would go out in areas where the bus doesn't run and try and find some Less Actives.  So we are driving all over the town and at around 8:00 we put in someone's address into the GPS and Patricia, our GPS is taking us WAAAAYY far away.  Like at the base of the mountain far away.  By this time it is pretty dark out and for some reason Montana does not have street lights. I do not understand.  So we are driving in straight up darkness when we pull up to a house that is totally dark.  Not a single light on.  I don't know if I mentioned how dark it was.  It was dark.  We were walking towards the house and can't even see where the path leading to the door is, it is so dark.  But we are walking and I look down and see some animal prints in the snow leading to the door and I think "oh cuuuuttee a little deer." when Sister Bonn grabs my arm and half yells half whispers, "THERE'S AN ANIMAL" And just takes off running.  I am totally startled and have no idea what is happening, so I take off running behind her.  Okay pause, visual, please just imagine me in my black pencil skirt, big puffy coat, scarf, hat, mittens the whole sha bang trying to run away from this house.  Maybe swift waddling is a better term to be using.  AND then I biff it and straight up face plant it in the snow.  Straight up ate it.  And I CANT GET UP! All I know is there is some sort of beast right behind me about to eat me alive so I begin to yell at Sister Bonn.  Hahaha Sister Bonn's perspective is that as we were walking to the house she notices the back fence leading into the great wilderness of nature is wide open and then she notices the animal prints and thinks it was a deer until she looked closer and noticed they were big paw prints.  She says she followed the footprints up to the porch and sees this giant black mass moving around on the porch and that's when she grabbed my arm and took off.   Only to look back at me laying in the snow yelling "Sister Bonn I fell! I fell!"  And she just yells, GET UP! GET UP! Don't worry we made it out alive.  But it was a terrifying experience. How I got out of the snow I have no idea. But it was one of the funniest things that has ever happened.  I feel like this doesn't nearly explain how hilarious it was. oh but it was.

Anyway onto more spiritual things of my life.  We have been teaching a woman named Faith  for about a month or so and when Sister Greenfield left, she fell off planet earth.  BUT we were finally able to see her this week and I just love her to pieces.  She is so spiritual and wonderful. When we met with her the Spirit was totally there.  I can't say that I even did any of the talking.  It truly is an incredible experience when you know that the Spirit is working through you.  We met with her and set up another appointment for Saturday and when we came there was a note on the door labled, To my Sisters in Christ.  Tender.  She was sick so she couldn't meet, but I have high hopes for her.  Her and another family, the Fuquas.  I might have mentioned them before.  But the husband is a less active and the wife is not a member.  They have 3 little kids.  A set of 4 year old twins and a little boy.  ADORABLE family.  We have been teaching Bethany for a little while and asked her this last time to pray about baptism.  She always does all of the reading that we assign to her and our lessons always go very very well.  This last lesson we taught I think really hit home to her.  She started crying as she was talking about praying to God about baptism.  She will get there.  It is totally going to happen. We just have to go slow with her because she is taking what we say very seriously and wants to make the right decision. We are meeting with her tomorrow and hopefully she will have the answer.  Pray for her would you? 
Sister Bonn and I also had the opportunity to go to one of the more popular churches in town this week.  Rhenon's good friend Jodie (who is man, thought I would clear up any misconceptions)  goes to this church and Rhenon said that if she went to church with him he had to come to the Mormon church with her.  We have met with Jodie a few times and had dinner with him, so we came along to show that we were willing to see what he believes and what his church teaches.  I was a little nervous going in there with name tags and everything but I figured we would just sit in the back.  FALSE.  We got there SOOOOO late with Rhenon and Jodie that the only spots available were at the VERY FRONT. So the usher escorted us up there.  Totes embarrassing.  But I have to say, sitting through that service really strengthened my testimony.  I was looking around and these people looked like good people, that were truly wanting to do what God would have them do.  And even the preacher, he was a nice man and had some wonderful things to say. He talked a lot about receiving the mansions our Father has for us in heaven, and how we just need to be good people and through the grace of God we can get there.  True and true.  But as I was sitting there it really hit me that there is no path.  No set way to get there.  Just be good and God will receive you.  That's something that I love love love about the Gospel, is that there is a way.  A set way.  Through having Faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ we are lead to act, to want to be more like him and do what he would have us do which leads us to Repentance.  And as we repent of our sins we qualify ourselves to baptism, which is the gate.  Christ himself was even baptized to show us that all men, even the Savior of the world needed to be baptized.  And after we have entered through that gate we are on the path that leads to the temple and then to the celestial kingdom with God.  We are constantly progressing, constantly growing and moving forward on this path as we continue to have faith, repent, and renew our covenants.  It gives us map of where we can go and how we can get there.  I don't know if that made a lot of sense.  I also thought a lot about how in the Bible Christ says to Peter, upon this rock I will build my church.  CHURCH. Not Churches.  Why then are there so many churches?  There has got to be one. And that also lead me to the authority and the organization of the church.  I don't have a lot of time to go into detail.  But I am so thankful for the organization of the church.  Built on apostles and prophets of the Lord.  It really just makes so much sense to me that God loves us and has called a prophet since the begging of time and because he loves us and is the same yesterday, today and forever, the way he shows his love for his children is the same.  I wish I could better express my thoughts right now. Basically, WE HAVE THE AUTHORITY OF GOD ON THE EARTH TODAY, WE HAVE A PROPHET AND APOSTLES. AND IT BLOWS MY MIND. 
Also, Brother Guillian our ward mission leader, whom I love and adore said he was searching his daughters name on google or something and he came across my blog.  Hahahahaha funny funny.  We had a meeting with him yesterday and as we were closing he just told Sister Bonn and I thank you for all the work we have been doing in the Bozeman 3rd ward.  And to take a moment and look at all the progress that has been made.  He got a little teary eyed as he told us that God is very pleased with our efforts, which totally had my eyes watering like a baby.  It's so nice to hear someone say that we are making a difference. I don't always feel that way, but I do know that Sister Bonn and I are working hard and that progress is being made here. 
Well I best be going.  I love you all like crazy. Thank you for always writing me and supporting me.  I can't imagine doing this without my family backing me up.  Thank YOU! LOVE YOU!
Sure love ya Moline's rock, missionaries rule!
Sista Molinator

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