Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hola Hola Hola from Bozeman,

AAAANNNNDDD I am STAYING! WOOT WOOT! Life is good. Life is real real good.  Sister Bonn and I are both staying in Bozeman together.  Our companionship and the zone leaders are the only companionship's that are staying the same.  Everyone else is either leaving or getting another companion.  I know that there is more work for me to do here and I am stoked. I also know that we are both staying here for Rhenon.  No doubt about that.

This week was so weird time wise.  It went by fast, but when I think of the beginning of last week it seems like ages ago. It was definitely a crazy week.  There were quite a few ups and downs with Rhenon.  She called us twice this week and told us she couldn't do this and she didn't want to meet with us anymore.  But that is all over now and things are okay.  I can't even begin to understand how hard this truly is for her.  But she has come so far and is making great progress.  It really is just so emotionally draining to be constantly lifting people up all day long. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy it, it is hard work though.  Quote of the week, we were with Rhenon last night and she was so miffed that the stake president made her go to this older singles FHE.  Apparently he told her to go because he wanted her to socialize with a good group of singles.  hahaha you have talked to Rhenon a little so you may remember that she does not take any crap from anyone and says what is on her mind,  Straight up.  She told us that all of these super weird guys were talking to her and all the people there were super old and strange.  Then she goes on to say, " going to that FHE makes me want to associate with A LOT of felons." hahahahaha oh Rhenon you silly little girl.  Now that I am writing it out it doesn't seem as funny...but I promise, it was.  Rhenon is amazing and I love her so much.  She was having a really hard time this week with the idea of Sister Bonn and I leaving.  She also is really tight with the zone leaders who we bring to a lot of lessons and she was really worried about all of us leaving and her having no one to help her along this path.  It is no coincidence that we are the only two companionship's that are staying.  I am sure it is for Rhenon.  
Earlier this week Sister Bonn and I went down main street and thought we would try and talk to people and just be seen among the people.  We stopped into a few stores and had some really great conversations with some great people.  We went into another store and started talking to a lady that worked there and once she found out we were missionaries she tore into us.  It actually was a very interesting conversation and really opened up my eyes.  She basically believed that there are no such things as morals and ethics because they come from the "world" and anything from the world is not of God.  If we made it, it is not of God. She even got into saying that stealing and committing adultery are okay......what?  she talked about how if you steal someone's possession it is not of God anyway, it is of the world.  ANd that sleeping with your neighbor's wife is fine because love is a worldly term. There is only love from our God.  Honestly...I did not get it at all.  She got so worked up and as she was talking to us all I could think about is how everything she is saying is justifying her actions.  We asked her about the Ten Commandments and she said that they weren't literal, but that they were of a spiritual nature and the whole point of the Bible is to have the Holy Spirit in you.  I just felt so sad for this woman.  She wouldn't listen to anything we had to say and told us that we are being punished while on earth because we didn't want to be with our Heavenly Father.  It made me so grateful for the GLAD message that our gospel brings.  That our Heavenly Father does love us and he sent us here to learn and grown and progress into the beings he saw us becoming.  And we have a Savior as an example of who we want to be, who showed us how to be kind and love one another and live a way that would bring us true happiness.  It was so interesting. I am not explaining it very well. But it was definitely a testimony builder. 
AH! So I don't know if I have told you all about the Fuqua's.  If I have, forgive me for writing all this out again.  Basically the story is similar to last week in the sense that we were given them from the ward to find and the NEVER answered the door. One day they did and Sister Greenfield and I asked if we could practice the lessons on their family.  The husband is an inactive member and his wife is not a member.  They have twin 4 year old girls and an 18 month old boy.  Bascially most adorable family ever. It became evident that after the first lesson we weren't practicing but that we were really teaching their family.  We have been meeting with them pretty regularly and talking  with the wife a lot.  She always does the reading and has questions and last week we asked her to pray and ask God if she should be baptized.  When we went over there she told us that she had had a dream the night after our last lesson and that it was the end of the world.  She was in sheer panic and fright as she was running around trying to prepare for the end of the world.  And what caused her so much more stress and panic was that she wasn't with her family.  She told us that she couldn't be because of some decisions that she had made.  WHAT.  When she told us all this she said that she believed it was a sign that she needed to listen to what the missionaries were telling her and that it truly was divine intervention when we came knocking on their door. So we pulled out a calendar and she picked a date to be baptized.  BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE.  What excites me even more than her being baptized is all the doors it opens to her kids, and her family that has already passed on.  What a blessing.  I am so excited.  We are going over again tonight.
P.s. sorry we are emailing today, the library was closed yesterday because of Martin Luther King Day. 
OH! Sister Glenn is the new Sister Training Leader in bozeman! Cray Cray!  
Mom, did my ward mission leader email you?  Brother Giullian?  
The weather has been oh so fantastic.  You don't realize how much you miss the sun until you have it again.  I LOVE IT.

I feel like I say this all the time.  But I love this gospel.  It is absolutely amazing to see the Spirit work with people and to see the wheels turning in their head.  Once it clicks, it makes all the hard times this week and in past weeks SO WORTH IT.  Sometimes I cannot believe that I am actually on a mission, that I have been trusted to come to Bozeman and work with the children of our Heavenly Father.  I know that I am here for a reason and I know that I am supposed to be.  I am so thankful for my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ and for what he did for each and every one of us.  I often think how did I get so lucky to have been born into the gospel.  But I now know it is because I was meant to be one of the Lord's servants and find those that were not and bring them back to Him.

I love you all! Thank you for always writing me :) 
And don't have too much skiing!!!! hahaha I am so jealous.  Come to Montana! It is great skiing weather now :)
Love you all and pray for you daily! 

Talk to you soon

Sister Moline

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