Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 13, 2013

The time is seriously just whizzing by.  It is insane.  I feel like I was just sitting here emailing yesterday.  I cannot believe that this week is already week 6 of the transfer! We find out this Sunday what the transfer news is......I feel like my time in Bozeman may be up ladies and gentleman.  Which really makes me sad. :( BUT! Cross your fingers! There is hope! There is an Elder here that has served in Bozeman for his entire mission! 10 months.  There is hope! 

Let me first off tell you about this wonderful lesson we had with Rhonda.  We were talking in ward council how we need to start bringing other ward members to the new member lessons, so we invited a woman from our ward.  We decided to go over temples, eternal marriage  and family history and all that good stuff with her.  It rocked.  Straight up rocked.  The woman that came to the lesson with us unknown to me and Sister Bonn had a son that died when he was 15 years old.  Talk about inspiration to bring her! She bore a sweet sweet testimony of families and being sealed in the temple.  Rhonda was once told by someone that she could never go into a temple. FALSE.  We cleared that up real fast.  And when we explained that she could do baptisms for her grandparents and parents and be sealed to them, Rhonda began to cry.  She was so excited to hear that she could be sealed to her parents and grandparents.  She kept saying over and over this is so right, it just feels so right.  Then she said, why doesn't everyone get baptized!?  This is such wonderful news! We ask ourselves that everyday Rhonda.  Anyway, just a tender lesson this week.  

Basically Rhenon is the love of my life.  I love her so much.  I know that I am supposed to be in Bozeman for Rhenon.  This week was a little rough for her, but we pulled through together. I love her.  I cannot even begin to explain the love that I have for Rhenon.  Yesterday night we stopped by to share a video with her and I bore my testimony to Rhenon and we both just cried.  She is an incredible woman.  I am so proud of her.  She will be the hardest to leave if I get transferred.  

MIRACLE OF THE WEEK! Listen up! So Sister Greenfield and I were asked to go track down a less active in the ward a few months back.  We finally tracked down he house and turns out that this man had moved.  We went to the address and no one answered.  We know he lives there cause I may or may not have creeped in the mail.....federal offense...I know.  But it had to be done. Anyway for the past few months we would stop by and no one would ever answer.  Lights would be on, but no answer.  I am serious when  I say months and months.  He turned into one of those people if we had 15 minutes before an appointment we would knock on his door with the expectation that he would never answer.  BUT this week Sister Bonn and I were in the neighborhood and we had 20 minutes, so we knocked on the door and lo and behold he answered the door.  I was kind of shocked when it happened, but we introduced ourselves and asked if there was another time we could come by.  He said we could and that was the end of it.  I was jumping for joy after he shut the door. I was so happy! THEN we get a call the next day and it is this man's brother who is active in another ward.  He said that his brother called him right after we had left to tell him that two missionaries just came to his door.  He went on to say that his brother got choked up on the phone saying that he felt the spirit so strong when we were talking with him at his door and he is ready to come back.  The man I was on the phone with said, do not give up on him.  Don't be afraid to be bold and stern, but do not give up on him. Tender mercies.

Also I love singing to people at appointments.  I just love it.  Sister Bonn sings like an angel of the Lord and it is absolutely wonderful.  We went and visited an older woman who has cancer in a medical care center this week.  She couldn't talk very well and seemed so unhappy, but we sang to her and she just cried and cried.  One of the nurses came in as we were singing Be Still My Soul and got a little teary eyed as well.  The spirit speaks so strongly through music.  I just love it.  

I am so glad to hear about Grandma and how she is doing.  She emailed me this week.  What a wonderful woman :) I love her.  It sounds like the time you spent with her one on one was a really neat experience.  Tell her I love her.  Please keep me updated. 

Sorry this email is so short.  Next week you will find out if I am staying or going.  I hope I never leave this place!  

I love you all so much! 

Until next week!

Sister Moreen

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