Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ohmygosh! Best week of my life.  FO REAl.  First off talking to all of you was the best thing ever.  I thought it would be weird but it wasn't at all and I felt like I was at home.  I loved loved loved being able to see all of you and to talk to you.  Haha Rhenon is awesome and totally crazy haha I am glad you got to talk to her.  I didn't cry after I hung up! It really wasn't that bad once we were out and moving again and teaching.  We had double dinners that night. I about died with how much food I ate.  I should have won a medal.  Haha we spent most of the day at Rhenon's and then went to another famiy's house for dinner where they had some non member friends come and then we went to a member's home and sang Christmas songs with them.  That made me miss home. I miss gathering around the piano and singing with mom and maur.  Anyway, then we went caroling to some investigators and less active's homes with some other missionaries.  WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL. 
Okay Chrismas was great, but what was even better was Rhonda's Baptism!!!! It was held on Saturday.  AH! So wonderful.  The spirit was so strong.  Amy Niedens is 20 and worked all through high school for Rhonda in the flower shop and the two of them are wicked close so she gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. There was not one dry eye in the place.  Rhonda's husband Ted even came.  I can't even tell you how happy that made me.  When we saw the two of them pull up I was like, Sister Bonn! Hug me! Today is a good day! hahaha Sister Ward, our Sister Training Leader started teaching Rhonda last year.  I saw her this week and told her she had to come and surprise Rhonda, so she did.  It was wonderful.  We talked to Rhonda at church yesterday and she said she is just so happy.  She had no other way of explaining the way she felt.  She was just happy.  She said I went to bed happy, I woke up happy.  I feel like a weight has been lifted and I am light.  AH! Rhonda you babe. Love her.  We taught her the Word of Wisdom on Thursday and I was pretty nervous with how close it was to the baptism on Saturday, but then I remember, it's Rhonda.  haha we taught the Word of Wisdom and she was like, girls, I love it.  I want this.  WHO SAYS THAT?!  The only issue she had was coffee and even then she was so excited to clean out her cupboards and start drinking lemon and honey water in the mornings.  Like what?! GOLDEN.  RHONDA IS GOLDEN.  It was funny, Rhonda went to a Christian bookstore earlier this week to find herself a nice Book of Mormon and she told us that when she asked the employee there he was just appalled that she would ask such a thing.  Then she went on to say, why wouldn't anyone want this!?  Why don't more people get baptized?  It's so wonderful! Hahahahaha I think God is thinking the same thing too Rhonda.  At the baptism though I was just so unbelievably happy.  Rhonda told us some pretty personal things that had happened in her past and it made the baptism that much more beautiful.  To know that she is washed clean.  I just got overwhelmed with this feeling of love for her and to think how happy and how proud our Heavenly Father is of her.  I can't even imagine.  I am so happy for this decicsion she has made and for this step she has taken.  She has entered in the gate and is that much closer to live with her Father again.  Nothing makes me happier.
Sister Bonn and I get along so freaking well.  I love her so much.  We are mission soul mates.  Haha I have never had so much fun doing missionary work.  It seriously is a relief.  We taught Gospel Principles and Young Women's yesterday and it was so much fun! Ha she is such a natural and connects with people so well.  I hope and pray we stay together here.  Cross your fingers. 

I cannot believe how fast the time has flown by.  Christmas has already happened! WHAT! When did that happen?  I feel like I just got here.  Weird.  I got an email from Sister Nine that made my life.  I need to email her back and tell her how wonderful that was.  I also got a package from the Harveys and a letter from the Heins and Goodmans.  Tenders! So thoughtful. 
It sounds like Christmas was so wonderful at home! Tanner! Solid job on Dad's present.  You all look so great! I love love love the pictures! Seriously.  We are one good lookin family.  Ha.  Sister Horrucks in my district saw a picture of our family and was very impressed with how attractive we all are.  And Maurie, without fail everyone that sees you thinks you are a babe.  It's true. 
Also some funny moments on my mission:  Sister Greenfield and I went to contact a referral we had received.  The woman told us thank you, but that she wasn't interested right now and would let us know if she ever was.  She had two guy roommates and Sister Greenfield says to her, "well hey if you ever need leaves raked or dishes done give us call, oh and if you ever want some female interaction!" took everything in my power not to die laughing.I kinda looked at her and back at the lady and thought to myself, did that really just happen?  WE left in silence then I look at sister greenfield and say, "female interaction huh?"  hahahahahah
Other golden moment, we went to find a less active and turns out the person no longer lived there but a college aged girl did, so Sister greenfield introduces us as missionaries and asks her if she has ever heard of the church and the girl says that she has.  Then Sister Greenfield pauses and says to her,  "do you have any friends?"  the awkwardness went on for what seemed like 700 years. She meant to say do you have any friends in the church? But left out that little importnat piece of information.  The girl responded and was like, ummm yes?  we were out of there in .5 seconds. 
I have developed an undying love for awkward situations.  If it aint awkward you aren't doing it right! And if it is....swim in it. Just swim in it. 
Anyway, I best be going.  I love you all! Take care and be safe! I am so happy to hear that evevryone is doing well. 
P.S. it made my life that we did sure love ya on skype
Sister Moleezy

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